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Girl traveler walks into a tiny desert village in Xinjiang, steals fruits after finding fruits are everywhere and for free in the village

i dont trust communists
You do not have to like their beliefs. But you must learn from them, how and why they are progressing so fast. As Pakistanis we must appreciate their good points and try to adopt them in our country.
[...I don't know which kind of mosques you refer,...]

as I said I don’t remember exactly, it was a TV program broadcasted few years ago (2 or 3 years ago) but it was in town in the Xinjiang.

Here a video I’ve found from the link you posted :

What’s chocked me in this video is the comment of the Han ethnic woman (roughly from 06:00) : the 3 together”
I’m not speaking Chinese so I have to believe the translation provided in the video.

So as I have said previously the truth is to be find somewhere in the Middle.

If someone is involved in terrorism you have and everyone has the duty to neutralise him.

As I never interacted with Chinese people, so I don’t know Chinese culture not Chinese mindset. Therefore I agree we could have for sure some misunderstandings.

As there is a propaganda in western countries about Xinjiang and you post video who seems to be “faked” to us, you have to understand the mindset of western countries and offer videos seems real life. Because if not, then doubts arise.

Take care.
What’s chocked me in this video is the comment of the Han ethnic woman (roughly from 06:00) : the 3 together”
I’m not speaking Chinese so I have to believe the translation provided in the video.
To be frank I don't even understand her dialect without English subtitles, probably Sichuan dialect from south China and Since when a clueless randam street old lady's crazy rant became a source of information? the same type of the women can tell you how they saw a ghost and spend hours trying to convince you they really did.
To be frank I don't even understand her dialect without English subtitles, probably Sichuan dialect from south China and Since when a clueless randam street old lady's crazy rant became a source of information? the same type of the women can tell you how they saw a ghost and spend hours trying to convince you they really did.

that’s why I would like to discover the truth.
Because in the video we can feel the tense situation.

Update : sometimes even a random person’s opinion reveal the unsaid truth.
I have experienced it by myself. So she could as much you want, there is something behind her opinion.
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that’s why I would like to discover the truth.
Because in the video we can feel the tense situation.

Update : sometimes even a random person’s opinion reveal the unsaid truth.
I have experienced it by myself. So she could as much you want, there is something behind her opinion.
The op videos were just posted in couples of days and if you check their youtube channels you can find they are just avid travelers making vlogs, they are random people, they visited those average villagers homes and do you feel "tense" in their vlogs? The very fact that they can travel solo in Xinjiang heartland and were welcomed by every single family they came across explained everything about the current situation in Xinjiang.
Because in the video we can feel the tense situation.
Millions of travelers travel solo in Xinjiang and Tibet, many of them are girls, not a single incident happened, if the situation in those regions is " tense" as you claimed, shouldn't those solo travelers at least show some sort of worry about their personal safety?

One third of Xinjiang's GDP is from tourism, I won't term any places where a third of their total income solely from tourism as a "tense" place.
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The op videos were just posted in couples of days and if you check their youtube channels you can find they are just avid travelers making vlogs, they are random people, they visited those average villagers homes and do you feel "tense" in their vlogs? The very fact that they can travel solo in Xinjiang heartland and were welcomed by every single family they came across explained everything about the current situation in Xinjiang.

Millions of travelers travel solo in Xinjiang and Tibet, many of them are girls, not a single incident happened, if the situation in those regions is " tense" as you claimed, shouldn't those solo travelers at least show some sort of worry about their personal safety?

One third of Xinjiang's GDP is from tourism, I won't term any places where a third of their total income solely from tourism as a "tense" place.

You misunderstood me or most probably I didn’t expressed correctly what I wanted to say (english is not my first language nor my second one)

what I wanted to say is not about civilians but about the presence of police, you can feel then the “tense” situation. Maybe the word “tense” is not appropriate. Add to that the “ I don’t have to criticise government policies” etc. There are small hints which as a human, my brain try to connect.
what I wanted to say is not about civilians but about the presence of police, you can feel then the “tense” situation.
Police presence is very common in every city, in Beijing they are everywhere as well, no one pays attention to them, their presence is to deter crimes, not the general public.
I do appreciate Chinese fast evolution in last 10-15 years. But I do have some serious reservations about non-provision of freedom of religion. Muslim Uighurs are not traitors to China, neither believing or practicing religion will cause any chaos or disturbance in Chinese society. Chinese leadership should also address this shortcoming. Religious, cultural and ethnic tolerance has now become part and parcel of modern societies.
Even though Muslims in west have more freedom to practice their religion compared to China but their is limitation. For example, you can not build a mosque with minarat which is also banned in China, and one can not either sacrifice a goat in their backyard. There are also many subjects in islam that if one is to discuss might end up in jail. Muslims in west abide by western rules while Muslims in China have problem with abiding by the rule of the land where they live.
Many uniformed personnel are not police, we call them auxiliary police, they were hired to help police to patrol the streets to make sure law and order.

