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Gen-next of immigrants in US return home ; India, China to gain from revers

Global crisis forces reverse migration by up to 30 pc: Experts

MUMBAI: With concerns over the global economic situation and reports on growing unemployment, there is a rise in reverse brain drain by up to 30 per cent, according to experts.

"The reverse drain has been seen across the industries and various geographies across the globe, including the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. The number of people wanting to come back to India has gone up by 25-30 per cent as compared to pre-economic crisis," International Management Institute (IMI) Professor Satish K Kalra told PTI.

The main reason that Indians working overseas are planning to relocate is because India Inc have started paying better and working in the country continues to offer global exposure and they feel their skills have higher value on return and better career prospects, he said.

The country's sustained growth even during uncertain times coupled with world class higher education system, like IITs and IIMs, and higher sense of belonging that makes them emotionally bound to their careers and society add further to this decision, he said.

"It could bring in acceleration of learning in some of the niche fields like biotech, automobile, construction, oil and gas," Kalra added.

The returning Indians would have got exposed to better technologies in these fields and it would be easier for India Inc to embrace this and the local workforce would gain from this new experience, he said.

"We could also see a more disciplined workforce as returning Indians would cultivate a respect around time boundaries and ability to work without follow ups," he said.

He added that many large global consulting firms have also opened their research centres in India and most of them have dedicated industry practices such as oil and gas, alternate energy and construction, etc.

"The availability of professionals having spent time in these domains is a beneficial situation for KPOs and one of the reasons for their increasing numbers," he said.

Indian KPOs account for almost 70 per cent of global volumes, and the global KPO market is expected to grow to USD 17 billion by 2013-14, according to industry experts.

VistaMind CEO Arks Srinivas said Indian market due to its global as well as domestic factors has created a need for skilled and experienced labour and hence the generation of more and more jobs.

"The Indian market is customer centric and with an increase in the purchase power of the consumer, employment generation is at an all time high," he said.

There are sectors in the Indian economy, which are still growing or at least not seeing a downturn, education and health are two such sectors that will remain productive for more time to come, he said.

"While the financial industry is in doldrums, the ability to get jobs in marketing and sales of any sector will still be possible and re-skilling would be the way to go," Srinivas said.

ApnaCircle.com Founder and CEO Yogesh Bansal said it is very typical of every Indian to want to work in the West, however, lately these countries have been struggling to provide employment to their own people.

"As mentioned the suffering sectors are mostly IT, banking and marketing professionals," he added.

However, countries like Africa land Southeast Asia, which are expanding their businesses and starting new industries, are increasingly open to hiring globally skilled talent for mid-level to senior jobs, Srinivas said.

Professionals from India are uniquely suited for these jobs because they have the experience of working in an emerging market, he added.

Global crisis forces reverse migration by up to 30 pc: Experts - The Economic Times
People who have the skills and drive to be entrepreneurs will do it in the US itself, given the 15 trillion dollar market. The ones who run off half a world away are the ones who can't make it in the super-competitive US environment.

That is pure unadulterated BS. If you don't understand a few things its fine just don't comment. Firstly, one needs a Green Card in the US to start a business. The employment based categories have 3 classes. Some one who is extremely brilliant and can prove that can apply for the first category which also requires a PHD or some managerial experience. EB2 requires a MS as a minimum requirement and the waiting period is about 6 years for Indians. EB3 waiting period is greater than 10 years.

Your education does not decide your EB-class your job position does. Yo may have a PHD but if your job requirement does not warrant it you will be in EB3.

The waiting periods are even slower now. If I have to wait 5-12 years to even start a business....how is what you have claimed true?
Global crisis forces reverse migration by up to 30 pc: Experts

MUMBAI: With concerns over the global economic situation and reports on growing unemployment, there is a rise in reverse brain drain by up to 30 per cent, according to experts.

