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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are each expected to visit Beijing in November

Sick and tired of hearing these European and Western hypocrites coming to China to lecture Chinese on BS Human rights issues there and at the same time want profits and favours from China. Chinese leaders should tell these white bigots to mind their own business and clean up the shits of human rights in Europe and the West.
That's the problem with narcissists. Absolutely no sense of self awareness.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are each expected to visit Beijing in November

Chinese envoys help plan likely visits to Beijing by French and German leaders​

  • German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron are each expected to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in separate November trips
  • The trips would be the first in three years by European leaders to China after three years of Covid-enforced absence

Published: 12:00pm, 22 Sep, 2022

Chinese envoys have embarked on a diplomatic flurry to lay the groundwork for likely visits to Beijing by leaders of Germany and France later this year.

China’s former ambassador to Germany, Shi Mingde, was in Berlin last week to work out the details of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s first state visit to Beijing in November, where he will meet President Xi Jinping, a source familiar with the situation said.

And amid speculation that French President Emmanuel Macron will make a separate trip to visit Xi – also in November – French and Chinese diplomats have engaged in a series of meetings online and in person.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met his French counterpart Catherine Colonna at the United Nations in New York on Monday, having already spoken with Macron’s diplomatic adviser Emmanuel Bonne last week.

The South China Morning Post reported in July that China had invited Macron and Scholz, along with the leaders of Italy and Spain.

Noah Barkin, the managing editor of Rhodium Group, first reported the visits on his Twitter page, saying they will take place a week apart.
Having previously dismissed the invitations as “fake news”, China’s foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Wednesday: “At present, I don’t have information to share about this.”

Neither Paris nor Berlin would confirm the trips, with both saying that overseas trips are usually announced a week in advance.

Should the trips take place, they would mark a return to China for Western European leaders after three years of Covid-enforced absence. Macron and Scholz would also be among the first leaders to visit Xi after he is expected to secure a third five-year term as party chief at the Communist Party’s congress in October.

This is huge, 1) they will ask china to pressurize russia to stop the war so, they can protect their economies which they see has been destroyed by US led war
2) if it failed they will move closer to china to protect their economies ..

In both situations China wins, China will decide which policy pays the highest dividends
Europe don't need a pole.
Can we benefit from the decline of Europe? No.

But the decline of Europe can enable the USA to obtain capital and talent inflows.

Perhaps the manufacturing industry of the EU will flow into China, but the purchasing power of the EU will be greatly weakened. Our external market will be weakened, and finally we will be bound more deeply with the American market.

This is not in line with our multipolar strategy. Even we cannot save the EU's manufacturing industry, we also need to protect the EU's economy from total collapse.
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More like they want China to release more Gas and oil to the EU from the Chinese reserves.
That's the problem with narcissists. Absolutely no sense of self awareness.
The real problem is these white bigots think they are superior race favoured by God and therefore have the moral high grounds to lecture and dictate other colored people on such issues as human rights no matter what.
More like they want China to release more Gas and oil to the EU from the Chinese reserves.
The heads of state of France and Germany are visiting at the same time, so it must represent the will of the highest power of the EU, not just one or two countries.

Considering Poland's ambiguous attitude and the silence of the Green Party forces. This is more likely to represent the voice of Western Europe than Eastern Europe.

It is not possible to just talk about energy reserves. This level of issue should belong to the ministerial meeting. And France has solved the energy problem through Algeria.

The real problem is these white bigots think they are superior race favoured by God and therefore have the moral high grounds to lecture and dictate other colored people on such issues as human rights no matter what.
If we want to discuss geopolitics, we should seriously discuss geopolitics. We don't need to discuss color, values, race and other issues. Now even the ideological lunatics of the German Green Party have learned to shut up and face reality. Don't we materialists know what to do?
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The heads of state of France and Germany are visiting at the same time, so it must represent the will of the highest power of the EU, not just one or two countries.

Considering Poland's ambiguous attitude and the silence of the Green Party forces. This is more likely to represent the voice of Western Europe than Eastern Europe.

It is not possible to just talk about energy reserves. This level of issue should belong to the ministerial meeting. And France has solved the energy problem through Algeria.

If we want to discuss geopolitics, we should seriously discuss geopolitics. We don't need to discuss color, values, race and other issues. Now even the ideological lunatics of the German Green Party have learned to shut up and face reality. Don't we materialists know what to do?
These Europeans and Americans are just using human rights issues in China as a pretext to gain advantages and concessions from China when doing negotiations on other matters. China just should tell these bigots to fk off directly, have enough of the nonsense and blackmail.
We need Europe to be one pole.
Europe can only become a pole beneficial to China if it is trully independent and more or less equal distanced between US and China, otherwise, its better for them to break up.
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Europe can only become a pole beneficial to China if it is trully independent and more or less equal distance between US and China, otherwise, its better for them to break up.
Looking at what happen to Ukraine they might as well be a US vassal.
China should tell the European leaders to stay at their place if they plan on babbling the hunan rights crap manufactured by themselves to smear.
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