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Geopolitics of Eurasia+ region

china and russia is Global power,and india just region (South Asia )power.

china's influence power reach most countries includes Africa,South America ETC.
but India even cant influence japan...so it just South Asia power.

Good that you consider a dirty smelly country to be a regional Power . In any case we just want to be a regional power with influence in in Indian Ocean Region . That's enough for U.S.
although i dont very like india,but i still think in future china and india will be a stealthily union,because they have common intersts to gain more the sources of energy to develop thierself,and it will be against US. oil strategy.india want to control
Indian Ocean,and china want be another world power.US will try best to contain these two things become ture in order to keep his unique world leader position.
If world 3 unfortunately happens,it will be form three union:
1.PU(the Pacific union),including US,CANADA,JAPAN,Mexico,Australia,s Korean,the Philippines,Israel,etc
2.AEU(Asia Europe union) ,including china,russia,india,pak,middle asia,iran,Syria,n Korean,etc
3.ENAU( Europe north Africa union),including most of Europe nations and north Africa nantions,etc.
4.some countries will be neutrality,like New Zealand,Malaysia,Thailand,South America,etc.
5.instability countries,like Viet Nam(want to PU but fear AEU's strike),middle Africa(china traditional control counties,fear ENAU strike)etc.
although i dont very like india,but i still think in future china and india will be a stealthily union,because they have common intersts to gain more the sources of energy to develop thierself,and it will be against US. oil strategy.india want to control
Indian Ocean,and china want be another world power.US will try best to contain these two things become ture in order to keep his unique world leader position.
If world 3 unfortunately happens,it will be form three union:
1.PU(the Pacific union),including US,CANADA,JAPAN,Mexico,Australia,s Korean,the Philippines,Israel,etc
2.AEU(Asia Europe union) ,including china,russia,india,pak,middle asia,iran,Syria,n Korean,etc
3.ENAU( Europe north Africa union),including most of Europe nations and north Africa nantions,etc.
4.some countries will be neutrality,like New Zealand,Malaysia,Thailand,South America,etc.
5.instability countries,like Viet Nam(want to PU but fear AEU's strike),middle Africa(china traditional control counties,fear ENAU strike)etc.

Emotions shared likewise . At the end of the day we have lived 1000 years in the past with peace and we have to live side by side for next thousands of year . India and China will have covert relations , not Overt as that will be seen as a Rival to US Power . in the 17th Century china shared 25% of the world trade and India around 15 to 18 % . in the coming decades we will regain our natural spots . China's Foreign policy in the coming years will be mostly focused in South China Seas while that of India in Indian Ocean Region . Border Disputes will be solved with time .
Emotions shared likewise . At the end of the day we have lived 1000 years in the past with peace and we have to live side by side for next thousands of year . India and China will have covert relations , not Overt as that will be seen as a Rival to US Power . in the 17th Century china shared 25% of the world trade and India around 15 to 18 % . in the coming decades we will regain our natural spots . China's Foreign policy in the coming years will be mostly focused in South China Seas while that of India in Indian Ocean Region . Border Disputes will be solved with time .

chinese hate japanese much more than india,say in other way,india not our enemy,we see india movies,eat curry,business with indian,we never feel india is a threaten.china and india just like two players in a long race,the US and EU is far head,and they foment us:"let us see who can gei third one?"think about it,who is enemy?dont asia to asia,just asia to white man.
chinese hate japanese much more than india,say in other way,india not our enemy,we see india movies,eat curry,business with indian,we never feel india is a threaten.china and india just like two players in a long race,the US and EU is far head,and they foment us:"let us see who can gei third one?"think about it,who is enemy?dont asia to asia,just asia to white man.

We don't Hate China . China and India has a lot of shared history from buddism to Bátuó(Buddhabhadra, first abbot of Shaolin) , to Boddidhama etc . A lot of cultural heritage is Shared . But the war mongering media today shows two of us as rivals when we both can coexist as we have done in past . Its a Long race and we are very old civilization we will come at top no doubts about it . :tup:
china and russia is Global power,and india just region (South Asia )power.

china's influence power reach most countries includes Africa,South America ETC.
but india even cant influence japan...so it just South Asia power.

