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General Kiyani talks abt media

Farah Sohail

Mar 2, 2012
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Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Wednesday expressed concern over media debate vis-à-vis Army and Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) saying "the role of national institutions should not be criticised." He said this in an informal chat with senior journalists at a farewell reception for outgoing Chief of Air Staff Rao Qamar Suleman at the Prime Minister's House.

He said most of the TV channels do not favour soldiers defending the national borders at below 20 Celsius.

These men in uniform need motivation instead of debate to discourage them, the CoAS added.

He did not single out any TV channel or talk show but said that debates on some channels are not contributing positively towards promotion of national institutions.While giving examples of other countries like Israel, he said they never uttered a word against their intelligence agencies, the way ISI is being openly discussed in Pakistan.

"Even in countries like the United States, the role of agencies is not discussed publicly," he said.The CoAS was of the view that everybody makes mistakes but it did not mean that the moral of the institutions is undermined.

"It takes very long to build institutions," he added.

About the Balochistan issue, he was of the view that there was no military operation going on in the province and as discussed there is no plan to build new cantonments in Balochistan.He said the cantonment at Sui has already been made a military college and we have set up a medical college in Quetta which is working.

The only thing, the army did is settlement of dispute among different tribes to accelerate the pace of development, he said.

About the missing persons, the CoAS said that a report revealed there were only 47 missing persons in Pakistan as compared to 350 in India and 11,000 in Sri Lanka.

He, however did not comments much on the issue saying that the mater is in court.The CoAS observed that the parliament is supreme and the issue of Nato supplies and relations with the United States would be resolved in accordance with the decision of the parliament.

About war on terror, Kayani said he had advised the US military officials not to visit Pakistan before the joint session of the parliament which would draw fresh guidelines for relations with the United States and Pakistan's role in war on terror.

Answering a question about Mehran Bank scam, General Kayani said that it had happened 20 years ago and discussing it now was fighting the history.

He said "We should learn from the past, live in present with a focus on future." The Army Chief categorically denied reports that the army or the ISI is supporting Imran Khan.

He said if there is any proof of this, it should be made public.

Another source on the same topic:

Islamabad: Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said only Parliament will decide about the resumption of Nato supplies.

Speaking to senior journalists at a farewell reception given in honour of Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman at the Prime Minister House, he said that he will not hold a meeting with any senior US military officer including Gen Mattis before the joint session of Parliament scheduled for March 17 for the resumption of nato supplies.

Commenting on ongoing Mehran Bank scandal he said that the scandal was a 20-year old issue and “if you want to fight with history in this context, it’s your choice to do so. However, establishing institutions require a lot of hard work and the media should be careful … that their words do not undermine these institutions.”

Answering on a question on Balochistan he said that no operation is going on in the province however, Frontier Constabulary is performing its duties there. About 10,000 young people were recruited into the armed forces from Balochistan who were about to complete their training, he added.

Refuting the allegations regarding the involvement of intelligence agencies in missing person’s cases, he said that institutions are not made easily, however, that they are also not above criticism. Gen Kayani added that one should be careful that while criticizing one must not undermine national institutions or organizations.

The COAS also said that only 47 people are missing in Balochistan. He defended the army, saying its activities had helped improve the standard of living for the people of Balochistan.

COAS said that he respect free media. But media should give national interest utmost importance while unfolding any story.

Using the US as an example, the COAS said that the American army was not criticized by its people as harshly as the Pakistan Army was criticized by Pakistanis. The US media is careful in reporting events of US casualties in Afghanistan, for example. He said that the ruthless criticism of ISI in Pakistan was far higher than any criticism made on RAW, Mosad or the CIA in India, Israel or USA.
Can we criticize him and his role? Seriously everyone should stop giving examples that the US sucks up to its military so should we. The US military harms the world but provides only benefit to its people. Where it screws over its people, they come under the scanner too.

Till our military was also only harming others, not Pakistanis we were fine with them too. Today they allow drone attacks, kidnap people, meddle in politics.

Nobody is criticizing how many battles they won or lost, we are talking about their non-military pangay.
I am normally supportive of the Armed forces. I still am but I think Kiyani is past is sell date and have to say he has disappointed me. Having said that we must be careful not to play into the hands of Indian and Western media and be very selective in our criticism.

Certainly the rank and file who sacrifice their lives to defend us must always be supported
I am normally supportive of the Armed forces. I still am but I think Kiyani is past is sell date and have to say he has disappointed me. Having said that we must be careful not to play into the hands of Indian and Western media and be very selective in our criticism.

Certainly the rank and file who sacrifice their lives to defend us must always be supported

Now you see why I say, be it Zardari, Gilani, Kayani, or any other US ally. They are all cut from the same cloth. Why? everyone has the same Israel like policy on fending off criticism.

