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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are each expected to visit Beijing in November


Nov 4, 2011
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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are each expected to visit Beijing in November

Chinese envoys help plan likely visits to Beijing by French and German leaders​

  • German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are each expected to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in separate November trips
  • The trips would be the first in three years by European leaders to China after three years of Covid-enforced absence

Published: 12:00pm, 22 Sep, 2022

Chinese envoys have embarked on a diplomatic flurry to lay the groundwork for likely visits to Beijing by leaders of Germany and France later this year.

China’s former ambassador to Germany, Shi Mingde, was in Berlin last week to work out the details of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s first state visit to Beijing in November, where he will meet President Xi Jinping, a source familiar with the situation said.

And amid speculation that French President Emmanuel Macron will make a separate trip to visit Xi – also in November – French and Chinese diplomats have engaged in a series of meetings online and in person.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met his French counterpart Catherine Colonna at the United Nations in New York on Monday, having already spoken with Macron’s diplomatic adviser Emmanuel Bonne last week.

The South China Morning Post reported in July that China had invited Macron and Scholz, along with the leaders of Italy and Spain.

Noah Barkin, the managing editor of Rhodium Group, first reported the visits on his Twitter page, saying they will take place a week apart.
Having previously dismissed the invitations as “fake news”, China’s foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday: “At present, I don’t have information to share about this.”

Neither Paris nor Berlin would confirm the trips, with both saying that overseas trips are usually announced a week in advance.

Should the trips take place, they would mark a return to China for Western European leaders after three years of Covid-enforced absence. Macron and Scholz would also be among the first leaders to visit Xi after he is expected to secure a third five-year term as party chief at the Communist Party’s congress in October.

They might come to Beijing to beat the winter cold in their home countries due to energy crisis.

Today is 15 Celsius, sunny day. I can run in shorts around in office because it’s too warm.
15 celsius? really? today's Beijing is 25 celsius, my apartment during the whole winter is 26-27 celsius, 15 celsius is just cold and now it's only September.
15 celsius? really? today's Beijing is 25 celsius, my apartment during the whole winter is 26-27 celsius, 15 celsius is just cold and now it's only September.
15C is outside temperature. 21C in office. My apartment has good isolated layers. It can withstand-10C without heating.
15C is outside temperature. 21C in office. My apartment has good isolated layers. It can withstand-10C without heating.
Today's Beijing is 25 celsius, some girls have already complain that it feels like winter is coming. so, good luck with your -10C without heating.
Today's Beijing is 25 celsius, some girls have already complain that it feels like winter is coming. so, good luck with your -10C without heating.
25C? Does Beijing not have winter? Or is it a sign of global warming?
25C? Does Beijing not have winter? Or is it a sign of global warming?
September is early autumn in Beijing, winter starts from November. Don't use your lousy German weather to judge the rest of the world.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are each expected to visit Beijing in November

Chinese envoys help plan likely visits to Beijing by French and German leaders​

  • German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are each expected to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in separate November trips
  • The trips would be the first in three years by European leaders to China after three years of Covid-enforced absence

Published: 12:00pm, 22 Sep, 2022

Chinese envoys have embarked on a diplomatic flurry to lay the groundwork for likely visits to Beijing by leaders of Germany and France later this year.

China’s former ambassador to Germany, Shi Mingde, was in Berlin last week to work out the details of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s first state visit to Beijing in November, where he will meet President Xi Jinping, a source familiar with the situation said.

And amid speculation that French President Emmanuel Macron will make a separate trip to visit Xi – also in November – French and Chinese diplomats have engaged in a series of meetings online and in person.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met his French counterpart Catherine Colonna at the United Nations in New York on Monday, having already spoken with Macron’s diplomatic adviser Emmanuel Bonne last week.

The South China Morning Post reported in July that China had invited Macron and Scholz, along with the leaders of Italy and Spain.

Noah Barkin, the managing editor of Rhodium Group, first reported the visits on his Twitter page, saying they will take place a week apart.
Having previously dismissed the invitations as “fake news”, China’s foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday: “At present, I don’t have information to share about this.”

Neither Paris nor Berlin would confirm the trips, with both saying that overseas trips are usually announced a week in advance.

Should the trips take place, they would mark a return to China for Western European leaders after three years of Covid-enforced absence. Macron and Scholz would also be among the first leaders to visit Xi after he is expected to secure a third five-year term as party chief at the Communist Party’s congress in October.

This what ego does to people. Now Germany will buy Rusdian gas from China.
This is ridiculous.

Germany’s Scholz to travel to China on November 3-4​

OCTOBER 10, 2022 9:00 PM

BERLIN — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is planning to travel to China on November 3-4, making him the first G7 leader to visit the People's Republic since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, two officials with knowledge of the travel plans told POLITICO.

Scholz's trip comes as the chancellor is walking a thin line between continuing his predecessor Angela Merkel's close economic relationship with Beijing — China is Germany's biggest trading partner, and Scholz is set to be accompanied by a business delegation — while at the same time taking a more critical stance on issues such as human rights or China's tacit support for Russia's war against Ukraine.

Scholz will also likely be the first Western leader to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping after the mid-October Communist Party congress, during which he is expected to get a norm-breaking third term as China’s leader. Moreover, the chancellor's visit comes a little less than two weeks before Scholz plans to travel to the G20 summit in Bali, which Xi has also pledged to attend.


Germany’s Scholz to travel to China on November 3-4​

OCTOBER 10, 2022 9:00 PM

BERLIN — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is planning to travel to China on November 3-4, making him the first G7 leader to visit the People's Republic since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, two officials with knowledge of the travel plans told POLITICO.

Scholz's trip comes as the chancellor is walking a thin line between continuing his predecessor Angela Merkel's close economic relationship with Beijing — China is Germany's biggest trading partner, and Scholz is set to be accompanied by a business delegation — while at the same time taking a more critical stance on issues such as human rights or China's tacit support for Russia's war against Ukraine.

Scholz will also likely be the first Western leader to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping after the mid-October Communist Party congress, during which he is expected to get a norm-breaking third term as China’s leader. Moreover, the chancellor's visit comes a little less than two weeks before Scholz plans to travel to the G20 summit in Bali, which Xi has also pledged to attend.

Sick and tired of hearing these European and Western hypocrites coming to China to lecture Chinese on BS Human rights issues there and at the same time want profits and favours from China. Chinese leaders should tell these white bigots to mind their own business and clean up the shits of human rights in Europe and the West.
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