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Geopolitics of Eurasia+ region


Jan 4, 2009
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Geopolitics of Eurasia+

In this thread we would like to discuss the geopolitics of Russia, Central Asia and non-Arab West Asia.

proposed EUrasia+ group: Eurasian Union (former Soviet states)+Iran+Pakistan+Afghanistan+Mongolia

Eurasian Union:

Belarus (may join EU)

Armenia (may join EU)

Neighbor powers:
China (PRC+Taiwan)

Global power:

ORSAM :: Foreign Policy Analysis
Russian former Soviet rail and road network should extend southwards to cover Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan. China has already rail/road connection to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. India can take part through Iran for now and via Pakistan in the future. But political integration should happen between Iran+Pakistan+Afghanistan and Eurasian Union, to ensure security and stability and reduce outside interference.

If the US wants to stabilize this region and make it terror free, regional integration is the only long term solution that will work.
ORSAM :: Foreign Policy Analysis

The First Step Towards Eurasian Union Taken
Dr. İlyas Kamalov, ORSAM Eurasia Advisor
As from January 1st 2012, the Customs Union, in which the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan take part, came into action as the “Common Economic Zone”. Both politicians and specialists describe the “Common Economic Zone” as the first step taken towards the “Eurasian Union”.

As is known, the Customs Union was formed in 2010, by the participation of the Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The Customs Union and the Common Economic Zone would open the markets of member countries to each others, decrease product prices, increase the competition upon the entrance of new products into market, and it would increase salaries upon the increase of production, easier transportation and upon the removal of customs duties. Thus, it is possible to estimate that the member countries will take great advantages in economic terms. As a matter of fact, the specialists think that this practice will have brought in 400 billion dollars to Russia, and 20 billion dollars each to Kazakhstan and Belarus by 2015. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are expected to be members of the Customs Union within 2012.

As a matter of fact, it is possible to describe the Customs Union as the beginning of a new period for the former Soviet republics (except for the Baltic states). While the Customs Union's coming into effect completes the disintegration process within the CIS, it also points out the birth of a new union. While the formation of the CIS was the idea of the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev; we can describe the Eurasian Union as “the project of Putin”. Vladimir Putin has many reasons to attach importance to this project. Since his coming into power, Putin has been mentioning that the collapse of USSR is a big disaster. And with the Eurasian Union, Putin is kind of planning to revitalize the USSR, and this project will be one of the important issues of the Presidential electioneering that will be carried in March. Putin has great expectations from the Eurasian Union as well. The Russian leader states that this union will become a power, with a great influence on the international arena, in the forthcoming years.

If the plans related to the project are totally put into practice, unlike the other formations in the former Soviet geography, it is possible that the Eurasian Union could really be successful. If the Customs Union, which envisages removing customs and customs duties at inter-country level, creating common customs area, following a common foreign trade policy, and the international integration, turns into the Eurasian Union; the bodies such as Council of Heads of State, Parliament, and Council of Foreign Ministers will be created and it will adopt an EU-like structure. The parties already started to carry out works to establish a common monetary unit, and to act together in terms of military. And the organizations such as the Eurasian Economic Community and Collective Security Treaty Organization, which were established after the collapse of the USSR in the former Soviet geography, will make it easier for the member countries to be organized and integrated in political, economic, military and cultural fields within the frame of the Customs Union / Eurasian Union.

On the other hand, there are certain problems that prevent the success of “Putin's project”. These problems are the same with the ones, which led to the failure of the organizations that had been established in the Eurasian geography before. Although Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, who are planning to solve their economic problems with the assistance of the union, declared their willingness to be the member of the union; the other republics are following the policy of “wait and see”, for the time being. Even the Ukrainian and Moldavian authorities, who are in a close cooperation with Russia, believe that the integration within the frame of the Eurasian Union would give damage to their independence, and also they think that the integration process developed with the EU is more important for them. The leaders of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan also want to take advantage of the implementation within the frame of the Customs Union. However, they do not want to enter into any obligation in return. Therefore, the former Soviet states know that Vladimir Putin attaches great importance to this union, and thus, we can estimate that they will pursue the policy of “if it is necessary for Putin, he pays it”. A similar policy has already been followed by Belarus (within the frame of the Union State of Russia and Belarus) and other republics (within the frame of the other organizations) for years; and this situation has the potential of negatively affecting the success of the union. The issues such as; Moscow's perceiving the Eurasian Union as the Soviet Union, each country's becoming the member of the union by looking after different interests as happened in the former organizations, always comparing the organization with the Western organizations and presenting them as alternative, are the factors that could negatively affect the success of Vladimir Putin's project.

