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Girl traveler walks into a tiny desert village in Xinjiang, steals fruits after finding fruits are everywhere and for free in the village


Nov 4, 2011
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Girl traveler walks into a tiny desert village in Xinjiang, she finds that every house grow grapes and other fruits outside their yards and people are welcome to pick them up for free, the villagers are so friendly and hospitable, she picks and tries some grapes and was even invited by a villager into her home.

Tourists walk into a Tajik home in a Chinese Pamir border village, Xinjiang province, the hosts are so hospitable and friendly, could be the most hospitable people in whole China.

So I suppose the residents drink wine too since they are making wine using grapes.
That village is a good example of a good socialist policies. would be very popular in France and Italy.
I do appreciate Chinese fast evolution in last 10-15 years. But I do have some serious reservations about non-provision of freedom of religion. Muslim Uighurs are not traitors to China, neither believing or practicing religion will cause any chaos or disturbance in Chinese society. Chinese leadership should also address this shortcoming. Religious, cultural and ethnic tolerance has now become part and parcel of modern societies.
I’m sorry @beijingwalker but I saw also the opposite on french TV too (I don’t remember where exactly but it was in a ouighours area) . I agree that french are opposed to China as they are US’ ally and therefore were doing their own propaganda, but sometimes I have feelings that there should be something fishy on both sides as I saw several of the videos you posted here.

I know China has supported and still is supporting Pakistan and as a Pakistani I’m very thankful about that. But yes I know also that supporting Pakistan is in China’s own interests too.

Now where is the truth ? Surely somewhere in the middle of both sides’ propaganda...

show us a single mosque where older, youngers and more youngers people could be seen, show some video with Quranic schools where people are learning Islam etc. All my doubt will be cleared.

I do appreciate Chinese fast evolution in last 10-15 years. But I do have some serious reservations about non-provision of freedom of religion. Muslim Uighurs are not traitors to China, neither believing or practicing religion will cause any chaos or disturbance in Chinese society. Chinese leadership should also address this shortcoming. Religious, cultural and ethnic tolerance has now become part and parcel of modern societies.

There is no wholesale persecution in the Xinjiang region of Muslims, the troublesome bunch are out into education facilities to be de-radicalised. OIC delegates have visited the camps and the region and were happy with it.
show us a single mosque where older, youngers and more youngers people could be seen
Actually there are many mosques in China, even in my home city Beijing we have many mosques, Muslim streets and restaurants, Beijing 牛街 mosques has a history of 600 years. I don't know which kind of mosques you refer, but here is youtube search results for Chinese mosques.

And the biggest Muslim population is Hui Muslim, not Uighurs in Xinjiang.

True. All these propaganda 2 minutes video looks so fake.
Chinese people love to live their life in fake.
LOL, is this video also fake?

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