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Ghaher 313 fighter

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It is an ACUTE angle in both images. Compare with the one below. Perspective effect!

Its right angle:

you always say this plane is fake, joke .... but you cant bring any logical reason to prove your claims except that a few minor defects.
Yes, maybe there are some defects in it's design but considering that Ghaher 313 is the first Iranians experience in this field, I think it is acceptable.As well as that it proves that Iran is determined to achieve this technology. On the other hand which plane doesn't have any defect? Even F35 which billions dollars has been spent for it, is not still a perfect plane.
I mean Wtf ? :woot: achievement after achievement nice n sexy lookin bird. wud like to know rcs n super cruise capabilities ? congratulations Iran :tup:

I mean Wtf ? :woot: achievement after achievement nice n sexy lookin bird. wud like to know rcs n super cruise capabilities ? congratulations Iran :tup:
This plane is a joke.

Iranian Government can fool the Iranian people with such stunts but they become a laughing stock when absurd news like this goes global.

Please refrain from generalizing, majority of Iranians are educated people, they don't believe everything they hear or see.

Being an Iranian myself, I already expressed my doubts about the aircraft earlier in this topic. Certainly everyone wants to see his/her country bask in achievements, however I don't see how choosing to believe in something that is technically improbable to even takeoff before melting, help realize that dream?

Seven hundred something posts to discuss this... is beyond belief!
be sure this aircraft sucks since as you see the video its egines sound is like russian aircraft and if you look to the design there is no LEX technology so i can assure you this aircraft doesnt look good so it doesnt fly good since iranian are poor in air
yes my friend your comment is logical once i asked an iranian army officer who has the responsibility of a radar said me (I would rather to be arrested by American forces in Guantanamo and they gae me a coca cola there and i open it and the sound of it go around the environment thats more joy than to be in iranian army
If they planned to make something for internal propaganda, they wouldn't have had to make a plane with such details in design. Most of people, not in Iran but also all of the world people, are not aware of 5th generation plane details. A simple design was enough for propaganda.
a simple q...
can you make planes,chopers,missiles,etc on your own...
answer:NO...you simply buy it from USA or EU or...

this is simple...very very simple...you cant build your own ,then,you deny that others can build their own .

this seems impossible for you that a country live,build,advance,invent,etc on its own because you cant do such thing.
how many missile it can carry in its internal weapons bay?
as i mentioned before

"...with payload capacity of carrying two 2000 pound bombs, or greater number of smaller smart guided missiles, or at least 6 air-to-air missiles in the category of R-17 or PL-12..."
how many missile it can carry in its internal weapons bay?

actually , I heard some information about Ghaher 313 ... first it was a drone project and because it was successful , they begone to design a light fighter base on it ....

it is light fighter ... so I can assume it will carry 1.5-2.5 ton weapon ....
I like the fact that the Iranian military leadership don't give a sh!t what anybody else believes or thinks of them. They follow their own rationale and prioritization and don't necessarily bind themselves to the western modus operandi, protocols and nomenclature. Their job is to protect and advance Iran's national interests, and in my estimation they've done a heck of a good job in the face of incredible odds stacked against them. And if that entails safely landing the prize jewel of US stealth drones, building wide body solid fuel missiles, putting satellites in orbit or using photoshop to suite their purpose, well I respect them all the more for their ingenuity...

What's interesting for me is that they have the courage to come out in the open with these imperfect and not so conventional ideas and make their intentiions known. They are always ridiculed at first and get accused of lying or making bold statements. But eventually, they are proven right and they manage to carry through and reach their objectives. Who cares if a few insignificant resenters and google experts with little courage or accomplishments of their own choose to throw dirt from the cover of darkness. That's not what the Iranian military commanders are concerned with. They have the only hyperpower of the world and all its allies and puppets breathing down their neck. And they have a fantastic track record in dealing with that threat.

As far as the airplane itself is concerned, I'm glad to finally see the face of the possible future Iranian fighter. It may take 20 years and go through many modifications. But we needed a concrete expression of that intention. And now we have it...
F-22 Raptor
Dominating the Skies. Overwhelming the Threat.




