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GHQ Check-Post Attackers Killed - Hostages Rescued!


"Operation resumed at 6AM. Commandos have infiltrated the building. Most of the compound has been cleared." -Major General Athar Abbas (DG ISPR)-
If you don't consider this a security failure, surely you can consider this an intelligence failure. The fact our intelligence apparently was not aware of this planned attack which obviously required several weeks and perhaps months of training and preparation did not manage to foil this orchestrated plot, hence preventing this situation. One of the main purposes of having an advance intelligence agency is exactly that to protect the homeland from enemies both foreign and domestic and to prevent such attacks, as the intelligence agency serves as the eyes and ears and covert weapon of the Nation.
I think the difficulties in intelligence gathering and preemption were highlighted well by the underlined part in the editorial I posted above.

The fact that there are sympathizers for terrorists amongst the populace, sympathizers that have frequented this very forum and many of you have engaged with, means there will be huge gaps in intelligence.

IMO, taking out the sanctuaries these people enjoy in the Waziristans (North as well - lets not forget the ambush of the Army convoy in NW by Gul Bhadur's men when he was supposedly in a peace deal with us), is key here.

Those sanctuaries allow the TTP/AQ unparalleled space to recruit, indoctrinate and train their suicide bombers and terrorists. Highly coordinated attacks like this one, the one on the Sri Lankan Cricket team, Manawan Police Academy, Mumbai etc. need lots of time, resources and training grounds to accomplish.

If we are not doing it already, all of the Kashmiri groups and their camps need to be monitored around the clock, and if necessary, dismantled after the TTP is taken care of. If some in the LeT could carry out the Mumbai attacks against the GoP's position of reconciliation and dialog with India, then some of them can also link up with the Taliban/AQ and start targeting the Pakistani State.

Granted the Kashmiri groups are not all ideologically extreme like the Taliban, but no chances should be taken here.

We either control them now or potentially pay a price later.

Operation resumed at 6AM. Commandos have infiltrated the building. Most of the compound has been cleared. -Major General Athar Abbas (DG ISPR)-

Good Job Pak Army!

Salam Pak Fauj kay nadar Mujahidon kay liya :pakistan:

what about the rats , did we get any of them alive ? :angry:
ZARAR company was, there DUNIYA TV, action has been taken, hostages been freed but action is still going on according to MAJ.GEN athar abass!
On a side note , we should not brush aside the possibility of involvment of US security firms being involved in setting up this attack. The US was recetly humiliated in Afghanistan when one of its bases in Kunar province got attacked and they had heavy losses there. Anytime they take losses in Afghanistan they blame Pakistan for it and I would not be one bit surprised if this attacke was planned and funnded by some undercover US security agency.

Speculation at this point.

The obvious culprit is the TTP/AQ, and the perpetrators are Pakistani, Afghan or a combination of both, so lets focus our ire on those within first. There is little (weapons, explosives) the US or India (if it was involved) could provide to these people to do this that is not available to them already.

In any case, take out the local enablers from the scene, and you leave the puppet-masters little to work with.
opreation is in its last phase, in comming 45 minuts.. everything will be clear!
so, lets say! PAKISTAN ZINDABAD, PAKARMY, ZINDA BAD, "ZARAR BOYS" ZINDA BAD!:tup::pakistan::tup::pakistan::tup::cheers:

duniya tv, reporting! ALL THE TERRORSISTS are dead meat!::pakistan::bounce:
but plz, wait for , ISPR news release!
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I heard about this news today morning and since then i am pissed, these bastards will rot in hell. All those who are already killed must be in hell right now.

Found out that 6 Jawaans also embraced Shahadaat in this incident. May Allah grant them a place in Jannat and give their family the strength to get through this difficult time.

I am now hoping & praying that Pakistan Army arrest atleast one of these Bastard and 'milk' out information from him. We need to 'capture' at least one alive and once we get the 'vital informatoin' from him, we should then skin him out and send his dead body to their 'supervisor' to let them know that their days are numbered
sad news! 3 hostages SHAHEED,1 injured!
25 got freed safly, 2 ofthe terrorists, were wearing the SS jackets, but cant blow thmselves, ZARAR BOYS, done thm all!
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Some of them were wearing suicide vests, like I feared. There is some army and hostage casualty. Details are scatchy being reported by major television networks.
good question. Are they all dead? Would have been good to catch at least one terrorist. Enemy has shown how brazen they are. Death to enemies of Quaid e Azam ji's Pakistan.
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