China is a rising regional power and will become a global power in the future, once it has a full fledged blue water navy with aircraft carriers to project its power and also have overseas bases.

Russia used to be a global power in its Soviet days, it is barely one today and fast loosing its position as a global power. By creating Eurasian Union and Eurasia+ group union, it can become a global power again in the future, but this will mean that they will have to accept to deal with a majority Muslim population in their union, a price they will have to be prepared to pay. Initially it will be fine as the Muslim population is under developed, but once they become developed, they may start to dominate, or they may become very liberal Muslims like Tatar Muslims and other Central Asian Muslims.

India is definitely a regional power and will remain one for at least a few decades.

although i dont very like india,but i still think in future china and india will be a stealthily union,because they have common intersts to gain more the sources of energy to develop thierself,and it will be against US. oil strategy.india want to control
Indian Ocean,and china want be another world power.US will try best to contain these two things become ture in order to keep his unique world leader position.
If world 3 unfortunately happens,it will be form three union:
1.PU(the Pacific union),including US,CANADA,JAPAN,Mexico,Australia,s Korean,the Philippines,Israel,etc
2.AEU(Asia Europe union) ,including china,russia,india,pak,middle asia,iran,Syria,n Korean,etc
3.ENAU( Europe north Africa union),including most of Europe nations and north Africa nantions,etc.
4.some countries will be neutrality,like New Zealand,Malaysia,Thailand,South America,etc.
5.instability countries,like Viet Nam(want to PU but fear AEU's strike),middle Africa(china traditional control counties,fear ENAU strike)etc.

Interesting ideas, my idea about global alliance and unions are here:
I don't think China will annex Mongolia unless Martian2 becomes the president. :P It is simply not worth the trouble and it is not a critical place geopolitical wise, unlike Tibet and Xinjiang and central Asia. China will keep a close tie with Kazakhstan and Mongolia so they can provide engergy and minerals to China. In turn China's economic boom make them rich as well. Kazakhstan's per capita GDP soared from $200 to $15,000 in 20 years. It is not difficult for Mongolians to get rich as well. China's inner Mongolia rivals Turkey in terms of per capita GDP. Monglia with less population could be even richer. These two countries will play a balance between Russia or China. Mongolia may want to play US card as well.

That is what I thought too. But small countries are always vulnerable, not just because of military threat, but because too small country can easily be manipulated by a bigger neighbor. So on the surface it may look independent, but in reality may be run by agents of a bigger neighbor. We have this situation in our country, our ruling party is actually a virtual Indian agent. So it is better for smaller countries to join and become part of a bigger union, in order to protect their own interest.

I have been to Kazakhstan several times, it is the richest and most developed country in Central Asia. It is doing well, but it is run by a Kazakh "Khan" Nursultan Nazarbayev. It is democracy in name only, but in reality a family run dictatorship, like all other 3 stan's in Central Asia, except Kyrgyzstan, which has some form of democracy, though not perfect. When Nazarbayev dies, there may be chaos, till they find a good reliable strong man like him. Mongolia on the other hand has a better democracy already and with mining taking off, it might be much better in the future, although currently it is quite poor. And you are right, since it has small population, if they make a lot of money from mining, they may get even richer than Kazakhstan, but Kazakhstan has oil, so lets see how it will turn out.

Even if both Kazakhstan and Mongolia become part of Eurasia+ or Eurasian Union initially, China will have no problem getting energy and minerals from these two countries, and it may even become easier, because of increased political stability and better law and order situation, which is good for business.
cross posted from another thread:

I have been suggesting one for the longest time, Pakistan should make a deal with Russia:

- Pakistan and Afghanistan will both join Putin's Eurasia Union and will urge Iran to do the same (Mongolia should join too, but not relevant here)
- All 4 new countries joining Eurasian Union get full strategic and military protection from any threat from outside power
- in return Russian relation with any non-member country must be agreed to by all member states of this expanded Eurasian union, as is natural and common for any regional union

Problem solved. Pakistan will never have to worry about Indian threat again.

Win-win for all, because the region will stabilize and no more worries about "terrrist" safe haven here.

The best solution is a confederation of Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and the six former Muslim republics of Soviet Union. This would only happen with the support of Russia / China. It will have a domestic market of nearly 500 million people and a potential of 10 Trillion USD. It will have a huge land mass as being the third Largest country (landwise) and a third most populated country.

