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Geo network / mir shakeel caught red handed in trademark fraud!


Jul 26, 2013
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  • Has GEO/ Jang groups finally lost whatever remaining credibility it had?

This is the latest in the series of long running devious schemes of Jang Group and Geo Network that are not panning out well in their favor. It all started with GEO being exposed on media for attempts to defame their upcoming competitor, BOL Network through publishing false allegation in their own newspapers. Further on Geo’s alleged association with RAW unveiled with the publication of the infamous Hindustan Times Story against Pakistan Army, ISI, BOL TV and businessman Aqeel Kareem Dhedi (competitor of GEO’s associate and samdhi, Jehangir Siddiqui), which Hindustan Times later took down with a clarification regretting to publish the false story. There were false anonymous lawsuits filed by GEO’s puppets against BOL network that were all thrown out by courts and all attempts to create administrative problems for BOL by misguiding the political Government went in vain (as per the website of BOL network).

NOW conspirators and believers of unfair competition in the GEO Network made another botched attempt to create a legal issue for BOL: International Media Corporation Pvt. Ltd (a.k.a Geo Network) claimed the word “BOL” to be their trademark!!! – a claim that has now come up as being based on criminal fabrication and forgery at Geo’s end. The Pandora box of GEO’s unending schemes was again re-opened on TV on 17th December 2013 on an exclusive investigative report by a news anchorperson, after disturbing facts and evidences regarding GEO’s fraud and manipulation came up as a result of a sudden raid at Trademark Office by a Nazir of the Sindh High Court on the request of BOL Network.

It all started on June 09, 2013 when the upcoming media organization BOL Network’s first official advertisement in Daily Dawn was published and created a dilemma for Jang / Geo Group when reportedly 95% of their employees applied for the jobs in this new network. Out of the insecurity and fear of upcoming competition, the conspirators in the management of Geo Network applied for the trademark of word “BOL” on June 19, 2013 as per the following application:

Only their efforts met utter disappointment as the management of the upcoming BOL Network had already applied for BOL’s trademark among 165associated words back in March 2013. This disappointment caused Mir Shakil ur Rahman and his allies to resort to their tried and tested deceitful ways and they forged the registration application for “Pakistan Idol” that was submitted back in 2007 and changed it to “BOL”. Call it oversight or sheer evidence to their devious acts, the application number for both the application remained same (i.e 238904). Further they stole this complete file 238904 from the trademark office.


The Trademark office has made startling revelation to the Nazir of the Honorable Court that the complete file of GEO’s trademark application No. 238904 has been stolen from the office.However, the Trademark office computerized diary sheet also came to light, showing the user name of trademark officers and showing that the trademark was illegally changed from Pakistan idol to BOL in July 2013, 4 months after BOL Networks application!

In November 2013, prior to the Court Nazir’s raid, GEO filed a false and fictitious lawsuit claiming on the basis of this forgery that BOL is their trademark. As per their statement under oath to the court of law, Geo Network has been planning to bring out a channel by the name of BOL itself and has already been showing the logo on air for “GEO-BOL” in their transmission since many years.It was also stated on oath that GEO Network had no idea before November 2013 that a channel named BOL existed.

While the answers to the above asked questions are out in the open for anyone even with a common man’s diligence, the bigger and more attention seeking question is How a media enterprise committing one fraud after the other, victimizing so many institutions such as Competitor Networks & Pakistan Army and Intelligence, influencing the Judiciary with advertisements and manipulated headlines, blackmailing country’s top corporate and financial bodies like state Bank and SECP, defaulting on billions of loans and taxes, making fun of all laws and ethics, and now even putting a question mark on the corporate legal system and the security of intellectual property in Pakistan, is getting away with all this? How the government has turned an absolute blind eye to such insubordination and tyranny exercised by GEO Network and its owners! With all the evidences hitting the ceiling against GEO Network, it seems only to be a matter of time that GEO Network might trip and fell in the pit of its own dark deeds.

As per our insider source, recently their trademarks for “Jang” “GEO” and“The News International” have been registered internationally by someone but this time very legally and without any forgery taking advantage of their weakness of not having trademark registered internationally. As a result of this acquisition of trademark, the official facebook pages of Jang and The News International are no longer accessible in U.S.A, Canada, U.K and various other locations due to infringement of trademark rights.Additionally, Google removed the mobile application of The NEWS from its stores on the same basis. This seems like a start of a darker and rocky pathway for Geo Network and Mir Shakil ur Rahman. With this action, it seems that Bol has certainly thrown the ACE as an answer to the powerless tactical cards of GEO. Seems like again BOL has had the final word in this battle..