This is the era of the F-22 Raptor – the world’s premier 5th Generation fighter.

The F-22 is the only fighter capable of simultaneously conducting air-to-air and air-to-ground combat missions with near impunity. This is accomplished with a never-before-seen standard of survivability even in the face of sophisticated airborne and ground-based threats.

In addition to being America’s premier air-superiority fighter, the F-22 evolved from its original concept to become a lethal, survivable and flexible multi-mission fighter. By taking advantage of emerging technologies, the F-22 has emerged as a superior platform for many diverse missions including intelligence gathering, surveillance, reconnaissance and electronic attack.

The Raptor is operational today, protecting our homeland and combat ready for worldwide deployment. F-22s are already assigned to multiple bases across the country.
The final F-22 Raptor was delivered to the U.S. Air Force on May 2, 2012, completing the world’s only operational 5th Generation fleet.


F-22 Raptor oxygen problems may be worse than previously disclosed

"The oxygen-deprivation incident rates are much higher than we were initially told," says Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who is looking into the F-22 Raptor fighter jet problems.
June 14, 2012|By W.J. Hennigan, Los Angeles Times

Oxygen problems that have plagued the Air Force's fleet of F-22 Raptor fighter jets may be worse than previously disclosed, according to new information released by two members of Congress.

F-22 pilots have reported dozens of incidents in which the jet's systems weren't feeding them enough oxygen, causing hypoxia-like symptoms in the air. Hypoxia is a condition resulting from a deficiency of oxygen reaching tissues of the body that can cause nausea, headaches, fatigue or even blackouts.

On Thursday, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) and Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) released information handed over by the Air Force that said pilots had experienced about 26 incidents of apparent oxygen deprivation per 100,000 flight hours — a rate at least 10 times higher than for any other Air Force aircraft.

"This information confirms that the F-22 program is not running at 100% and that the oxygen-deprivation incident rates are much higher than we were initially told," said Kinzinger, a former Air National Guard pilot.

The announcement is the latest for the controversial F-22, the world's most expensive fighter jet, which was made byLockheed Martin Corp.and has never been used in combat since entering service in 2005.

The lawmakers held a teleconference Thursday with reporters in which they disclosed the information. Other findings included an early 2011 aircrew survey that found that "a majority of F-22 pilots surveyed did not feel confident" with the plane's oxygen system.

The Air Force tried to fix the problem by adding a high-efficiency particulate air filter consisting of activated carbon and charcoal.

But, Kinzinger and Warner said, tests performed by Boeing Co. found that the new filter negatively affected the breathing system for F-22 pilots. Boeing formally recommended discontinuing use of the filters April 2 — a recommendation that was adopted by the Air Force about a month later, they said.

The oxygen malfunctions are suspected of playing a role in at least one fatal accident and led to the grounding of the entire F-22 fleet last year for nearly five months. But even after the grounding was lifted, the Air Force said that investigators could not find a "smoking gun" for the problems and that hypoxia incidents continued to occur.

Last month, Defence Secretary Leon E. Panetta restricted flights of the aircraft because of the ongoing problems.

The Qaher 313

Qaher 313 has a too stealthy design to be true
, commented one French aviation expert, hence recognizing the potency of the design.

Most critics found on the internet are extremely childish and emotional, denying reality and showing their lack of expertise or child like brains, very subjective and unable to see clairly what is going on.

This design is complex and unique, it has only been tested by its designers and is kept as simple as possible.
But for the childish critics i shall give one example, and that will be the cockpit; as anyone with no brain damage can see and deduct, the least Iran can put in this fighter-plane is the cockpit found on its Azaraksh or Saequa fighter, which are proven and well advanced, you can expect the same and more for all the other components being criticised.
I expect the real and final product (the not shown components) to be very advanced and completely functional, even surprising...



Now the question is:
Will Iran be the first and the only country with a fully functional Stealth fighter-aircraft, considering the F-22 Raptor not to be fully functional due to its oxygen problems?

:what: :blink: :laugh:
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