All such projections including the one I made are of course exercises in imagination. But its good to consider different possible scenario:

1. Eurasian Union with all former Soviet Republics (including 5 stans) + Mongolia +Iran + Afghan + Pakistan
- Eurasian Union with all former Soviet Republics (including 5 stans) + Mongolia
- Turkey+Iran+Afghan+Pakistan

- Eurasian Union + Mongolia - 5 Central Asian stans - Azerbaijan
- Turkey+Iran+Afghan+Pakistan+5stans+Azerbaijan

What you have proposed is No. 3, while I have proposed No. 1. But No. 2 is more likely than No. 3.


- former Soviet states such as 5 Central Asian stans and Azerbaijan in Caucasus region are Russianized, Russian speaking and have long history of Russia influence
- even before Soviet Union, they used to be part of Russian empire:
Russian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- all of them are still kind of satellite states or vassal states of Russia
- many of them have significant Russian population, although diminishing with time. Kazakhstan still has the largest number of ethnic Russians, about 24%

Considering the above, these states are unlikely to leave their mother ship of state, Russian federation.

So instead of No. 3, No. 2 scenario is more likely. But that too has certain problems:

- Turkey is an integral part of NATO since its formation
- Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally
- Afghanistan may remain a non-NATO ally, depending on future govt. after the US leaves, but it may not, many are predicting a civil war with unpredictable result
- Iran is the more serious problem here, as it is absolutely hostile to NATO, especially the current theocratic regime and the regime will probably continue for the foreseeable future

So Iran is going to be the stumbling block for scenario No. 2

Now if we consider scenario No. 1, Turkey is excluded as it is a part of NATO, while the rest can be brought within SCO umbrella. So all these states nicely fit together only in this arrangement of scenario No. 1. A potential problem is Pakistan's status as non-NATO ally of the US, but this is a special case because of the need to go into Afghanistan. Once Afghanistan is stabilized and Pakistan has potential to be less troubled by extremism and has the possibility to become more stable, then the US should have no objection to see it become a part of this new Eurasian Union.

An integrated region will be good for China, India, Turkey, GCC+ and EU, as they will now be able to trade goods, energy etc. from this vast region, without hindrance or hassles of so many borders between existing nation states.

As part of NATO, Turkey will have more synergy with NATO ally and protected GCC+ (Arab states within Asian continent)

The other important consideration for these regional union ideas is to have at least one member state with a mature industrial base. Only Russian federation at this moment fits this category, while Turkey is on its way, although still 1-2 decades away. So from this perspective also No.1 makes more sense.

These regional unions may not become permanent arrangements. Lets say in scenario No. 1, once Muslim states like Iran together with 5 stans are able to function as a mature industrial base, then the Muslim part can break off while the Christian part could join the EU, 4-5 decades later. But my guess is that 4-5 decades later, religion may not dictate geopolitics as much as it does today.

Russian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Russian Empire (Pre-reform Russian orthography: Россійская Имперія, Modern Russian: Российская Империя, translit: Rossiyskaya Imperiya) was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was the successor to the Tsardom of Russia and the predecessor of the short-lived Russian Republic, which was succeeded by the Soviet Union. It was one of the largest empires in world history, surpassed in landmass only by the British and Mongol empires: at one point in 1866, it stretched from eastern Europe across Asia and into North America.
At the beginning of the 19th century, the Russian Empire extended from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea on the south, from the Baltic Sea on the west to the Pacific Ocean and into North America on the east. With 125.6 million subjects registered by the 1897 census, it had the third largest population of the world at the time, after Qing China and the British Empire. Like all empires, it represented a large disparity in economic, ethnic and religious positions. Its government, ruled by an Emperor, was an absolute monarchy until the Revolution of 1905. Afterwards it became a constitutional monarchy, though its Emperor continued to wield considerable power in the new political system until the final demise of the empire during the February Revolution of 1917, the result of strains brought about by its participation in World War I.

