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George Soros says Xi could be toppled

Terrorist to you...... Entrepreneur to rest of the world.....

By the way you even opposed arrest/action on UN designated terrorists in UN using veto...didn't you?....double standards?

No he is a terrorist to the rest of the world.
Looks like this Monkey Soros is really getting desperate. This monkey is 91-years old but refuses to die ! :lol:

George Soros says Xi could be toppled​

“Xi is under attack from those who are inspired by Deng Xiaoping and want private enterprise to play a bigger role.”

“Given the strong opposition within the CCP (Communist Party of China), Xi Jinping’s carefully orchestrated rise to the level of Mao Zedong and [successor] Deng Xiaoping may never happen,” he said.

“The hope is that Xi Jinping will be replaced by someone less repressive at home and more peaceful abroad. This will remove the biggest threat that open societies face today, and they must do everything in their power to encourage China to move in the desired direction.”

Mr. Soros’ speech is his last speech against the Chinese leader. He warned several times last year against closer economic ties to the second world economy as the Chinese government tightens its grip on the private sector.

Soros is the worst thing that has happened to the developing world. I used to be one of those people who thought of the rumours about him to be conspiracy theories, but after seeing his funds do untold damage to the world, I realize the mess he's pushing the planet into.

As people age, they tend to become less materialistic, more simple & humble. This lunatic is the opposite. China and India may not agree, but no way in hell are we ever going to stand with Soros and his likes.

China should remove its velvet gloves and deal with Soros groups.
So Global times would have been gospel?

Yes, Global times is much more objective than western sponsored CIA media

so what is the alternative Chinese bloggers making fake videos on Youtube ?

Thats video is real and on the spot from the ground.

Instead using random blurry satellite picture of elementary schools & factories and claimed that as concentration camps holding millions of people :D
Making China an enemy is not a wise choice for the Jews.
If Xi will ever be moved aside, it will not be doves taking his chair.

The younger of his lieutenants are all weak, and they will have even less support from Xi's powerbase of elderly 2nd generation reds.

The moment Xi dozes off, it will be those sharks from late seventies, and eighties generation taking over, not Deng's era products.

Oh, you means those Red Guards era product?

Terrorist to you...... Entrepreneur to rest of the world.....

By the way you even opposed arrest/action on UN designated terrorists in UN using veto...didn't you?....double standards?

Ah I remember what Soros did it to Indonesia in 1997 / 1998, that make Indonesia's economy plung into resession. For me, yes, he is a terrorist that cause a lot of people suffer economically.
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Compared to CIA-run propaganda outlets? Absolutely.

So you think Global Times is not a propaganda mouthpiece of CCP?

Yes, Global times is much more objective than western sponsored CIA media

On what basis?...Just because Chinese think so?......And "objective" in what....spreading propaganda desired by CCP?
So you think Global Times is not a propaganda mouthpiece of CCP?

On what basis?...Just because Chinese think so?......And "objective" in what....spreading propaganda desired by CCP?

Global Times is a globally respected media outlet that is fair and balanced.
Global Times is a globally respected media outlet that is fair and balanced.

Globally respected?..

Globally respected?..

Global Times is a globally respected media outlet with fair and balanced coverage. Anyone saying otherwise is spreading CIA disinformation.
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