Pakistan Media Insider | Geo Network / Mir Shakeel Caught RED HANDED in TRADEMARK Fraud!
I wish to live to see this parrot nose hanging off the rope in Adiyala.
I am becoming fan of ML - let this b@stard taste his own medicine. His father kana dajjal is gone, so he is without any shelter now.
Fiat Justitia
Let the Justice be done.
Punish the fraudsters.......
Such a shame to see the credible media and news publication house getting driven by passion for journalism like Jang/Geo turned in to a viscous fraudulent mafia of a media driven by the green eyed monster and the green in the bank accounts - all thanks to Mir Shakil and the bandits behind the reins of this all.

Thankfully their dearest Ex-CJP is no longer in power... or after chairman PEMRA and NADRA, the head of Trademark office would have been the next to get sacked.
جنگ گروپ کے ٹریڈ مارک غیر قانونی طور پر رجسٹرڈ کرانے کی مذموم کوشش، عدالت کا ’’بول‘‘ کے خلاف حکم امتناع جاری
مدعہ علیہان پر ٹریڈ مارکس / کاپی رائٹس ’’جنگ‘‘، ’’جیو‘‘، اور ’’دی نیوز‘‘ کے کسی طور استعمال پر تا حکم ثانی پابندی عائد کردی گئی ہے
کراچی۔۔ روزنامہ جنگ مورخہ ۳۰ دسمبر ۲۰۱۳ء میں شائع ہونے والے جنگ اور جیو گروپ کی مشیر قانونی فرم کی جانب سے ’’ٹریڈ مارک پبلک نوٹس‘‘ میں عام الناس کو مطلع کیا گیا ہے کہ ’’ ایگزٹ پرائیوٹ لمیٹڈ کراچی نے ہمارے مندرجہ بالا ٹریڈ مارکس / کاپی رائٹس ’’جنگ‘‘، ’’جیو‘‘، اور ’’دی نیوز‘‘ کو غیر قانونی طور پر بیرون ممالک اپنے نام سے رجسٹر کرانے کی مذموم کوشش کی جس کا فوری نوٹس لیتے ہوئے ہمارے موکلین نے سندھ ہائی کورٹ، کراچی، میں دیوانی مقدمہ نمبر 1622/2013کے تحت حکم امتناعی حاصل کرلیا جس کے تحت مدعہ علیہان پر ٹریڈ مارکس / کاپی رائٹس ’’جنگ‘‘، ’’جیو‘‘، اور ’’دی نیوز‘‘ کے کسی طور استعمال پر تا حکم ثانی پابندی عائد کردی گئی ہے ‘‘۔
شائع کردہ پبلک نوٹس کا متن یہ ہے:۔
عوام الناس بالخصوص الیکٹرانک و ڈیجیٹل میڈیا سے وابستہ تمام کاروباری حضرات کومطلع کیا جاتا ہے کہ ہمارے موکلیں جنگ اینڈ جیو گروپ اپنے مشہور و معروف ٹریڈ مارکس، کاپی رائٹس ’’جنگ‘‘، ’’جیو‘‘ اور ’’TheNews‘‘ کے قانونی و حقیقی مالک ہیں جن کہ جملہ حقوق ٹریڈ مارک/ کاپی رائٹ قوانین کے تحت پاکستان سمیت دنیا کے کئی ممالک میں ہمارے موکلین کے نام کلی طور محفوظ و رجسٹرڈ ہیں اور ہمارے موکلین کے علاوہ کوئی بھی انہیں استعمال کرنے کا مجاز نہیں۔
تاہم حال ہی میں ہمارے موکلین کے علم میں یہ بات آئی کہ ایگزٹ پرائیوٹ لمیٹڈ کراچی نے ہمارے مندرجہ بالا ٹریڈ مارکس / کاپی رائٹس ’’جنگ‘‘، ’’جیو‘‘، اور ’’دی نیوز‘‘ کو غیر قانونی طور پر بیرون ممالک اپنے نام سے رجسٹر کرانے کی مذموم کوشش کی جس کا فوری نوٹس لیتے ہوئے ہمارے موکلین نے سندھ ہائی کورٹ، کراچی، میں دیوانی مقدمہ نمبر 1622/2013کے تحت حکم امتناعی حاصل کرلیا جس کے تحت مدعہ علیہان پر ٹریڈ مارکس / کاپی رائٹس ’’جنگ‘‘، ’’جیو‘‘، اور ’’دی نیوز‘‘ کے کسی طور استعمال پر تا حکم ثانی پابندی عائد کردی گئی ہے جس کا متن یہ ہے:۔
1. Urgency granted.
2. Notice to the defendants for 15th Jan 2014. Till the next date ad interim orders, as prayed.
