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Feb 20, 2008
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man this is devastation they will have to answer this in this life karma what goes around come around
Right now we have to pray that ALLAH reduces the pain in which they are in , and give them the strength to overcome their losses.
Those who have done this will be questioned , in the next life for sure if not in this one.

Philistine will rise again insh'Allah. And Allah (SWT) will have revenge on the murders. The Western economies are weak because of the credit crunch (unfortunate to Western Muslims). And Bangladesh and Pakistan are not affected by it, look at the power of Allah the Almighty. Israeli will no longer have the blank check of US to stock up with all those weapons to kill our helpless fellow Muslims brothers and sisters.
No doubt we Muslims will have a huge huge rise after a great fall ( which is currently going on )
The fall will help us to become united again and open our eyes to whats really happening.
No doubt we Muslims will have a huge huge rise after a great fall ( which is currently going on )
The fall will help us to become united again and open their eyes to whats really happening.

Insh'Allah! The main problem is the Indian federation, if northern part of India was occupied by Muslims then all Muslim countries will touch each other forming a gigantic chain of Muslim countries; from Morocco to Indonesia.
Insh'Allah! The main problem is the Indian federation, if northern part of India was occupied by Muslims then all Muslim countries will touch each other forming a gigantic chain of Muslim countries; from Morocco to Indones
:sniper: :taz:
They do this an then they expect that HAMAS will not react. What a pity. I think first they'll answer in "this" world... the next world is a sure part, anyways.
Insh'Allah! The main problem is the Indian federation, if northern part of India was occupied by Muslims then all Muslim countries will touch each other forming a gigantic chain of Muslim countries; from Morocco to Indonesia.

And what is that you are going to do after it is touching????? We have most muslims in the sub continent..!!! The way it is "touching now" why cant you be happy with that..!!!! ??Y do you hate other communites. Love islam.. but allah never said hate others..!!!!!!

And may god help these victims through their troubled times..!!!!
And what is that you are going to do after it is touching????? We have most muslims in the sub continent..!!! The way it is "touching now" why cant you be happy with that..!!!! ??Y do you hate other communites. Love islam.. but allah never said hate others..!!!!!!

And may god help these victims through their troubled times..!!!!

Nigga did i write anything hateful? lolz. Dude I have a lot of Indian friends, I don't hate Indians. But as Muslims I know that it's our obligation to have closer ties with each other.
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