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Girls arrested for removing Hijab during sports event in Iran (Shiraz city)

One man tells/asks women cover their body, asks them to try to earn men's respect, and finally let the society accept women as equal to men not as a tool of joy.

An other man asks women to show their curvy body in the streets, asks women to behave like an attention seeking whore and not as equal to men in the society.

Which one of them is trying to abuse beauty of women in the name of freedom? And which one is trying to earn the respect of society for women's place among men?
Regardless of religion, country, culture there seems to be this sort of affront to women. Why is that? They are abt 50% of humans, they are the ones we are closest to as our mother, sister, wife, daughter.... whether you are a fundamentalist jihad or a SCOTUS justice. Yet we keep doing this to them.
Good job Iran.
If media says this, reality is they were spreading some sort of fitna.
Good job! Don’t let their western fitna spread in your country. If France bans hijab, why can’t Iran make hijab mandatory? Hypocrites!
Tell the many European countries to end hijab ban then speak.
Keep your fitna, society ruining ideologies to your self. We have Islam as our ideology!
You should. There are humans and Muslims living there, unless you don't care for either.
First we will care for our Muslim sisters in India who are more closer to us than Iranian Muslims from you rapey hindutvadis
Hijab should not be forced and should not be banned by force! there should be a middle way (starting with allowing tourists the freedom of not wearing hijab). However indecent clothing should not be allowed.

In religious cities like Qom and some areas like around the Imam Reza shrine it should be forced because of the holy character of these places, keeping the religious identity alive.
This way there will be a peaceful middleway and a huge defeat and blow to those who wage soft-war against Iran, directly destroying their "hijab-tool" (one of their main favorite keys do divide Iranian society in very simple way, cutting Iranian society literally in 2 parts accoring to polls from recent years which shows 50% oppose and 50% support compulsory hijab).

Iran should not fear what I would call "a national agreement". It will only improve the unity along the lines of male-female and religious-non-religious and conservative-progressive. Propaganda topics and tools of enemy to divide the society like feminism, atheism, liberalism will be weakened by this "national agreement". Also Iranian religious leaders who might fear "losing face" by reversing a big decision of Islamic republic may have to use Iraq, lebanon, Syria, Palestine as example of close Islamic and regional countries who have this kind of balance in their society. It would be handy for Iran to convince the regional Marja and religious and cultural leaders of these societies to sit together and announce a cultural ethical vision/agreement which then must firmly be put in the constitution in a way that it would be impossible for extremists (liberalists) to import the western-liberalist (extremist) model to Iran and regional countries.

Iran must lead creating this kind of middle way in the region (and Asia by extension) opposing the western liberal system. Asian (religious) leaders, clothing industry, politicians should hand in hand lead and expand this vision of ethical based middle-way to create an alternative to the exremist liberal western system.
Nothing changed!!









The fact that Iran and Saudi are the two competitors for leader of the Muslim world must be very depressing for Muslims.

competitors under USA rule behind the scenes. that is depressing for muslims.
Hijab should not be forced and should not be banned by force! there should be a middle way (starting with allowing tourists the freedom of not wearing hijab).
Hail Tourists 😅😂🤣

However indecent clothing should not be allowed.
What is indecent for you can be fine with me, following your initial statement, as hijab shouldn't be forced, clothing too shouldn't be forced, so we are again in case 1

In religious cities like Qom and some areas like around the Imam Reza shrine it should be forced because of the holy character of these places, keeping the religious identity alive.

Hypocrisy, decency related only to Marqads and shrines! Turning religion to folklore.

This way there will be a peaceful middleway and a huge defeat and blow to those who wage soft-war against Iran, directly destroying their "hijab-tool" (one of their main favorite keys do divide Iranian society in very simple way, cutting Iranian society literally in 2 parts accoring to polls from recent years which shows 50% oppose and 50% support compulsory hijab).

So if 51% of the people are for legalization drugs, the government should allow it and follow the trend 🤔

Iran should not fear what I would call "a national agreement". It will only improve the unity along the lines of male-female and religious-non-religious and conservative-progressive. Propaganda topics and tools of enemy to divide the society like feminism, atheism, liberalism will be weakened by this "national agreement". Also Iranian religious leaders who might fear "losing face" by reversing a big decision of Islamic republic may have to use Iraq, lebanon, Syria, Palestine as example of close Islamic and regional countries who have this kind of balance in their society. It would be handy for Iran to convince the regional Marja and religious and cultural leaders of these societies to sit together and announce a cultural ethical vision/agreement which then must firmly be put in the constitution in a way that it would be impossible for extremists (liberalists) to import the western-liberalist (extremist) model to Iran and regional countries.

