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Gaza non war pictures

Nice propaganda thread. While the people of Palestine are starving and being denied access to medicine and food. Not to mention the brutal treatment they receive from Israeli authorities.
For gods sake, there are 160 huge trucks coming to Gaza from Israel each day. You cant pass even 1/10 of that through tunnels. I am not even talking about water, electricity, petrol, cooking gas and so on..

OK , that what your media say it to yours , i am talk with you honestly the products enter Gaza from Israel does not constitute more than 10% from our needing , i don't know from where you take the news give me sources .. all the products that came from Israel its food products , not the basic requirements of life like ( electricity , water , gas , petrol ) you know the electricity just came 8 hours from 24 hours daily and the most of the city depend on the electricity generators which cause noise and pollution with acute lack of gas and petrol .
these news today : Gaza farmers burn tons of basil, mint after Israel border shut
e n g l i s h . a l a r a b i y a . n e t /en/perspective/features/2013/04/21/Gaza-farmers-burn-tons-of-basil-mint-after-Israel-border-shut.html

Erez is closed 8 years ago. You can find Arabic beside Hebrew for simple reason: Arabic is second official language in Israel. You can see Arabic letters on Israeli road signs and Israeli money for example too.

your news its old , Erez its open , but not like the past , and most product here type on it the (industrial zone Erez) .

Many fruits and vegetables come from Israel.

and the most of fruits and vegetables produced in Gaza and we export many of them to European countries even to Israel and the last month we export Strawberry and flowers and peas ...
e n g l i s h . a l a r a b i y a . n e t /en/perspective/features/2013/04/21/Gaza-farmers-burn-tons-of-basil-mint-after-Israel-border-shut.html

Some products are cheaper in Egypt plus weapons of course.

i will go to tunnels of death to kill myself for enter cheep products , that's what you are want to say it ?
yes we enter the weapons to defend ourselves from yours , or you want from us to give up from our weapons and do with us like 1948 , another thing these not like your weapons you have jet airplanes big military ships and tanks and nuclear weapons .

look to BBC report
y o u t u b e . c o m/watch?v=AEV5GTAQpsQ

look to CNN report
y o u t u b e . c o m/watch?v=8-tkY15AE4k

and look to these to understand
y o u t u b e . c o m/watch?v=NjZMqoB0FaA

I never denied there is a siege on Gaza. I deny there is a starvation or even a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Gaza is poor, but better than average third world country.

and we not ever say that we are starvation , Gaza its good area for agriculture and as i said later we export fruits and vegetables to the world , but any better you talking about with electricity no , water good for drink no , gas no , petrol no , new buildings no , travel no , fishing no , good internet no , jobs no , sport facilities no , medicine no , schools no , and many things that every one needed it in 20 century .

You dont fire rockets at Egypt and still they make you problems. What would happen if you were firing thousands of rockets at them?

him not make with me problems , your who's make the problem yours who's control on border from sea , air , land and yours who's make the siege .

No Hamas refuses recognize Israel refuses recognize Oslo agreements, refuses to condemn terror.

that's not right why ? Hamas refuse Oslo right and these was old , but in last 3 months when the Palestinian go to UN Hamas agree to 2 states one for Palestine with border of 1967 and one for Israel , and the UN vote for these 138 for tow states and 9 refuse these .

First of all I merely said that u have much much more than just AK-47.
Now if you talk about casualties, one rocket that fells in crowded street can kill dozens. You fired 1500 rockets, that could kill thousands. So why there are "only" 6 killed? - Because there is alert system, shelters, Iron Dome and so on.

that's not right the alert system just give 8 seconds to go to shelters and your Iron Dome its fail not me who's say these but your media and your IDF who's say these .

How all that started? In 2000 our prime minister Barak offered u a state in Camp David. And Arafat started the Intifada. Then in 2001 Barak made even bigger concession in Taba, but Arafat even increased the Intifada. We had daily exploding buses, thousands rockets.

firstly Arafat accept Oslo agreement and these denied all these you talked it , secondly the first Intifada start when you killed 28 Palestinian going to there work , and the second Intifada start when Sharon enter the Alqsa mosque by his shoes and start when extremest Jew kill 29 Palestinian was pray in the mosque Ibrahimi Mosque massacre .

