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Germany as a super power

Have you met any Nazi in your life or seen them in action?

You mean neo nazi's ? yeah they are racist(tonsure head) I agreed but it doesn't mean that all German's(Nazi) are racist.

They fought for their motherland with brave.
The question is would indians welcome the japanese and germans as liberators if they defeated the british ?

Back in 1940's britian said to the people of sub continent to side with britain against japanese army if they want independence. People of sub continent did it by enrolling in british army in high numbers but after japan was defeated britain didn't fulfilled their promise.
Japanese invasion of China was logical as , Japan had lacked natural resources to support her war industries.

They should have taken Australia before attacking India.

The choice invading India from the North-east was a bad one. which is a hilly terrain and frequent rainfall, also they ignored air cover. All of this the British exploited.

they already captured Manchuria because the full invasion would have never worked despite the communists and kmt fighting. the japanese lacked the resources for an invasion of australia I do understand they could have support pro liberation groups in india.
You mean neo nazi's ? yeah they are racist(tonsure head) I agreed but it doesn't mean that all German's(Nazi) are racist.

They fought for their motherland with brave.

You didn't answer my question.
Although admitting that those of the Eastern or Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European peoples are "Aryans" in name, it is felt that they are not really true Aryans because it is believed that the Iranian peoples are mostly too intermixed with the Arabs and Mongols, and the Indo-Aryans are mostly too intermixed with the Dravidians, to still be pure Aryans.

You wouldn't be alive today, OP.

Nonsens. Iranians aren't that much mixed with Arabs.

European Y-DNA haplogroups frequencies by country - Eupedia
You mean neo nazi's ? yeah they are racist(tonsure head) I agreed but it doesn't mean that all German's(Nazi) are racist.

They fought for their motherland with brave.

personally i agree with u there land was snatched by Poland and Hitler was a patriot man, he do what he can do for there people.

If u challenge any nation they would not reply with love
Back in 1940's britian said to the people of sub continent to side with britain against japanese army if they want independence. People of sub continent did it by enrolling in british army in high numbers but after japan was defeated britain didn't fulfilled their promise.

World war 2 ended in 1945. 1946 - cabinet mission to India to discuss transfer of powers from British empire to Indian leadership. India and Pakistan gained independence in 1947.

So how come you feel Britain didn't keep up their promise?
I don't like the fact that US is waging wars all over the place but if Hitler had won, it would've been a lot worse. The colonialism will still be a normal form (probably change owners). One thing US does promote is the freedom and equality. It gets hypocritical nowadays, but still much better than the direct brutal conquering mentality old world powers like GB, France, Germany and Japan had.

Hitler could not win regardless whether he invaded SU or not. If you check the industrial output of allies and axises, it is not even comparable. If Germany came up with Atomic bomb first it would've made some difference but I don't think it will change the result of the war.
The Germans needed to capture the Suez Canal drive out the british out of North Africa
next the germans should have invaded turkey then the USSR also supported the Arabs uprising against the british they would have been seen as liberators, Iran had a pro nazi government at the time and when they reached india they would have been seen as liberators against the british.

There was no need for them to have liberated india at that time... Subash Chandra Bose was advancing with his INA along with japanese support... If germany was still there, they could have made it easy for freeing india... India may have been a communist state then....
But still If germany hadnt invaded Russia, USA would have nuked germany too to end the war
Germans are simply amazing. Just a single example of the many which i encountered recently.. During the venus transit last week, I prepared myself with 2 solar viewers/filters. One of them was made in the USA and the other in Germany. The USA filter was absolute crap! The sunlight was strong enough to make its way past the filter and as a result the tiny venus dot was barely visible. The German filter was the absolute definition of perfection. I had a view even clearer than what was shown on TV! I had a wonderful venus transit experience due to the dextrous Germans.
Give the Germans the same amount of money U.S pumps into its defence and other Research & D, they might be even able to take us to the stars!

Heil Deutchland!!
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