Iran must lead creating this kind of middle way in the region (and Asia by extension) opposing the western liberal system. Asian (religious) leaders, clothing industry, politicians should hand in hand lead and expand this vision of ethical based middle-way to create an alternative to the exremist liberal western system.
Iran should not fear being the exception in applying Islamic rules and spirit above all the Muslim world.

There is an Arab say " You give a finger, they take the whole hand", once you give one concession, you are skrewed.....
In some European countries, women are allowed to walk around topless. but in other western countries such as the USA. they would get arrested almost immidiatly.

In some countries your allowed to walk around butt naked, are they the most free?

every country has some sort of dress code enforced by law. Irans happens to include a hair covering for women.

this is how the average Iranian women walking down tehran or other major cities looks like:





In religous places the chador has to be worn.

and in university or government instutiotios, a more conservative type headgear is required that looks kinda like this:


If you go to a religous setting , you have to wear this:


Were not animals here. Every society has a dress code. Irans is a little more conservative then most. and its only the business of IRanians (not some white right wing muslim hating pigs with agendas) to come to how they want to police their society.

nobody in Europe is forcing the US to allow women to walk around topless...

nobody in hunter gatherer tribes is forcing the europeans to ditch their underwears and go out buttnaked in your natural birthday suit?

why is it non Iranian people think they have a right to tell Iranian women what to wear? inside their own country?

Hijab is a symbol of the islamic revolution. If a supreme leader approves its abolishment, the image would be that Iran and the leader are straying away from the ideals of the Islamic revolution.

thats why it has never been removed. Though its become so loosely enforced, that its a non-issue as far as im concerned.

This issue can be revisted by Iranians themselves at a later date, but I doubt Khamenei will ever agree to it (for the above reasons).
Under no circumstances is compulsory hijab to be repealed, no matter how much the Iranian people bleat about it like sheep.

Giving them their way with Rouhani brought 8 years of disaster and this will be worse.
In France they won't let women wear the hijab with fear of penalty. In Iran women want to take the hijab off and they are punished.

The world is mental. 😂
one thing changed , the colorful clothes Iranian were wearing was changed with black and as a result many Iranian textile worker lost their job, some import oriented merchant get reach and we spent our hard earned cash to make job for Korean and Japanese worker instead.
If you go to a religous setting , you have to wear this:

honestly you don't need complete hijab in religious sitting, but its better and more respectful to have it



and as I see my family tends to religious sitting but the only place they wear chador is Imam Reza Shrine and Shah-Cheragh in Shiraz
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one thing changed , the colorful clothes Iranian were wearing was changed with black and as a result many Iranian textile worker lost their job, some import oriented merchant get reach and we spent our hard earned cash to make job for Korean and Japanese worker instead.

Black chadors have been worn for centuries in Iran (as in Qajar times when faces would be covered too at times), and furthermore colored apparel is imported too.


and as I see my family tends to religious sitting but the only place they wear chador is Imam Reza Shrine and Shah-Cheragh in Shiraz

Chador is absolutely compulsory at all holy shrines of the a'emmeh as well as in most if not all emamzade sanctuaries. No female enters any of these in lighter outfit and it's not a matter of choice alhamdAllah.
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Not a defence/strategic affairs topic so moved.
My own opinion the hijab worn by Iranian women is very nice.
Black chadors have been worn for centuries in Iran, and furthermore colored apparel is imported too.
don't change history the black chadore become mainstream at the middle of qajar and for Iran traditional appeal go and look at iranian tribes like , kurd, lors , Bakhtiary ,gilak , Mazandaranian , Tats , baluch , then come and we talk.
that black clothes was like a stab in the back of all workers who were working in Iranian textile industry to fatten the pocket of several traitorous merchant

and please don't say we wore black clothes in mourning so it was worn in Iran for centuries.

please don't mistake modest wearing with black clothes, we always had a colorful country , well sadly till Qajar era
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