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Germany suspends Nord Stream 2 certification

Please don't be so hard on Hitler. He only wanted to save German speakers.
The atrocities of churchil on indians were worse then hitler some indians went ip and joined him creating free indian army or something

Had nazis won they may have called churchil as savage ..history is written by the victors

Otherwise people forget the millions burned alive in nuclear bombs but remeber the ones in gas chambers
The atrocities of churchil on indians were worse then hitler some indians went ip and joined him creating free indian army or something

Had nazis won they may have called churchil as savage ..history is written by the victors

Otherwise people forget the millions burned alive in nuclear bombs but remeber the ones in gas chambers
death toll of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is 200,000. Conventional assault on Japanese mainland would cost more lives
death toll of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is 200,000. Conventional assault on Japanese mainland would cost more lives
So killing pregnany women children is fine

Does throwing nuclear bombs follow 10,000 years old human laws of war?
Even genghis khan wasnt this brutal

Lastly why the **** did USA NEEDED TO INVade mainland JAPAN??

Also chrchill killing 4 milliin bengalis was fine due to fact it would have saved blue eyes europeans

My grandfather was prisoner of war in japan
Despite seeing the atrocities of japanese first hand even he wasnt happy about nuking jaoan. His friends war starved to death at prison camps

You should check whether you have human DNA or not
So killing pregnany women children is fine

Does throwing nuclear bombs follow 10,000 years old human laws of war?
Even genghis khan wasnt this brutal

Lastly why the **** did USA NEEDED TO INVade mainland JAPAN??

Seriously what cave are you living in ?
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