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Germans say Russia is more reliable than the United States in new poll


Jun 7, 2017
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Germans say Russia is more reliable than the United States

A new survey published by German public broadcaster ARD shows Germans trust Russia more than the US. America's brand appears to have suffered considerably since the election of Donald Trump as US president last year.

Trump and Putin

Germans increasingly see Russia as a more reliable partner than the US, a new study released on Saturday has found.

The poll of 1,004 people by research institute Infratest dimap showed that 28 percent of respondents felt Moscow was a reliable partner, compared to 25 percent for Washington.

The result is the first time the public's trust in the US has fallen below Russia in over a decade. An Infratest survey of public trust in Germany's global partners in June found both countries tying at 21 percent.

France and Britain fared far better in the German public's eyes. More than 90 percent said Paris was a reliable partner, while more than 60 percent said Britain, which has been trying to exit the European Union (EU), was a reliable partner

US favorability falling

The new results align with the findings of an August poll by the Pew Research Center that surveyed the public's confidence in different world leaders.

Whereas 25 percent of Germans had confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin, only 11 had confidence in US President Donald Trump.

America's brand, Pew noted in an earlier study, has suffered in Germany since the election of Donald Trump in November 2016.

Nearly 60 percent of Germans had a favorable view of the US when Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, left office. That dropped to 35 percent at the beginning of Trump's presidency.

The decline in Germany has reflected a worldwide trend. "Attitudes have taken a dramatic turn for the worse, especially in Western Europe and Latin America," the surveyors said.

Pew noted that the US's favorability had only dramatically improved in one country: "Only in Russia has the image of the United States improved by a large margin."


@SMS Derfflinger @Georg This is quite curious, what is your take on this? Is it just a stupid poll, or is there really more going on in the 'German minds'? All Trump's fault?
European people are not very happy with US policies especially the Germans. NSA has been spying on German citizens and their chancellor.
seriously... this pool is a joke...how could 1004 people asked represent 82million citizen?

Of all people I know no one trust USA and Russia... I would say more people dont trust Russia because they tend to lie even more... with Trump in power it is clear that a idiot lead the USA... here no one has forgotten that Puttin was a KGB agent in Germany who voted to stop east German protester with deadly force...
seriously... this pool is a joke...how could 1004 people asked represent 82million citizen?

Dude characteristics of the region may change the results and of course doesn't represent a whole country but this is how a survey made :)
Dude characteristics of the region may change the results and of course doesn't represent a whole country but this is how a survey made :)

pools with such a low number of people ask representing such a huge ammount of people are not worth the time to talk about it
Of all people I know no one trust USA and Russia... I would say more people dont trust Russia because they tend to lie even more... with Trump in power it is clear that a idiot lead the USA... here no one has forgotten that Puttin was a KGB agent in Germany who voted to stop east German protester with deadly force...

I can understand that, perhaps Eastern Germany? I was just surprised that any German would favor Russia more than Usa at all, even if it is just a poll.
Perhaps the whole NSA spying incident is still clear on the German minds?
Unlike our Indian friend @Georg , Germans hate Americans to the core. Ask me, i know what Germans think of USA.

1. I am German living in Germany
2. Have seen many US soldiers as a kid and young men

u talk utterly crap.... the HUGE majority of the Germans like USA...

We know exactly what we have to thank the USA... they helped us to get rid of Hitler and the Nazi´s, they got us back on feet with the Marshal Plan, they stood at our side for decades to protect us from the fucking commies...

As a german I tell you something THERE WAS NO DRESDEN MASSACRE... thats a Nazi propaganda hoax..

In Dresden some 20-25.000people died... that was officle counted directly after bombing by Nazis and reported to Berlin (the papers still exist!!!)...exact the numbers today in deep researcher has discovered...
What happen was that the Propaganda tool of the third Reich simple added a other 0 to the number and made of 25.000 250.000 that is proofen fact today ... yes the boming was bad and destroyed a beautyfull city... it was only a showcase of allied air power for the advancing red Army that was near Dresden... it was a warning message that they should not try to advance further to get Europe under commie control
We know exactly what we have to thank the USA... they helped us to get rid of Hitler and the Nazi´s,
I don't want to go personal on this thread dude.
NAZIs were defeated by people of east EU. USA paid Hitler and raised him to massacre easte EU nations. Just like what they are doing in the middle east by arming terrorists like ISIS/Nusra etc.
Hitler was ally of USA's shadow government that consists of elites.
As a german I tell you something THERE WAS NO DRESDEN MASSACRE... thats a Nazi propaganda hoax..
lol com'on man hahhah.
Some Germans blamed Soviets' soldiers too, and i don't blame them for it. However Soviet is gone
In Dresden some 20-25.000people died... that was officle counted directly after bombing by Nazis and reported to Berlin (the papers still exist!!!)...exact the numbers today in deep researcher has discovered...
I hope you gonna show me that paper lol
What happen was that the Propaganda tool of the third Reich simple added a other 0 to the number and made of 25.000 250.000 that is proofen fact today ... yes the boming was bad and destroyed a beautyfull city... it was only a showcase of allied air power for the advancing red Army that was near Dresden... it was a warning message that they should not try to advance further to get Europe under commie control
After this sentence for God's sake, don't you suppose that i am a fool. You are not German or at least an uninformed/young fan of US-empire. Simple
I don't want to go personal on this thread dude.
NAZIs were defeated by people of east EU. USA paid Hitler and raised him to massacre easte EU nations. Just like what they are doing in the middle east by arming terrorists like ISIS/Nusra etc.
Hitler was ally of USA's shadow government that consists of elites.

lol com'on man hahhah.
Some Germans blamed Soviets' soldiers too, and i don't blame them for it. However Soviet is gone

I hope you gonna show me that paper lol

After this sentence for God's sake, don't you suppose that i am a fool. You are not German or at least an uninformed/young fan of US-empire. Simple

My dear learn about european ww2 history befor talking bullcrap

without the USA and its production power the east european nations including russia would be slaves today....
without the massive material support of the USA the Red Army would have been collapsed under Wehrmacht preassure...

3/4 of Red Army supply line was based on US production
90% of their fighter fuel was from the USA
50% of all other fuel was from the USA
4.5million tonnes of food
90% of the locomotives and railcars were US made by the end of the war... not to talk about the 125.000km railways..
boots jeeps radio (which was nealry complete US produced) phones guns tanks clothing etc...

Te only reason why russia was able to ramp up its tank production to the high numbers was the USA delivered everything else they could not produce at the same time

Here is a report about the Mythos of the Dresden bombing and all the lies...
Nazis counted OFFICLE 20.204 and reported it to Berlin...there they made 202.040 out of it

In Hamburg bomb raid in 1943 more people died than in Dresden...

There were claims that US ground attack fighter were shooting civilians escaping the burning city on the Elbwiesen killing thousends.... they have completely scanned that area and found not a SINGLE shell


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