It is hereby ordered that you the Defendants abovenamed be and are hereby restrained from any attempts at subverting the Plaintiffs recognized rights over the trademarks / service marks JANG, THE NEWS and GEO and from using / infringing / imitating / counterfeiting the Plaintiffs well-known and registered trademarks / service marks JANG, THE NEWS and GEO including their copyrighted artistic work, logos and calligraphy, and / or any intellectual property belonging to the Plaintiffs and / or from passing off their products / services as those of the Plaintiffs and / or participating in any act of unfair competition and from causing any disruptions to the Plaintiffs legitimate business, by sending any letters, emails or other communiqués adverse and prejudicial to Plaintiffs commercial and proprictary interest to any third party in any manner whatsoever, as per above Court’s order.
Now the matter is fixed in this court on 15th day of January 2014 at 08:15am.
Giver under my hand and the seal of the Court this on 21st day of December 2013
واضح رہے کہ اس سے قبل بھی ایگزیکٹ پرائیویٹ لمیٹڈ کی جانب سے ہمارے موکلین کے ایک اور ٹریڈ مارک ’’بول‘‘ کے تحت الیکٹرانک میڈیا میں غیر قانونی طور پر اپنی کاروباری سرگرمیاں جن میں الیکٹرانک چینلز، الیکٹرانک پروگرامز اور فلمز شامل ہیں، شروع کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی جس پر ہمارے موکلین نے بروقت قانونی کارروائی عمل میں لاتے ہوئے دیوانی مقدمہ نمبر 521/2003 برائے حکم امتناعی و ہرجانہ معزز ڈسٹرکٹ جج، لاہور اور سندھ ہائی کورٹ، کراچی میں دیانی مقدمہ نمبر 1461/2013 کے تحت حکم امتناعی حاصل کرلیا جس کے تحت مذکورہ کمپنی پر ٹریڈ مارک ’’بول‘‘ کے کسی طور پر استعمال پر تا حکم ثانی پابندی عائد کردی گئی۔ اس بابت مورخہ 16 دسمبر2013 کو روزنامہ جنگ میں ایک ’’ٹریڈ مارک پبلک نوٹس‘‘ بنام ’’بول‘‘ شائع بھی کیا گیا۔
مزید برآں گزشتہ دنوں قبل ایک بار پھر ایگزیکٹ پرائیویٹ لمیٹڈ نے ہمارے موکلین کے مشہور و معروف پروگرامز
a. Khabrank
b. Aaj Ki Baat
c. Hum Sub Umeed Say Hain
d. Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath
e. Capital Talk
f. Aapas Ki Baat
g. Hum Awam etc.
اندرون و بیرون ممالک اپنے نام سے رجسٹر کروانے کی کوشش کی جس کے خلاف متعلقہ قوانین کے تحت بروقت قانونی کارروائی عمل میں لائی جارہی ہے۔
ہم بذریعہ نوٹس ہذا مذکورہ ناعاقبت اندیش عناصر کو یہ باور کرادینا چاہتے ہیں کہ ان کی یہ مندرجہ بالا غیر قانونی سرگرمیاں نہ صرف سراسر بدنیتی پر مبنی ہیں بلکہ پاکستان اور بین الاقوامی قوانین بشمول ’’برنے کانوینشن، ٹرپس ایگریمنٹ اور پیرس کانونشن‘‘ کی خلاف ورزی بھی ہے اور ہمارے موکلین جنگ و جیو گروپ اپنے دانشورانہ حقوق کے تحفظ کے لیے ہر سطح پر قانونی کارروائی کا حق بخوبی محفوظ رکھتے ہیں۔
Ali & Associates
Since 1972
Advocates and Legal Consultants
Trademark, Copyright and Patent Attorneys
Ist Floor, Shaheen Towers, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi.
Ph. 021-34534580-2
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Jang Multimedia

  • Has GEO/ Jang groups finally lost whatever remaining credibility it had?

