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Ghaher 313 fighter

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What plan???

Is the TF-X program ready!!

If you wish to show your support to our fellow Iranian friends do it with some style.
Don't troll.

Almost all Turkish members KNOW that turkey is developing many things with help from "friends".
No one is saying that Altay MBT T-129ATAK or even MILGEM is 100% Turkish. The important thing is to gain technology and KnowHow. Most of the Turkish projects are Top class products. Who cares if its not 100% indiginounes.

As addition, Turkish programs are pure clear not to make simple propagandas, when they are compared with your POLITICIAN's defence industry activities(not your engineers) known by worldwide. Their budgets, technological level, feasibility reports, roadways, time schedules, payments, contributions, collaborations (If exist) and project models...etc are reachable from even official pages and Commencement of Turkish programs have nothing to do with any other country. I mean Turkey is competing with himself and Sorry but There is no rival(especially a country with the products which have/will have no place in battlefield but aiming pure propaganda) of Turkey in that region excluding Israel.

We always emphasize the satisfactory national contibution rates and Intellectual/property right ownrship of final design (If a collaboration is exist)(That's the advanceent model of all World countries including S. Korea, Israel. Nothing special for Turkey). I mean Turkey has a target to be self sufficient but Not have any plan to manufacture %100 of what Army needs. At current situation, The avarage national contribution for Land systems are %75-80 and Naval systems are around %70. With national powerpack and transmission programs, Those rates are expected to be exceeded over %90 (It means impressive).

After the complete design solutions on strategic programs whose intelectual and property rights belongs to Turkey, What Turkey fully concantrates are the strategic electronic and serious parts subsystems worth million $ (Despite such small but serious things doesn't affect much on national contribution rates) which is able to change the techological generation of mentioned products (Such as Infrared Detectors for E/O programs (5-6 countries are able to manufacture), transistors (simple but so serious part of electronic circuit, GRAFEN screen solutions and many other parts and so Serious R&D activities are carried out for that purpose.

I mean I mean It is not something as a product ordered from abroad and stick a Turkish flag on it for propaganda... As I said, Everything is pure clear If you check some achievements. Noone puts 2-3 Turkish institutes in World Top-100 defence industry lists cause of nothing. It is about serious works and R&D activities for final products...


Lockheed F-19 CSIRS (see F-117)
National Museum of the USAF - Fighter

Nothing but B-1, B-52 and F-14 there at AMARC


Davis-Monthan AFB in Tucson, Arizona, home of AMARG, the Military Aircraft Boneyard, history, photographs, tours, museum, map




View topic - Early morning AMARG overflight, sadly including the GR.9's.
As addition, Turkish programs are pure clear not to make simple propagandas, when they are compared with your POLITICIAN's defence industry activities(not your engineers) known by worldwide. Their budgets, technological level, feasibility reports, roadways, time schedules, payments, contributions, collaborations (If exist) and project models...etc are reachable from even official pages and Commencement of Turkish programs have nothing to do with any other country. I mean Turkey is competing with himself and Sorry but There is no rival(especially a country with the products which have/will have no place in battlefield but aiming pure propaganda) of Turkey in that region excluding Israel.

We always emphasize the satisfactory national contibution rates and Intellectual/property right ownrship of final design (If a collaboration is exist)(That's the advanceent model of all World countries including S. Korea, Israel. Nothing special for Turkey). I mean Turkey has a target to be self sufficient but Not have any plan to manufacture %100 of what Army needs. At current situation, The avarage national contribution for Land systems are %75-80 and Naval systems are around %70. With national powerpack and transmission programs, Those rates are expected to be exceeded over %90 (It means impressive).

After the complete design solutions on strategic programs whose intelectual and property rights belongs to Turkey, What Turkey fully concantrates are the strategic electronic and serious parts subsystems worth million $ (Despite such small but serious things doesn't affect much on national contribution rates) which is able to change the techological generation of mentioned products (Such as Infrared Detectors for E/O programs (5-6 countries are able to manufacture), transistors (simple but so serious part of electronic circuit, GRAFEN screen solutions and many other parts and so Serious R&D activities are carried out for that purpose.

