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Gen Kayani Was Also Involve In Election Rigging - Fayaz Ul Chauhan(PTI)

And on whose side our intelligence chief was.......i means, why grill only Army Chief why not DG ISI more appropriately for that matter:lol:
Pti Showing its True Colors , Pti Followers dont accuse me of Supporting PMLN , honestly In Pakistan No party is worth Supporting
Imran Khan and his Party are doing this shitty things He accused C.J now Army Chief
I wonder why pti didnt accuse Army Chief when he was in charge :crazy:
they didnt had the balls I.K started talking rubbish after CJ was gone Now his party is trying to do same with ex.chief and em pretty sure this gone cast him pretty bad
One day IK would know finally knows that the real facilitator behind PMLNs win is GOD (Allah Subahan-o-Tala) himself......No one Else......and this will happened within this month Inshallah:coffee:

I wonder why pti didnt accuse Army Chief when he was in charge :crazy:

if true, PTI should bring proofs and truth be told, truth is most important of all... if Nawaz/ Ch Iftikhar and Najam Sethi were colluding with Kiyani, he too is responsible.

Army has already a negative sentiment towards Kiyani.. they disown him for his cowardliness and inability to act in national interest..
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Overzealous PTI kids need to start bringing evidence with their outlandish claims. Slowly, gradually PTI has lost all respect from me.

Army has already a negative sentiment towards Kiyani.. they disown him for his cowardliness and inability to act in national interest..

Kick him while he's down - that the new PTI strategy I suppose. Ironic a PTI fanboy accusing Kayani of cowardliness when IK is the biggest opponent of action against the Taliban. You're either completely delusional or a downright hypocrite.

@Jazzbot @Chak Bamu @Aether @Aeronaut @Irfan Baloch @Pakistanisage
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I don't like kayani , but this is personal opinion of PTI member....

Actually,Government provided 2 billion for magnetic ink, but they used Non magnetic ink.
Clear case of corruption, incompetency, encouragement for Rigged election. Every party was crying due to rigged election.:haha:
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Overzealous PTI kids need to start bringing evidence with their outlandish claims. Slowly, gradually PTI has lost all respect from me.

Kick him while he's down - that the new PTI strategy I suppose. Ironic a PTI fanboy accusing Kayani of cowardliness when IK is the biggest opponent of action against the Taliban. You're either completely delusional or a downright hypocrite.

@Jazzbot @Chak Bamu @Aether @Aeronaut @Irfan Baloch

Didnt use difficult english..

lets try again: saleeeeeessssss tareen english mein...

PTI propagated Peace Dialogue for the sake of tribals.

secondly I referred to the sentiment of the Army regarding Kiyani.

One day IK would know finally knows that the real facilitator behind PMLNs win is GOD (Allah Subahan-o-Tala) himself......No one Else......and this will happened within this month Inshallah:coffee:

Blaming Allah for rigging elections in Nawaz's favor...?? wow you guys are amazingly inferior... !
One day IK would know finally knows that the real facilitator behind PMLNs win is GOD (Allah Subahan-o-Tala) himself......No one Else......and this will happened within this month Inshallah:coffee:
As long as blind supporter of ganja like you are alive in this country this country will keep on suffering. God save us from retards like you.
I am not supporter of PTI or PMLn.But if we come to realistic side without any doubt PMLN did vote rigging and on the otherside PTI is being crazier day by day for its government in Federal though it has got sincere parliamentarians who hail from KPK and are new in Parlianment.Nawaz Shariff should do recounting of votes instead of exacerbating the situation and if evidence shows excessive vote rigging then midterm elections should be held.
The only reason IK doesn't blame kayani or the army out in the open is because of an expected kick-*** reaction, otherwise he blames the establishment the most. concluding :-

1. He blames Faharudin, who was recommended and praised by PTI before the election results.
2. Cheif justice for whom they cheered onto the streets, but when he didn't gave decisions according to their will, he became a monster.
3. Tirbunals required proves, but were given none hence are blamed because they don't act on dreams of a man.
4.Geo till the day was standing strong, IK didn't had the guts to say a word, the day it went down he came out crying out loud. There sin was maybe that they didn't allot all the time to PTI's campaign only.
5. And then the army/kayani who could have presented him with a win on plate but they didn't hence they are the biggest culprits.
6. Also not to forget the USA,EU,Arabs,India,many secret services and some extraterrestrials too by the way.
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