The Eurasian Union has been occupying Turkey's agenda for a long time. Especially during the periods, when there are problems with the EU, the Turkish authorities and specialists mention the Eurasian Union. On the other hand, there is no place for Turkey and other countries (China, India, etc.) in the Russian Eurasia. Moscow perceives each step of the aforesaid countries towards the Central Asia, and generally each step of the Western countries to the former Soviet geography, with jealousy; and she considers these steps as a threat against her own interests. As a matter of fact, Moscow considers even China, with whom she made cooperation in the process of eliminating the influence of the U.S. in the Central Asia, as rival; and she tries to give prominence to the organizations in Eurasia, to which China is not member. It is possible to predict that Kremlin will pursue the same policy on the Eurasian Union against China and the other countries. Russia would not want to share the opportunities she created by gathering the former Soviet states under a single roof. And this is the major reason why the specialists describe the Eurasian Union as the project of revitalizing the Soviet Union.
SCO will be a balancer and couter weight for Asian Pivot policy in ASEAN+ region. An expanded Eurasian Union to include Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran, should stabilize the instability in these 3 countries. The US should support this development in exchange of SCO (China+Russia) not meddling in GCC+ region, the integration of which should happen in partnership with NATO. Each of these regions, their main powers and allied powers should concentrate on getting their regional houses in order rather than meddling to make a mess in other regions where they do not belong.
Relevant posts from other threads:
Soviet expansion to Afghanistan was stalled by USA for the last 33 years, while Afghanistan became a geopolitical football and a basket case, while Pakistan continues to suffer. This only means one thing that this containment policy by the US was a wrong move. The new incarnation of Soviet Union, called the Eurasian Union, should expand to Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, under SCO security umbrella. I see no problem India joining SCO, it knows it will loose out in the long term, if it becomes another pawn for the faulty US containment policy of China and Russia in this space. SCO however is just a strategic and security alliance network, it is not any kind of union project. A good analogy is NATO and EU, while Turkey is a part of NATO, but not part of EU.

But it is foolish to think Pakistan is not important. If Eurasion Union expansion becomes reality as I predict and promote, then for Russia, Pakistan will become far more important than India. In fact, I would predict that Russia and Pakistan will get much more close and China-Pakistan relationship may not develop well in the future.

Indian strategists in South block should start thinking more about developing their economy and reigning in their religious extremists from among their ranks, so they can chart a more realistic foreign policy. The developing situation will not be like the past.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...offers-10-bln-usd-sco-loan.html#ixzz1xBJ7TvJy

Expanding on the USA/NATO/EU/Turkey analogy, for SCO it will look like China/SCO/Eurasia+/India. Like USA in NATO, China is the big boss for SCO, like EU, Eurasia+ will aim to become a federal state in the future. Like NATO member Turkey not getting membership of EU, India will be SCO member, but not a member of Eurasia+.

But there is a key difference, USA, Canada, EU and ANZ may become a Europa+ someday, but China will not be able to join Eurasia+ for the near or medium term.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...fers-10-bln-usd-sco-loan-2.html#ixzz1xBJKhbHp
very interesting exchange of comments

I was going to post a certain article about importance of Pakistan to Eurasian Union, but PDF gave me a warning about permanent ban. I was puzzled, can someone explain why this kind of harmless information is being censored.
Pakistan not gonna be in any Eurasian Union... Most probably Pakistan will be in South Asian Union with India, BD, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan... Home is where we should be!
Pakistan not gonna be in any Eurasian Union... Most probably Pakistan will be in South Asian Union with India, BD, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan... Home is where we should be!

There is a deep seated aversion for Muslims in Indian majority Hindu population because of the history of Muslim rule. After 1947 partition, it is highly unlikely that Indian majority population will support any kind of union between India and any neighbor Muslim majority states such as Pakistan, Afghanistan or Bangladesh. Lets see if any Indian comes forward and comments on it. A silence will mean that they agree to my assessment.

Also, India's future does not look very bright compared to ASEAN or Eurasian Union, so for Bangladesh I promote the idea that Bangladesh should join ASEAN. While for Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan, I recommend all 3 should join the Eurasian Union proposed by Putin, initially as observers.

Mongolia is part of East Asia.

Not exactly, Mongolians consider themselves more Central Asians than East Asians, while Tungusic Manchu's to their east are considered East Asians.