House of Romanov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The House of Romanov (Russian: Рома́нов, IPA: [rɐˈmanəf]) was the second and last imperial dynasty to rule over Russia, reigning from 1613 until the February Revolution abolished the crown in 1917. The later history of the Imperial House is sometimes referred to informally as the House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov.
The Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, who was himself a member of a cadet branch of the Oldenburgs, married into the Romanov family early in the 18th century; all Romanov Tsars from the middle of that century to the revolution of 1917 were descended from that marriage. Though officially known as the House of Romanov, these descendants of the Romanov and Oldenburg Houses are sometimes referred to as Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov.[citation needed]

Dukes of Holstein-Gottorp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From previous post:

1. Eurasian Union with all former Soviet Republics (including 5 stans) + Mongolia +Iran + Afghan + Pakistan

This may become a future possibility. Perhaps Russia will work with these countries to reduce both kinds of Islamic extremism, the pan-Shia and the Sunni variety and make an integrated prosperous region with rail, roads, pipe lines criss crossing all the way down to the warm water ports of Iran and Pakistan.

Fearing Afghanistan, Russia Gets Closer To Pakistan | EurasiaNet.org

Fearing Afghanistan, Russia Gets Closer To Pakistan
October 11, 2012 - 2:48pm, by Joshua Kucera

Russian President Vladimir Putin unexpectedly canceled his visit to Pakistan last week, but ties between the two countries nevertheless appear to be growing as a result of the Kremlin's fear of instability in Afghanistan.

Putin was supposed to be in Pakistan last week for the Dushanbe Four summit, a grouping that includes Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. But he canceled at the last minute; foreign minister Sergey Lavrov went instead and Pakistan's chief of army staff, Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, visited Moscow at the same time. And despite Putin's cancellation, analysts in Russia, Pakistan and India all seem to agree that Russian-Pakistani relations are nevertheless destined to get stronger.

Part of this seems to be a very slow post-Cold War geopolitical realignment, and part is motivated by specific worries about Afghanistan. Russia and India have strong relations, especially military-to-military ties, a vestige of the Cold War when India was a Soviet ally and its enemy, Pakistan, was supported by the U.S. But India is now seeking to diversify its relations, including strengthening ties (including in defense) with the U.S. That has led some in Moscow to want to send India a message, said Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies and an analyst well connected to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in an interview with Kommersant:

“India remains Moscow’s most important partner in the area of [military-technical cooperation], both in terms of volume and potential. Yet Delhi’s attempts to diversify its supplies of new weapons – increasingly from Western countries – are making Russia flinch. Moscow has explained to Delhi, in no uncertain terms, that it can also diversify its military-technical ties by means of a rapprochement with Pakistan."

The Hindu, in a piece headlined "Growing Russia-Pakistan ties a reality that India will have to live with" quotes an unnamed Russian diplomat saying as much:

“India could have been more loyal to Russia in the field of military and technical cooperation and saved it from the disagreeable situation in which Moscow on its own has to search for markets to sell military equipment meant for Delhi,” said another Russian diplomat. The consolation: even in the most optimistic scenario, the diplomat asserted, military cooperation between Russia and Pakistan would remain insignificant and would not alter the balance of power in the region.

But Afghanistan is perhaps the key driver in the Russia-Pakistan rapprochement, writes Sadhavi Chauhan in an analysis for OpenDemocracy:

While Pakistan’s deteriorating relations with the US have led it to look for new regional allies, Russia’s increased closeness to Islamabad is primarily motivated by the situation in Pakistan and around. As the US prepares to curtail its presence in Afghanistan by 2014, Russia fears that state failure in that country will cause a spillover of Islamic fundamentalism into Central Asia, and from there into the southern regions of Russia. Having just dealt with Islamist secessionist movements in Chechnya and the South Caucasus, this is not a scenario that Russia would welcome.

In this context, while Russia is aware of Islamabad's role in fomenting international terrorism, it realises that any successful resolution of the problems associated with Afghanistan must involve Pakistan. A cancelled presidential visit cannot change the relevance of this, or of Russia's goal, in enhancing ties with Pakistan, of securing greater cooperation on counter terrorism.

Pukhov agrees:

"Pakistan exerts huge influence over the country. Moscow is racking its brains over how to ensure the safety and security of the southern borders of the CIS when U.S. and NATO troops finally pull out of Afghanistan. If Russia continues to snub Pakistan in favor of India, it would ultimately run contrary to the interests of Russia's security."

