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General Raheel first time officially designated by Saudi state news as commander in chief of IMAFT

Well, had you actually tried to read that stanford paper, you would have known that it cites "Digital National Security Archive" (besides others) as "source" ... Willful ignorance ?

It is irrelevant what America wants to do. Without Pakistan's help it is hard to wage war in Afghanistan

I never blame India for that. OTOH Indians shamelessly take credit for that. That's for another thread

Indians can take credit for jumping on the winning bandwagon

Says an Indian.whose country supports and encourages the drinking of cow piss and regularly lynches Muslims for allegedly carrying beef.
Also don't get me started on vedic fantasy. Which is endorsed by Indias top professor. Another instance of ignorance where judge says that peacocks get impregnated by tears.

But the losers who don't even have Indian nationality and have to get visa to visit should ?
H1 B Vida was worth the Indian nationality.

@waz @Icarus @Emmie
Post reported for outright insulting the prestigious institution of pakistan

Make no mistake the ones we are fighting today are Indian paid and trained TTP. Afgani Taliban has never been our enemy.
As for blame. You seriously comparing Afghanis with them ? Afghanistan is among few places on earth that were never invaded. With no offense to vassal states that India supported. Afghanistan is not a vassal state. At least not the ones who are fighting foreign invaders

Spare me the BS on Afghanistan and Pathan culture. USA and Soviets have occupied Afghanistan for 10+ years. Large parts of Afghanistan were part of Persia 500 years ago.

All rebel movements have a public face. PLO, LTTE, Hamas, Hezbollah ... Who is the face of the Taliban ?? IMO there are a bunch of Pathan tribesmen who are purchased, manipulated or coerced. The ISI did it in the 1990s. It looks like others are getting part of the action now.
Indians can take credit for jumping on the winning bandwagon
As usual shamefully

Spare me the BS on Afghanistan and Pathan culture. USA and Soviets have occupied Afghanistan for 10+ years. Large parts of Afghanistan were part of Persia 500 years ago.
Trust me it is not one of your vedic BS.

IMO there are a bunch of Pathan tribesmen who are purchased, manipulated or coerced. The ISI did it in the 1990s. It looks like others are getting part of the action now.
No, TTP were not even circumsized. And they attacked our strategic assets such as p3 orion and AWACS, I wonder why, under whose orders

IMO there are a bunch of Pathan tribesmen who are purchase
Far from reality as always. Usual nonsense.
I must ask you to stop no as you're getting way off topic. Any next post which goes off topic will be duly reported for being off topic :-)
So who was doing propaganda that he is leaving his job???? Culprits should be exposed who was working against Pakistani interest inside Pakistan.

It appears that due to Gen. Sharif taking this role, Iran is going to create some serious internal issues for Pakistan. Pakistanis need to start watching out and your military should put Iran in an indirect-yet-very-serious threat. I've been saying this for two years now.

The recent drone wasn't a "friendly" gesture. It was a warning and it was also collecting targets to take out from ground based systems, like the Iranians use at times (small arms). But small to heavy doesn't take years in scenarios like this. There for sure be internal instability that the Iranians will try to create. We've seen it in Syria, and many, many other places. They don't fight directly, they use the members of the local Shia population. Some of which, in every country, they've placed for reasons like these.
As usual shamefully

Trust me it is not one of your vedic BS.

No, TTP were not even circumsized. And they attacked our strategic assets such as p3 orion and AWACS, I wonder why, under whose orders

Far from reality as always. Usual nonsense.
I must ask you to stop no as you're getting way off topic. Any next post which goes off topic will be duly reported for being off topic :-)

Why am I surprised ? you are still in denial
It appears that due to Gen. Sharif taking this role, Iran is going to create some serious internal issues for Pakistan. Pakistanis need to start watching out and your military should put Iran in an indirect-yet-very-serious threat. I've been saying this for two years now.

