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Because in case of a military operation, KSA's Sentries will co-operate with Jordan's F-16s.

What is the range of KSAF's E-3 sentries? Like how far it can look into enemy's territory?
What is the range of KSAF's E-3 sentries? Like how far it can look into enemy's territory?

The exact number is classified, but an RSAF sentry that flew in eastern KSA, had all Iranian Air traffic exposed to it and actively fed the Intellegence to IqAF. And that was before its 2011 upgrade or it's 1996 upgrade.

Now the RSAF E-3 has electronic warfare capability as well.
The exact number is classified, but an RSAF sentry that flew in eastern KSA, had all Iranian Air traffic exposed to it and actively fed the Intellegence to IqAF. And that was before its 2011 upgrade or it's 1996 upgrade.

Now the RSAF E-3 has electronic warfare capability as well.

Are more AWACs along the way for the other GCC forces because 5 Sentries of the RSAF (if the first page figure was correct) are too low to account for that many air-craft !
Both KSA and UAE have signed deals for 4 Saab-2000 Erieyes.

Why not give one upgraded E-3 sentry with electronic warfare capability to Jordan? It will track the whole air movements in Israel and movements of entire Israeli military? :azn:

Jordan must be equipped with AWACS....
Why not give one upgraded E-3 sentry with electronic warfare capability to Jordan? It will track the whole air movements in Israel and movements of entire Israeli military? :azn:

Jordan must be equipped with AWACS....

Unfortunately we do not run a charity.... And the entire air movements of the middle east are already opened to us and it is a strategic capability we are not ready to undermine if even slightly.

Also Jordan's size and Israel's size do not warrant an AWACs as ground radars already got that covered.
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a political, economic and military union (Peninsula Shield Force) of the Arab states bordering the "Persian Gulf", bloc modelled after the European Union (EU), and located on or near the Arabian Peninsula, namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

Arab Gulf...

The exact number is classified, but an RSAF sentry that flew in eastern KSA, had all Iranian Air traffic exposed to it and actively fed the Intellegence to IqAF. And that was before its 2011 upgrade or it's 1996 upgrade.

Now the RSAF E-3 has electronic warfare capability as well.

Saudi E-3 Upgrades

The 1st set of upgrades is the most basic, and the most necessary. Saudi E-3 avionics need to be upgraded, in order to comply with international aviation rules. Those are often referred to as CNS/ATM (Communications & Navigation Systems/ Air Traffic Management) upgrades.

A 2nd kind of upgrades involves military communications, which can be improved by adding high-bandwidth transmissions, and better transmission security. The RSAF’s E-3As and RE-3As have no peers among the Gulf Cooperation Council states, and integration that let them work with the UAE’s new command and control infrastructure would create a powerful regional resource. The parties involved aren’t discussing that aspect.

The 3rd kind of upgrade involves surveillance electronics. Radar System Improvement Program (RSIP) kit upgrades improve the AWACS radar by boosting its sensitivity, toughening it against jamming, and improving its reliability. Related enhancements to the plane’s passive listening electronic support measures (ESM) system can help the plane detect, identify and track electronic transmissions from ground, airborne and maritime sources, in order to determine radar and weapons system types within its surveillance range.

who gonna sell boms to gccaf in war:) i think gccaf should delelop own bombs .maybe they have already idont tknow.just an idea
interesting stuff *thumbs up* depressing forum though :undecided:

متابعة بهدوء
UAE airforce looks good and more effective airforce they are not crazy like saudis for jet but jets which can make difference once rafale come to UAE they are second to none in region
interesting stuff *thumbs up* depressing forum though :undecided:

متابعة بهدوء

Okay! But, now you know that the GCC Peninsula Armor Shield Air Force operates various types of Aircrafts that only NATO has on its inventory! Don't thank us yooo though!!

UAE airforce looks good and more effective airforce they are not crazy like saudis for jet but jets which can make difference once rafale come to UAE they are second to none in region

Explain the bold part please.
GCC comes out as fourth strongest air power on the planet!!!

2-Russian Air Force
3-Chinese Air Force

Why not the Combat proven Israeli AF in 3rd or 4th Place

Just look at the strength...

F-15s, advance F-16s, shiny new Eurofighters, heavy bombing-fighters Tornadoes, F-18s, Miraage 2000s, and F-5s..

Along with advance AWACS, Air to Air refueling capability, ground radars etc....

I hope that Arabs become competent enough to use all this power to its maximum effect...

and before you do these things you get Air Superiority ..

How about replacing F-5s with JF-17 Thunders loaded with SD-10A BVRs , and hypersonic ASM/A2G missiles CM-400AKGs etc

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