As addition, Turkish programs are pure clear not to make simple propagandas, when they are compared with your POLITICIAN's defence industry activities(not your engineers) known by worldwide. Their budgets, technological level, feasibility reports, roadways, time schedules, payments, contributions, collaborations (If exist) and project models...etc are reachable from even official pages and Commencement of Turkish programs have nothing to do with any other country. I mean Turkey is competing with himself and Sorry but There is no rival(especially a country with the products which have/will have no place in battlefield but aiming pure propaganda) of Turkey in that region excluding Israel.

We always emphasize the satisfactory national contibution rates and Intellectual/property right ownrship of final design (If a collaboration is exist)(That's the advanceent model of all World countries including S. Korea, Israel. Nothing special for Turkey). I mean Turkey has a target to be self sufficient but Not have any plan to manufacture %100 of what Army needs. At current situation, The avarage national contribution for Land systems are %75-80 and Naval systems are around %70. With national powerpack and transmission programs, Those rates are expected to be exceeded over %90 (It means impressive).

After the complete design solutions on strategic programs whose intelectual and property rights belongs to Turkey, What Turkey fully concantrates are the strategic electronic and serious parts subsystems worth million $ (Despite such small but serious things doesn't affect much on national contribution rates) which is able to change the techological generation of mentioned products (Such as Infrared Detectors for E/O programs (5-6 countries are able to manufacture), transistors (simple but so serious part of electronic circuit, GRAFEN screen solutions and many other parts and so Serious R&D activities are carried out for that purpose.

I mean I mean It is not something as a product ordered from abroad and stick a Turkish flag on it for propaganda... As I said, Everything is pure clear If you check some achievements. Noone puts 2-3 Turkish institutes in World Top-100 defence industry lists cause of nothing. It is about serious works and R&D activities for final products...
I don't want to derail Iranian thread. Would you please add the answer to my questions in T129 thread?
The engine is coming from us
Radars from Europe and us
Infrared intensifier tube not Turkish
Fuselage from EU
So which part is Turkish? The cables and cup holders and seat cushion?
You say we build infrared camera but not the main parts of the camera .
All you have done is at the level of master student projects in Cairo university.

How come your fighter plan is pushed forward 4 days after Iranian fighter and never before
I don't want to derail Iranian thread. Would you please add the answer to my questions in T129 thread?
The engine is coming from us
Radars from Europe and us
Infrared intensifier tube not Turkish
Fuselage from EU
So which part is Turkish? The cables and cup holders and seat cushion?
You say we build infrared camera but not the main parts of the camera .
All you have done is at the level of master student projects in Cairo university.

You asked and I reply !!!

Sorry dude, I don't know which propaganda organisation fulled such crap information but You don't even have any idea What T-129 carries but talking as If mentioning something important from your percpective but I will try to enlighten you more about What Turkish industry manufactures regarding T-129.

-Design rights: TAI/Agusta
-After Sale Service: TAI
-Training: TAI
-Simlator: Havelsan
-The responsible of likely Risks of prototypes: TAI
-Tests and Further Variants development/improvements/modifications: TAI
-Export rights of design: TAI

-All Softwares: Tubitak/Aselsan
-Main fuselage Sole Source of the World: TAI
-All Avionic: Aselsan
-All Communication system: Aselsan
-Electronic Warfare systems including MWR, LWR, RWR, munitions (Ozisik KTAS): Aselsan
-Rotors (Aft and Main Rotor): TAI
-Mission Computer: Aselsan/Tubitak
-Complete E/O systems: Aselsan
-Radar Absorbing materials: Aselsan
-Transmission system: Alp/TEI
-Engine LHTEC 800A: TEI under licence
-MMW RADAR T-129 Atak-B2 variant will carry (B2 will have longer nose/fuselage and manufactuing will commence in 2016): METEKSAN

No need to mention cables AGS produces... ;)

Now, I advice you to call a master student from Cairo university to carry out What Turkish defence industry is doing with T-129 Atak program. Put developing of %1 of all those achievements aside, I advice your master students to develop only high resistant/high quality AGS cables Atak and Anti-Tank Missiles Atak carries, Then I will bow my head over him with a great respect.

