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GE Engines for LCA MK1 (404IN20), LCA MK2 (414INS6) and proposed AMCA (414EPE)

You have specified the reasons why we need ToT. Our Nukes cannot be held hostage to Aero Engines.

Considering the limited options available for 414, I assume GE will be keen for ToT as well ?

it's over and done with. India is a recognized nuclear state. sanctions came when you did your tests. now tests are done with supercomputers like the rest of the nuclear party.
it's over and done with. India is a recognized nuclear state. sanctions came when you did your tests. now tests are done with supercomputers like the rest of the nuclear party.

Not for India. US had handed over the data for nuclear simulation and design of new warheads to China. But that data is not yet been made available for India.

So the fact remains that sometime in the future India WILL conduct more tests. Its only a matter of time.
european engines cost more than american engines as well.

the GE 404/414 EPE are great. the sanctions worry should be minimal considering the U.S needs India more than ever, and the sanctions was over nuclear bombs which the U.S would of sanctioned anyone over, besides the Zionists and Saudi Arabians.

the GE 404/414 EPE needs buyers so I wouldn't be surprised if the U.S gives the green light to outsource some of building of them to India since the Super Hornet is being fazed out and to keep some jobs in the U.S going

the Gripen and LCA, and T-50 of Korea will be using these engines in the next decade.

GE-404/414 is becoming obsolete for the U.S, but for India it's a goldmine.

Belove I never questioned the quality of these engines since American Engine tech is the best in the world
I am only worried about any possible sanctions in the future but you are right US & India need each other so tge likely hood of sanctions is very less
BTW GE engines are suppose to be assembled in Chikan, Pune plant under Made in India. The TOT is getting discussed under the US-India partnership with heat technlogy. So probably we may see GE only unless, EJ200 also gets some base in INdia and puts a attractive package under Make in India

And there you have the difference to actual licence production including critical ToT, which would be done at HAL's engine lines anyway.
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