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General Raheel first time officially designated by Saudi state news as commander in chief of IMAFT

How good are your weapons if I cut off your source of money, food and ammunition ?
Did Pakistan ISI ever stop the flow of weapons to Afghan groups in the early 1990s ?
Like I said, you don't expect me to not look out for myself when imwas betrayed by US and let to deal with weapon wielding Afghanis.

ISI ever stop the flow of weapons to Afghan groups in the ear
Talk is cheap here is proof?

Why don't you give up your nukes or your claims on Kashmir because Uncle Sam asks you
I will not DSO anything that goes against my interests.
Hard reality
Like I said, you don't expect me to not look out for myself when imwas betrayed by US and let to deal with weapon wielding Afghanis.

Talk is cheap here is proof?

I will not DSO anything that goes against my interests.
Hard reality

Pakistan recognized the Taliban. One of the 3 states


How convenient to blame Uncle Sam when you screw up ?
Pakistan recognized the Taliban. One of the 3 states


How convenient to blame Uncle Sam when you screw up ?
The who create and left. You think that it stopped their??
The other generation took from where it left off. We were stuck in middle

Pakistan recognized the Taliban. One of the 3 states


How convenient to blame Uncle Sam when you screw up ?
Wonder if US knew all of this why didn't they put sanction on us

Pakistan recognized the Taliban. One of the 3 states
N proof of weapons still
Pakistani policy towards GCC, Iran and Turkey: Tipping the balance.

I have been saying this for sometime now.. Pak is Southwest Asian Regional Power of global consquence. I do believe Pak State realises.... occasional blunders notwithstanding.... when economy corsses Trillion mark things will look very different... a decade of strategic patience.
Good to hear that! Now all the negative assumtions about his role in the alliance shall fade away.

passing the buck to Hillary Clinton or some stanford class does not work
No one asked Pakistan to prop up groups like the Taliban

The who create and left. You think that it stopped their??
The other generation took from where it left off. We were stuck in middle

Wonder if US knew all of this why didn't they put sanction on us

N proof of weapons still

Pakistani army under General Zia made a conscious decision to support Islamist groups. I am not going to cast judgement on Gen Zia's decision making. Do not shift the blame for your short sighted decisions and collective incompetence to others. India has supported groups like the Mukti Bahini and LTTE in the past. Is India in flames because of those decisions ?

It is like blaming India for loss of East Pakistan. India took military action in 1971 to break up apart. Seriously do you think Pakistan will be united today with the caliber of leaders West Pakistan has produced ?
If anyone think IMAFT has any significance or relevance in current geo political chess board, their wish is as doomed as Raheel Sharif ambition. Saudi rulers are becoming irrelevant faster than anyone can imagine. For one, new crown prince (MBS) who is behind creating this IMAFT, is at odd with Washington, specially with US security establishments. Shelf life of his (MBS) rule is in serious question. Second, saudis are in corner even in their own backyard - there is strong Turkey, Iran and Russian understanding and convergence against Saudi-US move in ME. Raheel is just a show piece for saudis and collecting fat salary against such insurmountable regional and international cross current. In fact Pakistani government and establishments have good understanding of these current realities and tried to distance from Saudi agenda with moderating approach. Pakistani PM foreign advisor in recent statement said Raheel working with Saudis in "personal capacity" - is another good indication of that.

There had been some chest thumping at the beginning of this thread, I suppose those are SOME EXAMPLES of blind saudi support base and beneficiary class created in Pakistan.
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Tebrikler!!! Raheel Pasha has in fact replaced Omer Fahrettin Pasha, the last Osmanli Commander of the Haremain!!!! Yolunuz achik kalsin - may your path remain open!!! Allaha Emanet!!!

As for the folks who might think going against Turkey is that easy, not even Sherif Hussein, the father of the traitors and principal cohort to homosexual Lawrence , couldn't arrange more than a couple of hundreds desert dacoits to fight against the Osmanli forces!!!! Although he istigated the British to drop leaflets on Medine to the effect that they would bomb Revza-I Mubarek of Resulullah (PBUH), he requested the Osmanli forces to provide security to the folks in Medine. Even he couldn't trust the Wahabi dacoits!!!

Anyway, hypothetically speaking, if the situation arises I am pretty sure Raheel Pasha knows who's in command!!!! Hint: the custodian of the swords of the Prophet (PBUH) and Halife-I Rashidin (May Allah be pleased with them) including Zulfiker!!!!
Our hearts beat with Turkish people, though we also respect KSA a lot because of two holy cities and they are also our brothers. So I think we can bring all of them together.
If anyone think IMAFT has any significance or relevance in current geo political chess board, their wish is as doomed as Raheel Sharif ambition. Saudi rulers are becoming irrelevant faster than anyone can imagine. For one, new crown prince (MBS) who is behind creating this IMAFT, is at odd with Washington, specially with US security establishments. Shelf life of his (MBS) rule is in serious question. Second, saudis are in corner even in their own backyard - there is strong Turkey, Iran and Russian understanding and convergence against Saudi-US move in ME. Raheel is just a show piece for saudis and collecting fat salary against such insurmountable regional and international cross current. In fact Pakistani government and establishments have good understanding of these current realities and tried to distance from Saudi agenda with moderating approach. Pakistani PM foreign advisor in recent statement said Raheel working with Saudis in "personal capacity" - is another good indication of that.

There had been some chest thumping at the beginning of this thread, I suppose those are SOME EXAMPLES of blind saudi support base and beneficiary class created in Pakistan.

I buy your arguments. But Raheel Sharif does not like someone who is in there for the money.
Are you missing something ?
passing the buck to Hillary Clinton or some stanford class does not work
No one asked Pakistan to prop up groups like the Taliban

Well, had you actually tried to read that stanford paper, you would have known that it cites "Digital National Security Archive" (besides others) as "source" ... Willful ignorance ?
explaining facts to pakistanis is not worth the trouble. they tend to look at only their view and seem rather oblivious to OBVIOUS facts :)
Says an Indian.whose country supports and encourages the drinking of cow piss and regularly lynches Muslims for allegedly carrying beef.
Also don't get me started on vedic fantasy. Which is endorsed by Indias top professor. Another instance of ignorance where judge says that peacocks get impregnated by tears.

....and beggars should not have an ego or pride :)
But the losers who don't even have Indian nationality and have to get visa to visit should ?
H1 B Vida was worth the Indian nationality.

The pakistani military establishment loves to pick up the soap...when they are over here at pentagon :D
@waz @Icarus @Emmie
Post reported for outright insulting the prestigious institution of pakistan

akistani army under General Zia made a conscious decision to support Islamist groups. I am not going to cast judgement on Gen Zia's decision making. Do not shift the blame for your short sighted decisions and collective incompetence to others.
Make no mistake the ones we are fighting today are Indian paid and trained TTP. Afgani Taliban has never been our enemy.
As for blame. You seriously comparing Afghanis with them ? Afghanistan is among few places on earth that were never invaded. With no offense to vassal states that India supported. Afghanistan is not a vassal state. At least not the ones who are fighting foreign invaders
They should rename it as Saudi *** saving military alliance instead of belittling the word Islam. Seems like whatever these Saudis do becomes Islamic, be it boycotting Qatar or invading Yemen. They are but a Disgusting filth demonizing Islam for their petty interests.
It is like blaming India for loss of East Pakistan. India took military action in 1971 to break up apart. Seriously do you think Pakistan will be united today with the caliber of leaders West Pakistan has produced ?
I never blame India for that. OTOH Indians shamelessly take credit for that. That's for another thread
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