More importantly, Mongolians future position is very vulnerable. There is a risk of annexation from China as stated in a thread by Martian2. Rather than being annexed by China, I am fairly sure that Mongolians would rather join Eurasian Union, as an independent member state, and get nuke protection, so they cannot be annexed by China.
Not exactly, Mongolians consider themselves more Central Asians than East Asians, while Tungusic Manchu's to their east are considered East Asians.

More importantly, Mongolians future position is very vulnerable. There is a risk of annexation from China as stated in a thread by Martian2. Rather than being annexed by China, I am fairly sure that Mongolians would rather join Eurasian Union, as an independent member state, and get nuke protection, so they cannot be annexed by China.

indeed , it is hard to see any possible for Outer Mongolia return to China
influence of Soviet are still existing there and Outer Mongolia also is a radical anti-China country
i am sure they would have a better lives than today theirs if their change their mind to return to China
but it is not allowed politically for both side of China and Russia

another words
if Russia would like to pick up the glorious of Soviet they should have a strong economy power as backbone.
in the past 10 years they supported their country by selling old weapons and gas
more economical reforms need to be made in the term of office of the Tsar Putin
but it seems that international situation don't like him of do that
indeed , it is hard to see any possible for Outer Mongolia return to China
influence of Soviet are still existing there and Outer Mongolia also is a radical anti-China country
i am sure they would have a better lives than today theirs if their change their mind to return to China
but it is not allowed politically for both side of China and Russia

another words
if Russia would like to pick up the glorious of Soviet they should have a strong economy power as backbone.
in the past 10 years they supported their country by selling old weapons and gas
more economical reforms need to be made in the term of office of the Tsar Putin
but it seems that international situation don't like him of do that

Thanks for your mature view point. To stabilize the various unstable regions of the world and work together to empower and develop the population of these regions under regional framework, I am hoping that someday both US and Chinese strategists will accept the usefulness of:
Eurasia+, ASEAN+, GCC+ (including Turkey), African Union and UNASUR regional unions


Russia can provide stability and industrial base for the former Soviet countries as well as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Mongolia, in return, they will get a captive market and big population to recreate its old Romanov "Russian empire", without becoming subservient to Europe. This will reduce Russian insecurity about:

- Islamic extremism coming from down south and polluting former Soviet Central Asia (the 5 stans)
- Chinese demographic invasion in Siberia
- increasing Chinese, US and Indian influence in Central Asia
- loosing more countries like Georgia to NATO and EU expansion, such as Ukraine, Azerbaijan etc.
- becoming a relevant superpower in world stage again

If the majority Muslim portion of the population of this proposed Eurasia+, once they become developed and empowered, try to encroach on the rights of Christians and Buddhists in Russia+Mongolia, they will always have the option to break off from Eurasia+ and join a more liberal and Christian majority EU.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia on the other hand should lead the GCC+ group, and should make it into an integrated and developed region:

With Lukashenko as president?

It's interesting they would want in EU and not some other regional "institution"....

Please see above post, if Eurasian Union and Eurasia+ materializes, then both Belarus and Armenia would join Eurasian Union which may eventually turn into Eurasia+.
Geopolitics of Eurasia+

In this thread we would like to discuss the geopolitics of Russia, Central Asia and non-Arab West Asia.

proposed EUrasia+ group: Eurasian Union (former Soviet states)+Iran+Pakistan+Afghanistan+Mongolia

Eurasian Union:

Belarus (may join EU)

Armenia (may join EU)

Neighbor powers:
China (PRC+Taiwan)EU

Global power:

ORSAM :: Foreign Policy Analysis

china and russia is Global power,and india just region (South Asia )power.

china's influence power reach most countries includes Africa,South America ETC.
but india even cant influence japan...so it just South Asia power.
More importantly, Mongolians future position is very vulnerable. There is a risk of annexation from China as stated in a thread by Martian2. Rather than being annexed by China, I am fairly sure that Mongolians would rather join Eurasian Union, as an independent member state, and get nuke protection, so they cannot be annexed by China.

I don't think China will annex Mongolia unless Martian2 becomes the president. :P It is simply not worth the trouble and it is not a critical place geopolitical wise, unlike Tibet and Xinjiang and central Asia. China will keep a close tie with Kazakhstan and Mongolia so they can provide engergy and minerals to China. In turn China's economic boom make them rich as well. Kazakhstan's per capita GDP soared from $200 to $15,000 in 20 years. It is not difficult for Mongolians to get rich as well. China's inner Mongolia rivals Turkey in terms of per capita GDP. Monglia with less population could be even richer. These two countries will play a balance between Russia or China. Mongolia may want to play US card as well.
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