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Genetic link shown between Indian subcontinent and Mesopotamia

During Alexander's campaign through Mesopotamia, when he visited the city of Susa,the old capital of The Kingdom Elam it was found by the Greeks that the language of the city is completely different and unrelated to any other in the adjacent area. Some historians believe that the language of Elam shares a common origin to that of spoken in Southern parts of India.

David McAlpin,the renowned linguist and Chief proponent of Elmo-Dravidian Hypothesis suggests that Elamite Language have distinct strange affinities with Dravidian languages.
Here's what my ancestors looked like:Vedda people


Looks black to me!
He has Black ancestry but he is not full black, all full black people have the following features: Curly hair, flat nose, big lips, larger limb size and larger thighs. I doubt you have any of those features unless you are trying too fit in with African Americans.
During Alexander's campaign through Mesopotamia, when he visited the city of Susa,the old capital of The Kingdom Elam it was found by the Greeks that the language of the city is completely different and unrelated to any other in the adjacent area. Some historians believe that the language of Elam shares a common origin to that of spoken in Southern parts of India.

David McAlpin,the renowned linguist and Chief proponent of Elmo-Dravidian Hypothesis suggests that Elamite Language have distinct strange affinities with Dravidian languages.

Does it turn the Aryan-invasion theory on its head??Does it suggest Dravidians went there instead of Aryans coming here?
Does it turn the Aryan-invasion theory on its head??Does it suggest Dravidians went there instead of Aryans coming here?

The myth of AIT has been blasted to morsels already I guess.Elam served as a conduit of trade between Mesopotamia and the East for the goods like minerals and timbers. So an early settlements of Indian origins there is not a rare possibility.
He has Black ancestry but he is not full black, all full black people have the following features: Curly hair, flat nose, big lips, larger limb size and larger thighs. I doubt you have any of those features unless you are trying too fit in with African Americans.

Racial generalization.....All black people do not have Curly hair,flat nose,big lips and large limbs....there is immense diversity in the African continent itself let alone their world wide descendants!
Racial generalization.....All black people do not have Curly hair,flat nose,big lips and large limbs....there is immense diversity in the African continent itself let alone their world wide descendants!

Please show me Black Africans without these features? Excluding Somalians and Ethiopians who have mixed Arab genes as well.
During Alexander's campaign through Mesopotamia, when he visited the city of Susa,the old capital of The Kingdom Elam it was found by the Greeks that the language of the city is completely different and unrelated to any other in the adjacent area. Some historians believe that the language of Elam shares a common origin to that of spoken in Southern parts of India.

David McAlpin,the renowned linguist and Chief proponent of Elmo-Dravidian Hypothesis suggests that Elamite Language have distinct strange affinities with Dravidian languages.

Languages=Genetics doesnt go hand in hand.

Yet you are constantly doing it...:coffee:

How? People in my avatar are Adamanese not African. AKA pure Ancestral South Indians left in the world.
Languages=Genetics doesnt go hand in hand.

How? People in my avatar are Adamanese not African. AKA pure Ancestral South Indians left in the world.
So you are saying there is no link between "Ancestral South Indians" and Africans? :omghaha: Also the real ASI are the Vedda people.
So you are saying there is no link between "Ancestral South Indians" and Africans? :omghaha: Also the real ASI are the Vedda people.

There is link but one is Adamanese and the other African. Everyone have links with Africa but not everyone is African. Vedda people are not pure ASI, they have ANI component in them.

If you believe Indians pooped out from with in South India then continue to believe so.
Well humanity is one big family. I am not surprised at finding genetic connections between my homeland, South India, Kashmir, Azerbaijan, Iran, Syria, and Iraq. It is well known that IVC was a highly developed civilization with wide spread contacts. Moreover, according to the theory of diffusion of agriculture from Syria to lands East-ward, it is not too difficult to understand the genetic link. Very early settled culture was probably highly tribal, and if one can imagine a clan shifting Eastwards, then much of this spread becomes understandable. After all the oldest archeological site with evidence of agriculture in Pakistan is Mehrgarh just adjacent to the mountains of baluchistan and at Western-most point of plain that leads up to the Indus and beyond.

Conversely, it could be a consequence of long term trading contacts between IVC and Mesopotamia.

I have also noted with interest the bickering about racial origins, African features, etc... It is so pointless that it is laughable. Point to ponder is that according to recent scientific analysis, while Homo Sapiens originated in Africa, almost everybody in the human family has some traces of Neanderthal DNA from the time when Homo Sapiens shared territory with them in Levant (most likely Palestine / Syria) more than 25000 years ago. Specifically this DNA is the type passed from the Mother to offsprings, meaning that some of humanity's forefathers were Neanderthals. Now how is that for notions of racial purity and superiority? There is some Denisovan DNA too, but I think I have made my point.
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