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Germans set to deliver advanced sub to Israel

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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BERLIN – One of the world’s most advanced German manufactured submarines is slated to be sent to Israel this year. German media reported last week that the 68-meter Dolphin submarine, the largest post-World War II submarine to be built in the Federal Republic, was openly placed in the harbor of the northern city of Kiel.

The Dolphin submarines are mainly constructed in Kiel, located in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein on the border of Denmark. According to the daily Kieler Nachrichten, the submarine can now be viewed on the harbor compound operated by Howaldtswerke- Deutsche Werft. The highly sophisticated submarine, which is believed to contain secondstrike nuclear weapons capability, is the first of three advanced “Super Dolphin” vessels to be delivered to Israel’s navy. ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, the giant German engineering firm, owns the ship manufacturer subsidiary in Kiel.

The Kieler Nachrichten reported that a heavy police presence is guarding the Super Dolphin. Water-based boat patrols, including the police boat Vossbrook, are frequently circling the submarine.

The new Dolphin is a second- generation advanced underwater vessel. Germany’s government has previously furnished Israel with three earlier models of the Dolphin. A fifth Dolphin is slated to be delivered in 2013.

In view of the growing jingoism coming from Iran’s supreme leader, who recently declared that the “cancerous tumor” of Israel has to be cut away, the timing of the Super Dolphin’s delivery raises new questions about Israel’s strategy to confront Iran’s threats. German media noted that a spokesman from ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems declined to comment on the Super Dolphin.

Germany and Israel have agreed to the delivery of a third Super Dolphin. The Federal Republic will subsidize the sale of the third vessel with a maximum of 135 million euros.

The delivery of the Super Dolphin to Israel is filled with some irony, largely because Iran’s regime as of 2010 maintains a 4.5 percent stock control of ThyssenKrupp. According to ThyssenKrupp’s 2011- 2012 corporate report in connection with Iran sanctions, “the executive board of ThyssenKrupp AG ordered a review of the business activities with Iranian customers in existence before the tighter trade restrictions came into effect to establish whether they comply with the new laws. In September 2010, it was decided that ThyssenKrupp will not enter into any new transactions with Iranian customers.”

ThyssenKrupp, which was involved in German efforts in World War II and used slave labor to advance Nazi Germany’s military aims, has refused to evict its Iranian government stockholders from its corporate ownership. Anti-Iranian regime critics have slammed the massive steel and engineering giant over the last few years for failing completely to slash its ties with the Islamic Republic
Strange the country once hunted Jew is now strengthening them i hate Zionist they have become to fuc*ing strong
i have a serious doubt why cant israel build its own sub they do have the tech to support it or is it the infra that stops them from making them or is it uncle sam
israel is buying these sub to reverse eng them and make one of there own and sell them to india indians will buy it :smokin:
i have a serious doubt why cant israel build its own sub they do have the tech to support it or is it the infra that stops them from making them or is it uncle sam
no issue over technical expertise of israel but population is the factor where israel is losing it
have u ever seen esrael making complete fighter plane or anything big which requires huge manpower
now check the israel population (jews population)

% of World Jewish Population
1 Israel 5,703,700 42.5%
2 United States 5,275,000 39.3%
3 France 483,500 3.6%
4 Canada 375,000 2.8%
5 United Kingdom 292,000 2.2%
6 Russia 205,000 1.5%
7 Argentina 182,300 1.4%
8 Germany 119,000 0.9%
9 Australia 107,500 0.8%
10 Brazil 95,600 0.7%
11 Ukraine 71,500 0.5%
12 South Africa 70,800 0.5%
13 Hungary 48,600 0.4%
14 Mexico 39,400 0.3%
15 Belgium 30,300 0.2%

The Jewish Population of the World

jew in israel is just like half the population of our bangalore city they cannt make anything huge not because they dont have technical know how but the population cannt support it
coz unlike some countries who tend to rewrite history to suit their agenda, Germans have accepted the wrongs done by some of their people in WWII..
I agree with accepting wrongs in the past,but don't you think by strengthening Israel too much,they are going to make another Holocaust happen,this time in the entire ME or the world?Israel has proved that it is a country obsessed with war.You better read about Israel's Samson option.
I agree with accepting wrongs in the past,but don't you think by strengthening Israel too much,they are going to make another Holocaust happen,this time in the entire ME or the world?Israel has proved that it is a country obsessed with war.You better read about Israel's Samson option.

U really sure Israel can escape after nuking some country ?
israel is buying these sub to reverse eng them and make one of there own and sell them to india indians will buy it :smokin:

U got confused bro...Its Israel buying the subs not the Chinese..
i have a serious doubt why cant israel build its own sub they do have the tech to support it or is it the infra that stops them from making them or is it uncle sam

Funding my friend.. funding. A cutting edge submarine costs helluva lot of money especially when your shipyards only make attack crafts.

Israel has the full potential to make submarines but even if they do make it, the unit cost would be through the roof due to limited acquisition capability of IDF-N.

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 PM ----------

israel is buying these sub to reverse eng them and make one of there own and sell them to india indians will buy it :smokin:

Ha ha ha ha...:coffee:.


Either keep yourself upto date with our Navy's news or don't talk out of ignorance.
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