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Geo News on the verge of a complete BAN

That would be wrong.

PEMRA should wait for a formal reply to its Show Cause Notice by Geo before doing anything. Such measures, if taken by PEMRA, would indicate that it is not being fair.
Well Pemra has the right and btw did they do something wrong?
They jsy changed the position of the channel, those who want to watch it can still watch it.....
The move has probably been ordered by the "agencies", but that is patently illegal and unfair to the due process too.
Nope that is being judgemental....the hatred towards the establishment is cloging your views and it is not just you but many others in Pakistan....
Am bot judging you, just giving my opinion about your comments, that i believe are judgmental....
Patriots have taken matters into their own hands. This is the sense of national consensus and interest we need. Entire Jang group is enemy's frontshop for subverting the Pakistani state. If PEMRA acting at the behest of Nawaz administration didn't ban GEO, public will destroy it by individual or communal boycott.
Pemra nust and i say again it must uphold its power and regulate other channels to....there are many other issues beside defaming institutions, good thing that cane out of this incident was, many actually got to read pemra regulations and now kniw what wrong has these media houses been doing....
Well Pemra has the right and btw did they do something wrong?
They jsy changed the position of the channel, those who want to watch it can still watch it.....
Nope that is being judgemental....the hatred towards the establishment is cloging your views and it is not just you but many others in Pakistan....
Am bot judging you, just giving my opinion about your comments, that i believe are judgmental....

I am not judging anything, nor do I have any emotion clogging my point of view.

I am merely pointing out that for PEMRA to order any action before its 14 day time period would be unethical and wrong, if they have done it. If they have not done it, then the blame for such punitive action before due process is complete points the finger elsewhere.

Either way, it shows wrongdoing and pre-judgmental malice. Not good.
Geo did report about Hamid Mir's allegations, and since HM works for Geo, they're being held liable for his personal opinions. Besides, an alleged assassination attempt against a journalist is technically corruption (if true).

You can bash Geo all you want, but at the end of the day you and I both know that this ban on Geo is going to be bad for the entirety of Pakistani media.

It is Pakistan that we banned GEO if Geo is American or even an Indian they will put whole setup into the bar and make treason case against them.

PAF Officer's Mess, Malir Cant
Geo's new way to reach out the people. Perhaps they have realized that people now no more watch Geo TV. Smart move, PEMRA has no control on this new medium.

Wonder is it just me who have been receiving the texts? Anyone else who have had the pleasure?

Makhdoom Babar "Amir Mir, hurled and accusation on ISI and Pakistan Army after his brother was attacked by unidentified gunmen in the violence ridden city of Karachi, over the weekend. This is not the first time that Amir Mir has launched such an attack on Pakistan Army. The Gentleman has a great history of such exercises. He is the only person in Pakistan's media community who is living a cool, calm and rather luxurious and uninterrupted life as a journalist and as a Pakistani citizen, yet he has always kept blaming army and ISI of threatening him while nothing actually ever happened to him. Despite this, the great journalist wrote 2 highly poisonous, anti-Pakistan books in which he did the maximum mud-slugging of the Institution of Pakistan Army and its intelligence arm the ISI. Amir Mir's book, "Talibanization of Pakistan: From 9/11 to 26/11" was published by the New Delhi-based Pentagon Press in 2009 while his other book - "The Bhutto Murder Trail: From Waziristan to GHQ" - was published in 2010 again by the New Delhi-based Tranquebar Press, both in English and Hindi. Both books were so poisonous and propagating against the institution of Army and lacked that much facts and substantial evidence that no Pakistani publisher bothered to publish either of the two. The situation left the author with the best available option and that was to turn to the traditional enemies of Pakistan and Pakistan Army; the Indians and the Indians did not disappoint him at all as they not only published his propaganda books very generously but they ran some extra miles and published the book's Hindi version too.

This not all about the patriotic journalist of the patriotic and professional media organization but if people have forgotten, they better refresh their memories here that just like in the recent episode, Amir Mir, during General Musharraf's era, told his friends and family that General Pervez Musharraf was to be held responsible for any harm to his life or person. Not only this but at one stage, Amir Mir went on to claim that his car was set on fire in November 2003 as an act of intimidation and harassment by General Musharraf, who was the President of Pakistan as well at that time.

However, no heaven was fallen and after writing such highly controversial books and that too with the blessings of Indians, neither Amir Mir was touched by any army personnel, nor was he summoned to the ISI offices for interrogation over writing such negative books against Pakistan and Pakistani institutions of national defense and that too from the soil of the hostile enemy State. He was neither asked by any government authority to show the source of income for getting these books published from abroad nor was notified to show the proofs and volume of income through these books as he was very much required to furnish the same with the Tax authorities at least. And as far his blaming General Musharraf for getting his car burnt, earned him nothing else than a huge global laughter while rest was left between him and the Insurance Company that insured his car.

Now, after years of getting neck deep involved in such anti-Pakistan and anti army activities, Mir Brothers, who were never touched by any army or intelligence personnel or for that matter any other patriotic Pakistani despite doing all what they have been doing, they even want to control the minds and thinking of the Army as they are constantly saying that army establishment THINK us as security threats and that the ISI and army have serious misperceptions that we ( Amir Mir and Hamid Mir ) are anti-army and anti Pakistan. They are not saying that they have been caused any inconvenience by army or ISI they just have objections over the thinking and perceptions of country's military leadership and intelligence bosses. These CHAMPIONS of freedom of thoughts clearly have objections on the thoughts of army and ISI officials. They failed to prove that they were ever harmed or hurt by any army or ISI official but they just say that they do not feel comfortable with the way army and ISI think about them. Well! That is just great. In a free country, where you seek all the freedom for whatever you want to say or write under the garb of freedom of expression or press freedom, you at the same time want other to think about you that way you want to be thought by them. After all what you have been doing against Pakistan Army and its allied units like ISI, you desire that they should not even be thinking bad about you? Really, one needs to have exclusive cheeks and unconventional brain for this for having such desires and saying such words."
Except those other channels are going to look at Geo and have serious doubts about reporting about corruption. Face it, Geo is being treated as an example, a warning to other media agencies to not cross the military or the ISI. Geo is nothing more than a sacrificial lamb.
Nobody should allow to barking on Pak army and ISI .........
Good to see Pakistani people have mind of their own- a free mind to understand and judge before believing- unlike our eastern neighbors who love to be brainwashed-
great best way to hit them where it hurts them most
will be lovely to see how long the smug on the face of Najam Shathi remains now
Except those other channels are going to look at Geo and have serious doubts about reporting about corruption. Face it, Geo is being treated as an example, a warning to other media agencies to not cross the military or the ISI. Geo is nothing more than a sacrificial lamb.

Nobody Minds To Objective Professional Journalism.It Is Agenda Peddling That People Have Reacted.Our People and National Security Agencies Have Been Tolerating Their Crap For Too Long

At last Imran Khan speaks in favor of ISI.


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