Israel gets criticized you're anti-Semitic
PPP gets criticized and you're against democracy
Kayani gets criticized and you're not patriotic

See what Kayani did here? We were talking about how the COAS, the IB, the ISI gave bribes to politicians. Where did he bring it to? The soldier that is fighting 20 degrees below C. Soldier bicharay ko kaun kuch keh raha hai? Kaam toh aapne daala hua hai Chief Sahab.
Now you see why I say, be it Zardari, Gilani, Kayani, or any other US ally. They are all cut from the same cloth. Why? everyone has the same Israel like policy on fending off criticism.

Israel gets criticized you're anti-Semitic
PPP gets criticized and you're against democracy
Kayani gets criticized and you're not patriotic

See what Kayani did here? We were talking about how the COAS, the IB, the ISI gave bribes to politicians. Where did he bring it to? The soldier that is fighting 20 degrees below C. Soldier bicharay ko kaun kuch keh raha hai? Kaam toh aapne daala hua hai Chief Sahab.

Asim I am well aware that you have some good points. Blame leadership. Not the institutions. Tell me what do you think the solution is. Do you think present vested interest will allow someone to be elected and change Pakistan's direction significantly in the absence of bloodshed?
Asim I am well aware that you have some good points. Blame leadership. Not the institutions. Tell me what do you think the solution is. Do you think present vested interest will allow someone to be elected and change Pakistan's direction significantly in the absence of bloodshed?

There are two ways massive changes come. Peacefully and violently. Peaceful change is if the GHQ voluntarily gets in line the other is through Arab Spring type methods where public - the political sovereigns - the ultimate authority of any nation comes to the streets and forces them out.

Everybody wants a peaceful solution and I think many chances are being given to them to go through this peacefully, but what we want more than peace - is a solution.
I think General Kiyani said everything right,

Pakistan is the only country in the world where agencies are discussed as they are simple organizations ... But again these people do not discuss the working of political parties and their working...

its easy to discuss these agencies but no one says or think what could happen without them or what if we make them weaker ..
thats what your enemy wants
any govt. agency involved in intell and interior security be it ISI, CIA, Mi-6, Mossad, RAW, the KGB in soviet days will continue to and have crossed the so called 'red lines' of state laws and have conducted ops which are sometimes authorised and many times not and by mind-set are not expected to be answerable until they get exposed by a 'whistle-blower'. the organisations are secretive in nature, their training such that they eliminate the target first and ask questions later. - their actions may shock and apall many but to some it is quite necessary in this murky and shadowy world which many do not understand (esp. our self righteous media) they serve a purpose for their govt / bosses and we are not aware of the 'real' stories reasons behind these actions.
any govt. agency involved in intell and interior security be it ISI, CIA, Mi-6, Mossad, RAW, the KGB in soviet days will continue to and have crossed the so called 'red lines' of state laws and have conducted ops which are sometimes authorised and many times not and by mind-set are not expected to be answerable until they get exposed by a 'whistle-blower'. the organisations are secretive in nature, their training such that they eliminate the target first and ask questions later. - their actions may shock and apall many but to some it is quite necessary in this murky and shadowy world which many do not understand (esp. our self righteous media) they serve a purpose for their govt / bosses and we are not aware of the 'real' stories reasons behind these actions.

maybe you should have a chat with young idealistic Asim
There are two ways massive changes come. Peacefully and violently. Peaceful change is if the GHQ voluntarily gets in line the other is through Arab Spring type methods where public - the political sovereigns - the ultimate authority of any nation comes to the streets and forces them out.

Everybody wants a peaceful solution and I think many chances are being given to them to go through this peacefully, but what we want more than peace - is a solution.

There is little chance of peaceful change. If we take lets say Libya-Gadaffi introduced Libyans to free education-40 years later he got his reward. Do you think the vested interest will even allow our population to become literate etc. They are much cleverer than the likes of Gadaffi
he has a POV, so do you, I and others.

There is little chance of peaceful change. If we take lets say Libya-Gadaffi introduced Libyans to free education-40 years later he got his reward. Do you think the vested interest will even allow our population to become literate etc. They are much cleverer than the likes of Gadaffi

the army in Egypt is sticking to its old ways - sure there will be an election and the MB will win and form a govt. the army wont change until it is completely 'purged'. will they allow this......will the yanks!?
Asim knows a lot already!

I assumed he was young because his posts are so idealistic. One tends to get cynical as one gets older. On another thread we were talking about Judiciary ISI and he was expecting higher standards from our sec services than exist in the most mature democracies
I assumed he was young because his posts are so idealistic. One tends to get cynical as one gets older. On another thread we were talking about Judiciary ISI and he was expecting higher standards from our sec services than exist in the most mature democracies

anyone who works in the secret services is 'very patriotic' until they realize their folly (and this happens very rarely)
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