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Genetic link shown between Indian subcontinent and Mesopotamia

according to some researcher all modern human have origin in Homo sapiens who emigrated from Africa 2,000 generations ago

African tribe populated rest of the world - Telegraph

Obviously Bhai, it was a troll. :azn:

There is link but one is Adamanese and the other African. Everyone have links with Africa but not everyone is African. Vedda people are not pure ASI, they have ANI component in them.

If you believe Indians pooped out from with in South India then continue to believe so.
The original Vedda people came from Africa just like everyone else. They also had no ANI at the time. All Human beings can be traced back to Africa but the original untainted Vedda people are ASI not Adamnese.
Obviously Bhai, it was a troll. :azn:

The original Vedda people came from Africa just like everyone else. They also had no ANI at the time. All Human beings can be traced back to Africa but the original untainted Vedda people are ASI not Adamnese.

Thats why Adamanese are the only South Asian people left without any trace of ANI, hence they are pure ASI.

Matches perfectly well with Pakistani map.

Since when is Kerala inside Pakistan? :what: If anything, it suggests a stronger link between today's Pakistanis and South Indians. :cheers:
Thats why Adamanese are the only South Asian people left without any trace of ANI, hence they are pure ASI.
The Adamnese people never had anything to do with India, they migrated straight from Africa to their current island. What we are essentially saying is the same thing that South Asians in general are a mix of African and ANI. I have seen in your other posts that you say Indians have more ASI though which is completely wrong. For example the Somali people are considered a mix of Arab and African. However they possess mainly African traits such as curly hair for example and look more African then Arab. If that was the case with Indians then how come South Indians don't possess any stereotypical African traits apart from dark skin?

Since when is Kerala inside Pakistan? :what: If anything, it suggests a stronger link between today's Pakistanis and South Indians. :cheers:

Since when is Kerala inside Pakistan? :what: If anything, it suggests a stronger link between today's Pakistanis and South Indians. :cheers:

Just like we have links with Iran, Afghanistan, etc. Also look closely and see where is higher concentration of Haplogroup L.

The Adamnese people never had anything to do with India, they migrated straight from Africa to their current island. What we are essentially saying is the same thing that South Asians in general are a mix of African and ANI. I have seen in your other posts that you say Indians have more ASI though which is completely wrong. For example the Somali people are considered a mix of Arab and African. However they possess mainly African traits such as curly hair for example and look more African then Arab. If that was the case with Indians then how come South Indians don't possess any stereotypical African traits apart from dark skin?


Yes South Indians have more ASI then other populations of South Asia. It can be as high as 75% ASI in South Indians. Only South Indian Brahmins will have less ASI then average south indian.
Just like we have links with Iran, Afghanistan, etc. Also look closely and see where is higher concentration of Haplogroup L.

Yes South Indians have more ASI then other populations of South Asia. It can be as high as 75% ASI in South Indians. Only South Indian Brahmins will have less ASI then average south indian.
Not disagreeing with you but could I see a link to this? If it's the case then it's interesting, why do you think they don't possess many normal African features?
Not disagreeing with you but could I see a link to this? If it's the case then it's interesting, why do you think they don't possess many normal African features?

For exemple Tamil Nadu brahmin will have 47% ASI component compared to 59% average Tamil Nadu. Also tamil vishwakarma have 68% of ASI component. I dont know about tamil vishwakarma, who are these? Also having ASI doesnt mean African ancestry. Every South Asian have ASI component in them.

Does it turn the Aryan-invasion theory on its head??Does it suggest Dravidians went there instead of Aryans coming here?

This actually complicates things further in the sense that if the Elamo-Dravidian hypothesis is ever proven, it would mean that both Aryans and Dravidians actually came into India from outside. Going by the timeline of ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, IVC and the antiquity of Vedic Sanskrit, the Dravidians entered first, soon to be followed by Aryans. A clinching evidence might be possible if further breakthroughs in deciphering the language and ancestry of IVC is ever achieved.

Interestingly, there is some evidence of Vedic Sanskrit having absorbed many loanwords from an older, already existing Indian Language, possibly a Dravidian Language. Also, there is evidence of Indo-Aryans having migrated to Mesopotamia & Levant!
It might further interest you to peruse through these articles:

Substratum in Vedic Sanskrit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indo-Aryan superstrate in Mitanni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For exemple Tamil Nadu brahmin will have 47% ASI component compared to 59% average Tamil Nadu. Also tamil vishwakarma have 68% of ASI component. I dont know about tamil vishwakarma, who are these? Also having ASI doesnt mean African ancestry. Every South Asian have ASI component in them.


Obviously every South Asian has ASI, why is Baloch put in the same category as S Indian and all the others? According to this Punjabis are 40% Baloch.
This actually complicates things further in the sense that if the Elamo-Dravidian hypothesis is ever proven, it would mean that both Aryans and Dravidians actually came into India from outside. Going by the timeline of ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, IVC and the antiquity of Vedic Sanskrit, the Dravidians entered first, soon to be followed by Aryans. A clinching evidence might be possible if further breakthroughs in deciphering the language and ancestry of IVC is ever achieved.

Interestingly, there is some evidence of Vedic Sanskrit having absorbed many loanwords from an older, already existing Indian Language, possibly a Dravidian Language. Also, there is evidence of Indo-Aryans having migrated to Mesopotamia & Levant!
It might further interest you to peruse through these articles:

Substratum in Vedic Sanskrit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indo-Aryan superstrate in Mitanni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So when the Dravidians came here was the whole place empty?Or did we have another older population living here?
So when the Dravidians came here was the whole place empty?Or did we have another older population living here?

That's exactly where it all gets murky! It was for this very conundrum that the Onge tribal populace of the Andamans was chosen to represent the Ancestral South Indians(ASI). (although, the Andamans themselves have tribes which exhibit Mongoloid features as well. Read: Shompen people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The justification for having selected the Onge over other tribes from the same area is still a hotly debated topic.

But this description of ASI is wrong as most Dravidians are also classified as Caucasians with darker skin tone while the Onges are actually an Australoid race. It's possible that a small admixture of Dravidians( The Veddas of Sri Lanka are hypothesized to be closest in appearance to original Dravidians) with a remnant population of Australoids(no evidence yet, although genetically most South Asians do carry very small percentage of Australoid genes) had already occured in india by the time the Aryans came in, creating the tremendous diversity in appearance of modern South Asians.
Obviously every South Asian has ASI, why is Baloch put in the same category as S Indian and all the others? According to this Punjabis are 40% Baloch.

Baloch is just a component, Baloch and Brahui people have highest amount of Baloch component. Brahui (who speak dravidian language) have lowest ASI in them at 12%, followed by Baloch 14%. Pashtuns 20-23%, punjabis 28-33% and Sindhis 27-29%. Also Baloch, Brahui, kalash dont fall in Indian C line so calculating their ANI-ASI admixture is tricky. Only Pashtuns, Punjabis and Sindhis fall on Indian C line out of all Pakistani groups they tested.
So can anyone summarize the topic?

What is new in this research? That ancient indians went and populated Mesopotamia? vice versa? Koi hum ko b samjha do bhai..
So can anyone summarize the topic?

What is new in this research? That ancient indians went and populated Mesopotamia? vice versa? Koi hum ko b samjha do bhai..

Harappa Civilization had trade link with ancient Mesoptomia, this genetic study basically confirm this.
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