"The reverse drain has been seen across the industries and various geographies across the globe, including the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. The number of people wanting to come back to India has gone up by 25-30 per cent as compared to pre-economic crisis," International Management Institute (IMI) Professor Satish K Kalra told PTI.

The main reason that Indians working overseas are planning to relocate is because India Inc have started paying better and working in the country continues to offer global exposure and they feel their skills have higher value on return and better career prospects, he said.

The country's sustained growth even during uncertain times coupled with world class higher education system, like IITs and IIMs, and higher sense of belonging that makes them emotionally bound to their careers and society add further to this decision, he said.

"It could bring in acceleration of learning in some of the niche fields like biotech, automobile, construction, oil and gas," Kalra added.

The returning Indians would have got exposed to better technologies in these fields and it would be easier for India Inc to embrace this and the local workforce would gain from this new experience, he said.

"We could also see a more disciplined workforce as returning Indians would cultivate a respect around time boundaries and ability to work without follow ups," he said.

He added that many large global consulting firms have also opened their research centres in India and most of them have dedicated industry practices such as oil and gas, alternate energy and construction, etc.

"The availability of professionals having spent time in these domains is a beneficial situation for KPOs and one of the reasons for their increasing numbers," he said.

Indian KPOs account for almost 70 per cent of global volumes, and the global KPO market is expected to grow to USD 17 billion by 2013-14, according to industry experts.

VistaMind CEO Arks Srinivas said Indian market due to its global as well as domestic factors has created a need for skilled and experienced labour and hence the generation of more and more jobs.

"The Indian market is customer centric and with an increase in the purchase power of the consumer, employment generation is at an all time high," he said.

There are sectors in the Indian economy, which are still growing or at least not seeing a downturn, education and health are two such sectors that will remain productive for more time to come, he said.

"While the financial industry is in doldrums, the ability to get jobs in marketing and sales of any sector will still be possible and re-skilling would be the way to go," Srinivas said.

ApnaCircle.com Founder and CEO Yogesh Bansal said it is very typical of every Indian to want to work in the West, however, lately these countries have been struggling to provide employment to their own people.

"As mentioned the suffering sectors are mostly IT, banking and marketing professionals," he added.

However, countries like Africa land Southeast Asia, which are expanding their businesses and starting new industries, are increasingly open to hiring globally skilled talent for mid-level to senior jobs, Srinivas said.

Professionals from India are uniquely suited for these jobs because they have the experience of working in an emerging market, he added.

Global crisis forces reverse migration by up to 30 pc: Experts - The Economic Times

its about situation where the competitive American market is saturated and the returnees have experience on the existing concepts. and also, If they were developing new concepts then their home countries will be in clear benefits........
the meaning of high end educated people is much more than the salary they draw....:meeting:

lol, reduced into quoting yourself....such a shame, when you have so much to give in a conversation! :lol:
The west is finished. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of western dominance in all areas. By 2030, the 95% of the western world will be irrelevant.
Well some of this is true . I am interning at a law firm here and there are some British born desis who are also interning with me here in India . They say they are looking for a job here since there are no jobs for new graduates in UK apparently .

But I know most of them are opportunists , they will get a job here and as soon as things start improving in the west and they get a job there , they will move back and take their Indian experience along . These people have no love for their roots or anything like that . They will go back to their Western countries and the first thing they will do is bad mouth their own country and people just to fit in .Ughte suraj ko salaam karne wale log .
That is pure unadulterated BS. If you don't understand a few things its fine just don't comment. Firstly, one needs a Green Card in the US to start a business. The employment based categories have 3 classes. Some one who is extremely brilliant and can prove that can apply for the first category which also requires a PHD or some managerial experience. EB2 requires a MS as a minimum requirement and the waiting period is about 6 years for Indians. EB3 waiting period is greater than 10 years.

Your education does not decide your EB-class your job position does. Yo may have a PHD but if your job requirement does not warrant it you will be in EB3.

The waiting periods are even slower now. If I have to wait 5-12 years to even start a business....how is what you have claimed true?