This is the latest in the series of long running devious schemes of Jang Group and Geo Network that are not panning out well in their favor. It all started with GEO being exposed on media for attempts to defame their upcoming competitor, BOL Network through publishing false allegation in their own newspapers. Further on Geo’s alleged association with RAW unveiled with the publication of the infamous Hindustan Times Story against Pakistan Army, ISI, BOL TV and businessman Aqeel Kareem Dhedi (competitor of GEO’s associate and samdhi, Jehangir Siddiqui), which Hindustan Times later took down with a clarification regretting to publish the false story. There were false anonymous lawsuits filed by GEO’s puppets against BOL network that were all thrown out by courts and all attempts to create administrative problems for BOL by misguiding the political Government went in vain (as per the website of BOL network).

NOW conspirators and believers of unfair competition in the GEO Network made another botched attempt to create a legal issue for BOL: International Media Corporation Pvt. Ltd (a.k.a Geo Network) claimed the word “BOL” to be their trademark!!! – a claim that has now come up as being based on criminal fabrication and forgery at Geo’s end. The Pandora box of GEO’s unending schemes was again re-opened on TV on 17th December 2013 on an exclusive investigative report by a news anchorperson, after disturbing facts and evidences regarding GEO’s fraud and manipulation came up as a result of a sudden raid at Trademark Office by a Nazir of the Sindh High Court on the request of BOL Network.

It all started on June 09, 2013 when the upcoming media organization BOL Network’s first official advertisement in Daily Dawn was published and created a dilemma for Jang / Geo Group when reportedly 95% of their employees applied for the jobs in this new network. Out of the insecurity and fear of upcoming competition, the conspirators in the management of Geo Network applied for the trademark of word “BOL” on June 19, 2013 as per the following application:

Only their efforts met utter disappointment as the management of the upcoming BOL Network had already applied for BOL’s trademark among 165associated words back in March 2013. This disappointment caused Mir Shakil ur Rahman and his allies to resort to their tried and tested deceitful ways and they forged the registration application for “Pakistan Idol” that was submitted back in 2007 and changed it to “BOL”. Call it oversight or sheer evidence to their devious acts, the application number for both the application remained same (i.e 238904). Further they stole this complete file 238904 from the trademark office.


The Trademark office has made startling revelation to the Nazir of the Honorable Court that the complete file of GEO’s trademark application No. 238904 has been stolen from the office.However, the Trademark office computerized diary sheet also came to light, showing the user name of trademark officers and showing that the trademark was illegally changed from Pakistan idol to BOL in July 2013, 4 months after BOL Networks application!

In November 2013, prior to the Court Nazir’s raid, GEO filed a false and fictitious lawsuit claiming on the basis of this forgery that BOL is their trademark. As per their statement under oath to the court of law, Geo Network has been planning to bring out a channel by the name of BOL itself and has already been showing the logo on air for “GEO-BOL” in their transmission since many years.It was also stated on oath that GEO Network had no idea before November 2013 that a channel named BOL existed.

While the answers to the above asked questions are out in the open for anyone even with a common man’s diligence, the bigger and more attention seeking question is How a media enterprise committing one fraud after the other, victimizing so many institutions such as Competitor Networks & Pakistan Army and Intelligence, influencing the Judiciary with advertisements and manipulated headlines, blackmailing country’s top corporate and financial bodies like state Bank and SECP, defaulting on billions of loans and taxes, making fun of all laws and ethics, and now even putting a question mark on the corporate legal system and the security of intellectual property in Pakistan, is getting away with all this? How the government has turned an absolute blind eye to such insubordination and tyranny exercised by GEO Network and its owners! With all the evidences hitting the ceiling against GEO Network, it seems only to be a matter of time that GEO Network might trip and fell in the pit of its own dark deeds.

As per our insider source, recently their trademarks for “Jang” “GEO” and“The News International” have been registered internationally by someone but this time very legally and without any forgery taking advantage of their weakness of not having trademark registered internationally. As a result of this acquisition of trademark, the official facebook pages of Jang and The News International are no longer accessible in U.S.A, Canada, U.K and various other locations due to infringement of trademark rights.Additionally, Google removed the mobile application of The NEWS from its stores on the same basis. This seems like a start of a darker and rocky pathway for Geo Network and Mir Shakil ur Rahman. With this action, it seems that Bol has certainly thrown the ACE as an answer to the powerless tactical cards of GEO. Seems like again BOL has had the final word in this battle..

Pakistan Media Insider | Geo Network / Mir Shakeel Caught RED HANDED in TRADEMARK Fraud!
I am really getting annoyed by Geo now. They lack professional journalism, and I don't know how they can earn so much money, even after being hated so much. What is their source of income? Is it all the bollywood adds they air?

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