But what might this mean in terms of arms sales? Probably not a sea change, Pukhov said:

“Russia is unlikely to sell Islamabad an air defense system or fighter aircraft,” said Pukhov. “Still, dual-use systems, such as the Mi-17 helicopter, could be supplied, in addition to combat training and the exchange of military experts.”

And Russian defense minister Anatoly Serdyukov, visiting New Delhi this week, assured Indians that Moscow would continue to be on their side, reports the Economic Times:

"I will make a very short comment that we have not had any change in our legislation whatsoever," Russian defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov told reporters here at a joint press conference with Indian Defence Minister AK Antony.

He was asked if there was any change in Russian policy of not arming India's adversaries.

So it looks like Putin will be making that trip to Islamabad one of these days.
Its an opening for Russian influence in the region. Now it depends on the leadership of these two countries to take it forward. These countries of the region are natural fit for cooperation among themselves in the long term.

In the next 10-15 years Russia-India relationship is bound to take a hit if Russia thinks more seriously about a regional union with these countries, which will be good for Russia and these countries in the long term.
Indian media nervous and disappointed at Russian move:

Russia defends growing proximity to Pakistan over arms supplies - Economic Times

Russia defends growing proximity to Pakistan over arms supplies
PTI Oct 10, 2012, 05.48PM IST

NEW DELHI: Russia today sought to dispel impression of its growing proximity to Pakistan over arms supplies, saying there was no change in its policy in this regard.

Traditionally, Russia has adopted a policy of not supplying weapon systems to India's western adversary Pakistan but a number of its aircraft are in operational service with China.

"I will make a very short comment that we have not had any change in our legislation whatsoever," Russian defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov told reporters here at a joint press conference with Indian Defence Minister AK Antony.

He was asked if there was any change in Russian policy of not arming India's adversaries.

Pakistan is seeking combat aircraft engines for its fighter aircraft being developed jointly with China and equipment for the mid-air refuelling aircraft such as the Ilyushin-78.

On speculation that he had cancelled his October 4 visit to India to meet Pakistan Army Chief Gen Pervez Ashraf Kiyani, Serdyukov said he had already apologised to his Indian counterpart for not being able to make it.

"I could not make it but the only reason I stayed back was due to participation in certain activities run by my supreme commander President Putin. It was the release of new transport aircraft IL-476. It is a huge contract and it is very promising," he said.

Serdyukov was earlier supposed to reach India on October 4 for the Defence Minister-level meeting but after it was postponed, speculation was rife that he had done so to meet the Pakistani army chief who was in Moscow on a three-day visit.
The trajectory for Eurasia+ under SCO security alliance:

- recreated Eurasian Union with former Soviet states
- joining of Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Mongolia
- joining of independent Kurdistan from parts of Iraq and Syria
- joining of Shia part of Iraq and may be Latakia in Syria
Turks and Mongols come both from Altai, central Asia.

We all came from Africa. Plus, what percentage of Turkish population actually can be traced back to Altai? The Koreans claim they are from Altai, now Turks claim they from Altai. Is Altai some kind of holy land for those people? It's hard for me to imagine that Koreans and Turks are more related than Turks and Greeks. lol The power of nationalist education certainly is overwhelmingly powerful, esp. in certain "democratic" countries.

Those Turkish people claiming Turkestan remind me of Hitler's race ideology. Hi, as long as we are somehow related in history by blood, we must help each other no matter what, we must unite, we must expand to claim our ancestral lands! lol
There is a deep seated aversion for Muslims in Indian majority Hindu population because of the history of Muslim rule. After 1947 partition, it is highly unlikely that Indian majority population will support any kind of union between India and any neighbor Muslim majority states such as Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh. Lets see if any Indian comes forward and comments on it. A silence will mean that they agree to my assessment.

Also, India's future does not look very bright compared to ASEAN or Eurasian Union, so for Bangladesh I promote the idea that Bangladesh should join ASEAN. While for Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, I recommend all 3 should join the Eurasian Union proposed by Putin, initially as observers.

Dude our foreign minister is a muslim,ex president was a muslim,most of our fav bollywood stars are muslims,muslims play in our national and state sports teams,our present head of intelligence bureau is a muslim and you still think we hate muslims?
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