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German press: 'The Asian Giants Arms Race Is Starting to Look real


Sep 27, 2011
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'The Asian Giants Arms Race Is Starting to Look Real

India added itself to the short list of nuclear-armed countries with ballistic missile capability. More importantly, though, the country's successful test marks a new chapter in the developing Asian arms race. German commentators express deep concern on Friday.

India on Sunday successfully tested a ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear warhead.

Asia's military might appears to be growing by leaps and bounds these days. Recently China announced a significant increase to its military spending. And India breaking the 5000+ ranged missiles club.

The biggest headlines, have been reserved for India's testing on Sunday of a long-range ballistic missile. Indian test furthered it's goal of becoming a counterweight to China's military dominance in the region.

When the rocket, the Agni V, becomes part of the Indian military's arsenal in 2015, the country will become the most recent member in the exclusive club of nations that possess ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads -- a group that includes China, Britain, France, Russia, the US and, it is widely assumed, Israel.

Most attention, though, was focused on what appear to be Indian efforts to both catch up to China militarily and to underline its supremacy over other Asian countries. Only recently, India ordered 126 fighter jets from the French firm Dassault, one of the biggest arms deals in the recent past. Furthermore, New Delhi has purchased nuclear submarines from Russia and is seeking to modernize its tank fleet. The country was the world's biggest purchaser of arms.

All are measures which are reminiscent of China's ongoing military build-up. But China sought to play down the impression that an arms race was developing in Asia, with Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin saying that India and China "are not competitors but partners," saying that they should focus on "working hard to uphold friendly strategic cooperation."

Nevertheless, German media commentators on Friday take a closer look at the growing military rivalry in Asia.

Center-left daily Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:

"The arms race in Asia is starting to look ominous. The new economic powers in the region are expanding their armies, naval fleets and nuclear capacities as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Those who had dreamed that the atomic age would slowly fade away following the end of the Cold War must now confront reality -- and China and India are leading the charge. The two powers -- which are slowly turning their regional weight into global influence -- are counting on the nuclear deterrent. India's test underlines this intention."

"As such, India -- America's most important ally in the region -- has embarked on a course of confrontation with China. But China, for its part, already has the capability to target every city in India with a nuclear strike. Furthermore, despite the rivalry, the two countries have so far maintained sensible relations, aside from a few border disputes. The Indian missile test will not change that for the time being, and the immediate reactions from Beijing were subdued. But the long-term consequences of the arms race could change the region permanently. The danger is real that each missile test could provoke a reply and the arms race could accelerate out of control."

"All indicators point to the fact that Asia will have a huge impact on the 21st century. The global order, however, will not necessarily become safer as a result. The old bi-polarity is being increasingly replaced by multiple poles of power, and the Asian powers are increasingly underlining their ambitions with missiles and a greater focus on military might. An end to the arms race is not in sight. Even if the US wanted to, its influence in Asia would no longer be enough to slow this development."

Center-right daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:

"It seems doubtful that India will in the near future ... attempt to catch up with China across the board militarily. But the rhetoric from the Indian government and the public which accompanied the launch should give us pause. No longer are they attempting to give the impression that the step is not aimed at China."

"The first official reaction from Beijing, to be sure, was pointedly subdued. But one can be sure that this won't be the final word. There are radicals in China as well. It is impossible to say just how much influence they have on the country's political leadership, particularly in a year in which the party and the state must accustom itself to new leaders. China is clearly ahead of India militarily, which makes it easy to maintain composure. But Beijing does not want to be overtaken by India. And for the time being, the Chinese economy is certainly strong enough to embark on an arms race with Asia's second global power."

The Financial Times Deutschland writes:

"It's a show of strength in the struggle for regional supremacy. A war between India and its big rival China can't be expected in the near future. But the new missile is still cause for concern because the arms race between the two nations has gained palpable momentum. Beijing will not stand idly by as India arms itself. It could lead to an Asian arms race similar to that witnessed during the Cold War. And Asia's developing nations can afford it even less than those industrialized European nations could back then."

"The logic of the arms race also hides some socially explosive elements. One-third of the world's population lives in China, and India -- many of them below the poverty level. India, in particular, faces great challenges in keeping poverty in check.

Conservative daily Die Welt writes:

"There is much movement on the multi-dimensional, Asian chess board. Just a few weeks ago the United States distinctly said that they are, and plan to remain, players in this game. But amid all the saber rattling, the basic structure of this chessboard remains stable so far, with the exception of Pakistan, which is plagued by internal fighting and jihad terrorism."