The discussion is about immigrants, i.e. people who are already immigrants, i.e. people who already possess a green card or citizenship. So your entire post is irrelevant to the discussion.
Well some of this is true . I am interning at a law firm here and there are some British born desis who are also interning with me here in India . They say they are looking for a job here since there are no jobs for new graduates in UK apparently .

But I know most of them are opportunists , they will get a job here and as soon as things start improving in the west and they get a job there , they will move back and take their Indian experience along . These people have no love for their roots or anything like that . They will go back to their Western countries and the first thing they will do is bad mouth their own country and people just to fit in .Ughte suraj ko salaam karne wale log .

in australia, we have starting working class from refugees, mainly Afghan refugees i saw, who work for hardly $8 to $10 for kitchen hand jobs/Car Wash etc. i saw students also doing these works. then we find many lucky temporary residents, with many PR holders also in sydney who hardly work for around $13 to $16/hour in 7-11 shops and in similar other shops in australia. then we find young ausralian girls, many Europeans also, who just come and try to get work somehow in Cafes/restaurants etc and they manage to get from $16 to $22/hour, the maximum. and then I would put mainly British I saw in the backpackers, who account for around 25% to 50% of 4 share/6 share rooms and all most all have Steel Cap Boot, working in construction/mining jobs which are paid from $25 to $35/hour also. when I was student in 2002-05, we were allowed to work for only 20 hours per week and I used to work on "On Call" basis in Tip Top Bakery and even if I could get one day shift for 12 hours, it used to be around $35/hour for on call people and was enough for my whole week, while living in City Hostel also. I used to build good body and work with few Africans also on Tin Change, i remember, so the jobs used to be hardly for 3 to 4 hours, out of total 12 hours and I used to get good money.....

there I saw, many permanent jobs people, mainly Lebanese, working for hardly $38k to $42k per year on permanent basis, with 40 hours per week in Tip Top. and in my university, UTS, the minimum campus selection occur on $70k+. my most of friends straight started with $100k+. but even if you draw $100k, you pay at least $35,000 tax (as tax rate 15% for upto $30,000, and its 30% from $30,000 onwards and around 40% from $60,000+). hence, higher the income group, higher the tax you pay. and if you have $65,000 in pocket after taxt, for the pay of $100k, then you are hardly left with around $30,000 saving in one year and its around 17lacs indian rupees a year. while the minimum graduate starting salary in India is 12lacs+ for a good foreign degree and many manage 20lacs+ starting salary also.......

I mean, its simply make no sense to stay in Australia for even $20/hour jobs, :disagree: (means $40k for a year for 40hours/week) for what British die to work in australia i saw. in fact whoever comes to australia from Europe, whether Italian/British etc, all want to stay somehow. but if you may secure at least 20lacs+ in India then it will come with valuable work experience in your field also, while working with an indian company which will certainly grow in future, even at the back of growing home demand. but first working for a western firm is risky which always needs bail-outs at the time to time, not much demand as chinese suppliers are dominating every where...... and this analysis has a clear sense that if you can't manage to get a good professional job then just try to get PR and back home, too many i saw ........ :wave:

lol, reduced into quoting yourself....such a shame, when you have so much to give in a conversation! :lol:

hmmm i think i would tell you something more about me.......... you proved that you are based in Europe and also as i have even shown my pictures, so I show you picture of my one close dutch friend, Sacha Jenifer, who did PHD from UTS with me. I was interested in management side also so I just did Master of Engineering and the second Master in Engineering Management....... she works with a German company, in their research team, and one day she told me to come to Germany as Master level engineering degree is also enough to join any research team in our field. but i got caught with bulshiits and couldn't come out yet....... whenever you plan to go to Germany, tell me and i will give you her contacts. she also told me that most of the professionals there are migrants and i do have australian passport also........

im just wasting my time in India otherwise sky is open for me. Im doing a work which is very important, more than risking my own life..... :wave:

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