BTW, Trkey's fighter program commenced way before than Iranian roll-out ceremony. Check the dates carefully...
وزیر دفاع با بیان اینکه "قاهر 313 به لحاظ طراحی بی*نظیر است و از صفر تا صد آن بومی است"، تصریح کرد: F35 که جز شاهکارهای آمریکاست، 10 سال پیش طراحی شد ولی مراحل تست آن نیز از 2006 به بعد بود و هنوز به تولید انبوه نرسیده است. من ادعاهای مطرح شده درباره قاهر 313 را از زبان کارشناسان نشنیده*ام و این*ها حرف*ها رسانه*ای است که کم ارزش است.

وحیدی با بیان اینکه "مراحل طراحی و تست موتور قاهر 313 به خوبی انجام شده است"، افزود: قاهر 313 بلافاصله پس از رونمایی وارد مراحل تاکسی و تست پروازی خواهد شد.

As addition, Turkish programs are pure clear not to make simple propagandas, when they are compared with your POLITICIAN's defence industry activities(not your engineers) known by worldwide. Their budgets, technological level, feasibility reports, roadways, time schedules, payments, contributions, collaborations (If exist) and project models...etc are reachable from even official pages and Commencement of Turkish programs have nothing to do with any other country. I mean Turkey is competing with himself and Sorry but There is no rival(especially a country with the products which have/will have no place in battlefield but aiming pure propaganda) of Turkey in that region excluding Israel.

We always emphasize the satisfactory national contibution rates and Intellectual/property right ownrship of final design (If a collaboration is exist)(That's the advanceent model of all World countries including S. Korea, Israel. Nothing special for Turkey). I mean Turkey has a target to be self sufficient but Not have any plan to manufacture %100 of what Army needs. At current situation, The avarage national contribution for Land systems are %75-80 and Naval systems are around %70. With national powerpack and transmission programs, Those rates are expected to be exceeded over %90 (It means impressive).

After the complete design solutions on strategic programs whose intelectual and property rights belongs to Turkey, What Turkey fully concantrates are the strategic electronic and serious parts subsystems worth million $ (Despite such small but serious things doesn't affect much on national contribution rates) which is able to change the techological generation of mentioned products (Such as Infrared Detectors for E/O programs (5-6 countries are able to manufacture), transistors (simple but so serious part of electronic circuit, GRAFEN screen solutions and many other parts and so Serious R&D activities are carried out for that purpose.

I mean I mean It is not something as a product ordered from abroad and stick a Turkish flag on it for propaganda... As I said, Everything is pure clear If you check some achievements. Noone puts 2-3 Turkish institutes in World Top-100 defence industry lists cause of nothing. It is about serious works and R&D activities for final products...

because your goal is difference than iran, as US and Nato protecting you, turkish military industry first goal is finding customers in global market to help your economy, but in iran the first goal is protecting and defending country,
The Iran strategy is difference than Turkey, the all powers who helping you and protecting you wanna destroying iran and hurt her. so our military equipment should protect us, in turky, your military industry should serve to your economy, but in Iran its vice versa that's why we never say the budget or the whole details of our projects. we should keep them secret as we can do. because our enemy is not Armenia...it's US and all west powers with all their puppets.

