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Genocide of Christians in India

All this talk about Indian Christians - but still nobody here has explained why Pakistani Islamic groups were targeting Indian Christians and trying to blame Hindus. I had posted an article about this a few days back.

Has 'Pakistani groups' also burned 4000 indian muslims in gujrat? Are you a Doordarshan newscaster? =)
Sorry, but thats all you have to defend yourself?

No I have a lot more.

Terrorists are not our people. They were will be collateral damage to finish off the terrorists. I am sorry but thats not anything credible from you.

Escuse me? Which was the first country to recognize the Taleban rule in Afghanistan? Who trained Taleban in Afghanistan after they came to rise?

no offense but i cant say this in any other words

No offence but the biggest insult to Jinnah was made in 1971. It was not the Indians nor the Americans who were responsible for 1971. So if Jinnah saved you from the Hindu Controlled country then why your country could not preseve itself?

and as for the americans we will have a leader that will save us from them

We will wait.
and y did the 1993 happen in first place? why did a bunch of hindu mobs went out to kill muslims?

Muslims went to kill Hindu's after the Babri Mosque was demolished.

y were the sikhs targeted in 1980s?

Please do some research in Khalistan moment and try to find out your country's contribution to it.

y are the christians targeted all over india?

Orrisa is not allover India. Also do ask a question who gave right to christians to forcefully convert Hindu tribes or backward Hindu people?

Can these christians convert Muslims in Pakistan an Afghanistan? Last time when an Afghan got converted he was sentenced to death. Glass House Stone throwing anything???

look at your own home b4 you stick fingers at us

Read my point over this. Atleast we are getting killed as minorities in a Hindu dominated country where as majority in your country is either getting killed by Taleban or by the US with prior approval of your Government unless u wanna say that those madrassa students died in Bajur were terrerists.
India: Kerala churches reward big families

Several Christian parishes in the Indian state of Kerala have begun offering incentives to couples who produce more children, officials say.

One church of the Syro-Malabar denomination in Kerala's Wayanad district has offered 10,000 rupees ($200) for a couple's fifth child.

The move comes after a report submitted to Kerala's chief minister proposed imposing a strict two-child policy.

But church groups have aired concerns about dwindling numbers of Christians.

Census statistics show that the number of Christians has been in steady decline. Unofficial estimates say they could slip below 18% of Kerala's population in the latest census.

Church groups have expressed considerable concern about the trend.

"Our campaign is for responsible parenthood but the decision on how many children a couple should have is personal. We are not against family planning," said Fr Paul Thelakkat, a spokesman for Syro-Malabar Church, which is advocating the policy of rewarding procreation.

Although the church hasn't announced rewards statewide, Fr Thelakkat says individual parishes have been offering incentives to have more children. Some have even offered free treatment at their hospitals for large families.

Kerala's Catholic church has also mounted campaigns promoting larger families.

But a recent 12-member panel for the Commission of Rights and Welfare of Women and Children submitted a report to the government last month recommending harsh punishments, such as three months in prison or a 10,000 rupee fine, to any father expecting a third child.

Christian and Muslim groups condemned the report, saying it encroaches upon their religious freedom.

But the leader of the Hindu United Front in the state said "the two-child norm should be strictly enforced in India as we have limited resources to share among us".

Kummanam Rajashekharan added that the spate of church campaigns encouraging procreation only serve to create tensions between the religious communities.

BBC News - India: Kerala churches reward big families
activating a 3 year old thread :hitwall:

that even for off topic flame???????
I know. Hindus and muslims are brothers and we can in everyway live together however being oppressed in the name of secularism is stupid. U shud check our speeches by a person who goes as Nuzab round in Pakistan. He escaped f4m indian genoicide in 2003 and always tells truth about how it is to be a muslim in India.

It is India we are talking about here. The nation has been responsible for countless genocides.
Countless Genocide !!!!!!!!!! :pop:
:rofl: genocide is ironically the fashion statement among members of a country who themselves are being targeted for it. And they talk about India.
I dont think the OP even knows the meaning of the term 'genocide'. He also doesnt know how to read the date ! :rofl:
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