Stabbing children crimes occasionally happen in China, so all across China, schools are highly guarded, heavy police presence and security guards are posted outside every school gate, school compounds are fenced with barbwires. In Xinjiang, students parents and family members are requested to go and guard the school gates in turns wearing uniform red vest when the students leave schools.

It's becoming like a community duty for the parents. This girl was doing this duty for her younger sister.
Xinjiang police guarding a rural school in a Xinjiang small town, everyday at the same time, they have to be there.
Even though Muslims in west have more freedom to practice their religion compared to China but their is limitation. For example, you can not build a mosque with minarat which is also banned in China, and one can not either sacrifice a goat in their backyard. There are also many subjects in islam that if one is to discuss might end up in jail. Muslims in west abide by western rules while Muslims in China have problem with abiding by the rule of the land where they live.
I do not agree with your assertion. The statement given by an old Han Chinese lady in the following video is enough evidence about what is happening to Uighurs.
I do not agree with your assertion. The statement given by an old Han Chinese lady in the following video is enough evidence about what is happening to Uighurs.

Try establishing a hard core Islamic society in western world and see how government cracks down on your @ss. Like I said, no doubt PRC is cracking down on minorities really hard but their crack down is not just because they are Muslims. If that was the case then they would have ditched Pakistan long time ago and Pakistan's only economic lifeline "CPEC" would be down the drain as well.
Try establishing a hard core Islamic society in western world and see how government cracks down on your @ss. Like I said, no doubt PRC is cracking down on minorities really hard but their crack down is not just because they are Muslims. If that was the case then they would have ditched Pakistan long time ago and Pakistan's only economic lifeline "CPEC" would be down the drain as well.
We cannot establish "hard core" or pure Islamic society even in Pakistan, making these type of societies need motivation from grass root level to the top leadership. Unfortunately, this type of motivation do not exist in any part of the world.
A modern society has high degree of tolerance, religious, cultural and ethnic. Islam is one of the religion of that society.

I am asking the world governments specially China to be more open minded and respect the minority religion, culture, traditions and ethnicity.

Those who act against state, whether he is Muslim or otherwise must be taken to task, but do not generalize it for whole minority nation.
Do these villagers look persecuted, oppressed and not happy? People's overall sentiment on the grassroots level speaks volume. All propaganda pro or against become pale in front of it.
They certainly look persecuted and oppressed you can tell from their smiles and happiness.:rofl::rofl:
We cannot establish "hard core" or pure Islamic society even in Pakistan, making these type of societies need motivation from grass root level to the top leadership. Unfortunately, this type of motivation do not exist in any part of the world.
A modern society has high degree of tolerance, religious, cultural and ethnic. Islam is one of the religion of that society.

I am asking the world governments specially China to be more open minded and respect the minority religion, culture, traditions and ethnicity.

Those who act against state, whether he is Muslim or otherwise must be taken to task, but do not generalize it for whole minority nation.

It's up to you, you trust or doubt other's story. Xinjiang is open, packed up and travel after covid-19. So damn simple thing, but you have to be twisted by second-hand informations. Before travel, learn some Chinese courtesy, and laws, don't annoy the locals and obey local rules. At necessary time, when you miss the way or meet some trouble, tell strangers where you are from, the good presons will help you. Wish you accept my advices and enjoy the trip.
We cannot establish "hard core" or pure Islamic society even in Pakistan, making these type of societies need motivation from grass root level to the top leadership. Unfortunately, this type of motivation do not exist in any part of the world.
A modern society has high degree of tolerance, religious, cultural and ethnic. Islam is one of the religion of that society.

I am asking the world governments specially China to be more open minded and respect the minority religion, culture, traditions and ethnicity.

Those who act against state, whether he is Muslim or otherwise must be taken to task, but do not generalize it for whole minority nation.

By the way, I have browsed some Indian vlogers traveling around in China and recorded their experience but I never browed one Pakistani travelers. I guess Pakistan people travel to middle east, turkey or europe more often. So this is not our problem which caused your lack of information, you guys maybe don't care so much.

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