"All of the Asian powers are playing their own game. ... Unlike the Cold War, this is a multi-polar system, where arms controls and trust-building measures are foreign words. It is an Asian power system unlike any ever seen before -- an open-ended one. And, incidentally, one without any kind of participation from the Europeans."

Left-leaning daily Die Tageszeitung writes:

"India isn't joining an arms race. It is arming itself but slowly. Its military budget is at most a quarter of China's. It is as far behind China as China is behind the USA. New Delhi knows that it needs to work hard to protect itself from any Chinese threat and possibly alert Chinese from a possible Indian retaliation.
When it said giants, I was thinking Japan and China.

Since when has Japan become a military giant? Remember Japan's constitution is one that is based on pacifism.

On topic, although India and China would deny that there is any arm race going. These are clear signs of arm race - significant increase in defence budget, testing of ICBMs, acquiring nuclear subs, building AC's and then there is space race too
Agni-V launch: China cautious, says neighbours must work on peace

Beijing: Reacting cautiously to India’s second launch of ballistic missile Agni-V that has a strike range of over 5,000 km, China today said both sides should make concerted efforts to enhance political trust and asked media to play a more conducive role to improve bilateral ties. “We have noted relevant reports and comments and hope relevant media can do more, that is conducive to the growth of China-India relations and regional peace and stability,” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei told reporters when asked for his reaction to the second successful launch of Agni-V.

“Both China and India are important emerging economies and natural cooperative partners. Both sides should make concerted efforts to enhance political mutual trust and work peace and stability of this region,” he said. Unlike its first test launch last year, Sunday’s test of Agni-V evoked subdued reactions in Chinese media. The state-run Xinhua news agency as well the official China Daily reported about the launch and took note of the successful test firing of the nuclear capable missile, which brings into its rage several major cities of China. When the missile was first test fired last year, it evoked mixed reactions among Chinese strategic analysts. While one expert termed it as a “milestone” in propelling India into exclusive club of countries with intercontinental ballistic missiles another analyst said it reflected India s plans to become world power. “No doubt it is a milestone for India,” Fu Xiaoqiang, a Chinese expert on South Asia at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, said reacting to the launch of Agni-V.

Agni-V launch: China cautious, says neighbours must work on peace | Firstpost

Has the Dragon finally started to accept India's might? :tup:
A statement released by your Govt today said, we accept India ambitions and their missile power. Chinese daily said, India's A5 covers almost all Chinese cities.

Please refer another thread on this.

Your govt has accpeted, time for you trolls to accpet as well :lol:

We all accept. Come and launch the missle, don't just sit here talking about FUTURE

"As such, India -- America's most important ally in the region -- has embarked on a course of confrontation with China. But China, for its part, already has the capability to target every city in India with a nuclear strike. Furthermore, despite the rivalry, the two countries have so far maintained sensible relations, aside from a few border disputes. The Indian missile test will not change that for the time being, and the immediate reactions from Beijing were subdued. But the long-term consequences of the arms race could change the region permanently. The danger is real that each missile test could provoke a reply and the arms race could accelerate out of control."

This is the operative part of the whole thing - and so shall it remain.
How many missiles have you launched on USA :rofl:

Now you start distracting me from you own thread?

I only know we hit you hard right in your face in 1962.

You A3 never learn from the past, however you forget the pain completely, come home and fix your toilet first, remember my advice.
Now you start distracting me from you own thread?

I only know we hit you hard right in your face in 1962.

You A3 never learn from the past, however you forget the pain completely, come home and fix your toilet first, remember my advice.

Strategic mistake by China. If it were not for 1962, India would have never been a military power that it is today. China would have been the only power in Asia and Indians would not have minded that and would have happily followed the non-alignment policy with regard to US - China and may even have sided with China in US - China geopolitical game. With a stupid action, China created an enemy that is as big as China in terms of the mass. And what did China gained in the whole episode...nothing
Strategic mistake by China. If it were not for 1962, India would have never been a military power that it is today. China would have been the only power in Asia and Indians would not have minded that and would have happily followed the non-alignment policy with regard to US - China and may even have sided with China in US - China geopolitical game. With a stupid action, China created an enemy that is as big as China in terms of the mass. And what did China gained in the whole episode...nothing
Give me a break. The Indian provocative policy led us with no choice but to attack. If we didn't attack, we would lose our territory to the Indian. Sooner or later, the Indian will militarize with that war or not.
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