The recent drone wasn't a "friendly" gesture. It was a warning and it was also collecting targets to take out from ground based systems, like the Iranians use at times (small arms). But small to heavy doesn't take years in scenarios like this. There for sure be internal instability that the Iranians will try to create. We've seen it in Syria, and many, many other places. They don't fight directly, they use the members of the local Shia population. Some of which, in every country, they've placed for reasons like these.

These are load of indian or saudi or US wishes. Iran has maturity in its foreign policy thinking and will not take rash action just to send message or score brownie points. Iran considers relation with Pakistan as strategic and so does Pakistan. Besides, there are two big powers, Russia and China sitting in the wing to make sure both Iran and Pakistan are on same page on broader geo political and economic context.
These are load of indian or saudi or US wishes. Iran has maturity in its foreign policy thinking and will not take rash action just to send message or score brownie points. Iran considers relation with Pakistan as strategic and so does Pakistan. Besides, there are two big powers, Russia and China sitting in the wing to make sure both Iran and Pakistan are on same page on broader geo political and economic context.

:lol:. You have no idea about the real world sir, do you?
These are load of indian or saudi or US wishes. Iran has maturity in its foreign policy thinking and will not take rash action just to send message or score brownie points. Iran considers relation with Pakistan as strategic and so does Pakistan. Besides, there are two big powers, Russia and China sitting in the wing to make sure both Iran and Pakistan are on same page on broader geo political and economic context.

Iran does not take dictates from Russia or China
There are million plus expatriates and oil at concessional rates from Saudi Arabia

No one asked you to prop up groups like the Taliban and allows group like Al Qaeda to enter Pakistan

Doesn't matter, as has been pointed out before in this thread the relationship btw Turkey and the people living in current day Pakistan goes back long before the British founded Saudi Arabia.
It appears that due to Gen. Sharif taking this role, Iran is going to create some serious internal issues for Pakistan. Pakistanis need to start watching out and your military should put Iran in an indirect-yet-very-serious threat. I've been saying this for two years now.

The recent drone wasn't a "friendly" gesture. It was a warning and it was also collecting targets to take out from ground based systems, like the Iranians use at times (small arms). But small to heavy doesn't take years in scenarios like this. There for sure be internal instability that the Iranians will try to create. We've seen it in Syria, and many, many other places. They don't fight directly, they use the members of the local Shia population. Some of which, in every country, they've placed for reasons like these.
Not all these issue . Pakistan all opposition parties oppose sending a decorated Gen for this duty. Because they knew it will backfire. Now all of sudden Turkey landed in Qatar with force, now a Pakistani ex Gen standing against the odds. Recently present COAS went to Turkey and gave statements, which supposed to be stated by the foreign minister of Pakistan. Unfortunately , only in Pakistan we have two parallel power like railway track which never meets but runs along , Army and political parties.
Even in last trip to Pakistan , my neighbors ex army top boys were upset about accepting the appointment of Islmaic force. Nodoubt , RS earned lot of respect. But........
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Doesn't matter, as has been pointed out before in this thread the relationship btw Turkey and the people living in current day Pakistan goes back long before the British founded Saudi Arabia.

Pakistanis think there is a relationship where there is none
:lol:. You have no idea about the real world sir, do you?

oh I do and that is based on ground reality and completely different from indian world view.

Iran does not take dictates from Russia or China

Who said Iran should take "dictate" from anyone? it is you indians try to label it as such. It is iran best interest to maintain good relation with its immediate neighbor Pakistan than serving indian interest of promoting terrorism.
oh I do and that is based on ground reality and completely different from indian world view.

Who said Iran should take "dictate" from anyone? it is you indians try to label it as such. It is iran best interest to maintain good relation with its immediate neighbor Pakistan than serving indian interest of promoting terrorism.

You could have said that.

This was your quote
" Russia and China sitting in the wing to make sure both Iran and Pakistan are on same page on broader geo political and economic context."
Something doesnt make sense why get only a retired Gen from Pakistan, is it a ploy/precursor to recruit soldiers from Pakistan for a Multi Nation Army ??
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