iran many times proved the ability of her products in REAL fields. That's enough. as i remember ,after 1979 , There were people like you who say same things. for example about F-14.
when american were leaving here, they told us we will come back soon because all your equipment are american. They created some problems in phoenix missile and radar of F-14 before leaving.
when saddam invaded iran and war began, all of them were said the iranian fighters cant fly, but our Experts fixed the problems and our fighters were flying, after 2 3 years, they claimed, iranian F-14s and it's phoenix missile are Inactive because of lack of spare parts. the time passed but iranian F-14 were still flying and operational. in 2006 ,The US F-14s Retired and they annihilated all their parts to prevent to access of Iran. and we are in 2013 and F-14 is still flying and operational, so i agree with you There is no rival between Iran and Turkey.

and you can find same story about all other Iranian equipment like fighters( F-4 F-5,...),choppers,warships,tanks, ammunition and ....
as i said before, china did same in the past and is still doing, west countries claimed such things about china since 3 decades ago. but as i see china is a new super power. if you believe all Chinese products are simple propagandas,then you can believe to what you said about iran and we never take it Serious because we believe for some countries these equipment should defend the country and help the system to reach its Political goals. not for showing in an exhibition to only find customers and helping economy.
@ERA :

This is not a Turkish thread, why are you letting these people make comments which have nothing to do with this thread?
They come here with their propaganda nonsense to claim everything is Turkish.

The Iranian minister of defense said the claims of foreign media about the project are worthless. The engine of the plane is successfully tested and the taxi and flight tests will proceed very soon.

ی در ادامه با اشاره به ساخت جنگده جدید قاهر 313 و جوسازی برخی رسانه*ها درباره آن گفت: دشمنان اگر بپذیرند که انقلاب اسلامی که یک ابرقدرت فرهنگی و سیاسی است و توانسته است به چنین توانایی*های صنعتی دست پیدا کند، تنها عامل سیطره خود را از دست داده*اند. فناوری ساخت جنگنده بسیار دشوار است و ما با وجود همه تحریم*ها به آن دست پیدا کرده*ایم.

وزیر دفاع با بیان اینکه "قاهر 313 به لحاظ طراحی بی*نظیر است و از صفر تا صد آن بومی است"، تصریح کرد: F35 که جز شاهکارهای آمریکاست، 10 سال پیش طراحی شد ولی مراحل تست آن نیز از 2006 به بعد بود و هنوز به تولید انبوه نرسیده است. من ادعاهای مطرح شده درباره قاهر 313 را از زبان کارشناسان نشنیده*ام و این*ها حرف*ها رسانه*ای است که کم ارزش است.

وحیدی با بیان اینکه "مراحل طراحی و تست موتور قاهر 313 به خوبی انجام شده است"، افزود: قاهر 313 بلافاصله پس از رونمایی وارد مراحل تاکسی و تست پروازی خواهد شد.

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Ahmad Vahidi was present in a TV program, he indicated to stages of design and manufacturing Qaher-313 and the time needed for Qaher-313 to be ready for flight and said : "One of the next steps [of manufacturing Qaher-313] is flight tests of it, if you note [ to other projects in other countries], you see the process of manufacturing all aircrafts is in this way, for example F-35 was unveiled around 10 years ago, but flight tests of it was started since 2006 and it hasn't entered to mass production yet. We entered to next stages immediately after unveiling Qaher-313, and we progress as planned."

BTW, Trkey's fighter program commenced way before than Iranian roll-out ceremony. Check the dates carefully...
:smokin: we show video of airplane prototype and it's flying RC models, yet most comments of your comrades calling it propaganda, yet you want us to believe your paintings ?
You asked and I reply !!!

Sorry dude, I don't know which propaganda organisation fulled such crap information but You don't even have any idea What T-129 carries but talking as If mentioning something important from your percpective but I will try to enlighten you more about What Turkish industry manufactures regarding T-129.

-Design rights: TAI/Agusta
-After Sale Service: TAI
-Training: TAI
-Simlator: Havelsan
-The responsible of likely Risks of prototypes: TAI
-Tests and Further Variants development/improvements/modifications: TAI
-Export rights of design: TAI

-All Softwares: Tubitak/Aselsan
-Main fuselage Sole Source of the World: TAI
-All Avionic: Aselsan
-All Communication system: Aselsan
-Electronic Warfare systems including MWR, LWR, RWR, munitions (Ozisik KTAS): Aselsan
-Rotors (Aft and Main Rotor): TAI
-Mission Computer: Aselsan/Tubitak
-Complete E/O systems: Aselsan
-Radar Absorbing materials: Aselsan
-Transmission system: Alp/TEI
-Engine LHTEC 800A: TEI under licence
-MMW RADAR T-129 Atak-B2 variant will carry (B2 will have longer nose/fuselage and manufactuing will commence in 2016): METEKSAN

No need to mention cables AGS produces... ;)

Now, I advice you to call a master student from Cairo university to carry out What Turkish defence industry is doing with T-129 Atak program. Put developing of %1 of all those achievements aside, I advice your master students to develop only high resistant/high quality AGS cables Atak and Anti-Tank Missiles Atak carries, Then I will bow my head over him with a great respect.

BTW, Trkey's fighter program commenced way before than Iranian roll-out ceremony. Check the dates carefully...

No you don't sir.
Since everything is clear in Turkey just and just show me one thing
Infrared image intensifier tubes and dynodes. Prove you make it.
Ragrading the fighter if you started sooner where is your mock up and RC toys?
Europe has not sent it yet. Yeah
You asked and I reply !!!

Sorry dude, I don't know which propaganda organisation fulled such crap information but You don't even have any idea What T-129 carries but talking as If mentioning something important from your percpective but I will try to enlighten you more about What Turkish industry manufactures regarding T-129.

-Design rights: TAI/Agusta
-After Sale Service: TAI
-Training: TAI
-Simlator: Havelsan
-The responsible of likely Risks of prototypes: TAI
-Tests and Further Variants development/improvements/modifications: TAI
-Export rights of design: TAI

-All Softwares: Tubitak/Aselsan
-Main fuselage Sole Source of the World: TAI
-All Avionic: Aselsan
-All Communication system: Aselsan
-Electronic Warfare systems including MWR, LWR, RWR, munitions (Ozisik KTAS): Aselsan
-Rotors (Aft and Main Rotor): TAI
-Mission Computer: Aselsan/Tubitak
-Complete E/O systems: Aselsan
-Radar Absorbing materials: Aselsan
-Transmission system: Alp/TEI
-Engine LHTEC 800A: TEI under licence
-MMW RADAR T-129 Atak-B2 variant will carry (B2 will have longer nose/fuselage and manufactuing will commence in 2016): METEKSAN

No need to mention cables AGS produces... ;)

Now, I advice you to call a master student from Cairo university to carry out What Turkish defence industry is doing with T-129 Atak program. Put developing of %1 of all those achievements aside, I advice your master students to develop only high resistant/high quality AGS cables Atak and Anti-Tank Missiles Atak carries, Then I will bow my head over him with a great respect.

BTW, Trkey's fighter program commenced way before than Iranian roll-out ceremony. Check the dates carefully...
bullshit.if your country is able to produce the engine,rotor,radar and other needed things for building a heli why the hell Turkey has no plan for producing other heli type?because by her claim Turkey can build heli in more types.

go bulshiting about your "clear" defence industry somewhere else.
bullshit.if your country is able to produce the engine,rotor,radar and other needed things for building a heli why the hell Turkey has no plan for producing other heli type?because by her claim Turkey can build heli in more types.

go bulshiting about your "clear" defence industry somewhere else.

Who said Turkey don't have any plan to manufacture other type of helies ? If you want, Don't make me post the many things mentioned above one by one.

As an example: TEI manufactured S-70 engine to be called as T-700 TEI 701D on export market with TEI name.

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