Before 1967 u were third class in Egypt and before 1948 u were subject to British Mandate.

firstly before 1967 we are not was third class in Egypt , that was agreement on paper not apply and will not ever to be apply .
secondly before 1948 we are was under occupation from 1947 to 1948 and the Israel and Britain the same the tow came to occupies our land , and the British occupation it was introduction to yours to complete the occupation ( Balfour promise )

We accept two state solution and offered it several times. But that should come as agreement what Abbas did in UN is trying to get a state without agreement.

we have 60 years with yours in table of negotiations without any result .
and i want to ask you question : the agreement indeed it will be tow states and the same conditions in the UN why you not accept that ? we shortened the way between me and you .

Hamas can lift the siege anytime, all he needs to do is recognize Oslo agreements

and all you needs to do is recognize us as Palestine state .
Your welcome , Gaza your home man . بتنور غزة كلها .. تصل بالسلامة

I'm glad a came about this thread, in which some pictures don't even exist in Gaza but also these are only several places which look nice, I most pictures she's posting are just lit up and edited pictures of average suburbs. How about I take pictures of Gaza from the average POV. Ill take pictures of everywhere I go and post them on here. This is a propaganda effort.

Hello fellow Gazan. I'm coming this summer. :)

Your welcome , Gaza your home man . بتنور غزة كلها .. تصل بالسلامة
OK , that what your media say it to yours , i am talk with you honestly the products enter Gaza from Israel does not constitute more than 10% from our needing , i don't know from where you take the news give me sources ..
A calculated 1,123 truckloads of goods entered Gaza last week, according to the latest report by the UN Office for the Coordination for Humanitarian Affairs.

That's 160 huge trucks a day.

290 truckloads allowed through Gaza crossing | Maan News Agency

Now in your videos you could see tunnels. How hard to bring just one car through them. You hardly can enter trough tunnels even 1/10 of goods coming from Israel.

all the products that came from Israel its food products , not the basic requirements of life like ( electricity , water , gas , petrol ) you know the electricity just came 8 hours from 24 hours daily and the most of the city depend on the electricity generators which cause noise and pollution with acute lack of gas and petrol .
63% of electricity comes from Israel.

your news its old , Erez its open , but not like the past , and most product here type on it the (industrial zone Erez) .
No my news are fresh. Erez is closed.

and the most of fruits and vegetables produced in Gaza and we export many of them to European countries even to Israel and the last month we export Strawberry and flowers and peas ...
Here trucks with fruits entering Gaza:



I am sure u can see lots of Hebrew marking cardboards with fruits.


i will go to tunnels of death to kill myself for enter cheep products , that's what you are want to say it ?
yes we enter the weapons to defend ourselves from yours , or you want from us to give up from our weapons and do with us like 1948 , another thing these not like your weapons you have jet airplanes big military ships and tanks and nuclear weapons .
Well they make tens of thousands of dollars each month. Worth risk. I dont know why do u need tunnels to bring legal goods from Egypt though.

and we not ever say that we are starvation , Gaza its good area for agriculture and as i said later we export fruits and vegetables to the world , but any better you talking about with electricity no , water good for drink no , gas no , petrol no , new buildings no , travel no , fishing no , good internet no , jobs no , sport facilities no , medicine no , schools no , and many things that every one needed it in 20 century .
Well when it comes to medicine, mortality level in Gaza is much lower than in most of third world countries, when it comes to education, literacy level is much higher, when it comes to jobs, average wages are much higher too.

him not make with me problems , your who's make the problem yours who's control on border from sea , air , land and yours who's make the siege .
Well, I can just buy a ticket and fly to Japan any time. Then fly from Japan to Germany, then take a bus in Germany and drive to France and so on. Dont need any visas. Why so hard for u to travel to neighbor Egypt.

that's not right why ? Hamas refuse Oslo right and these was old , but in last 3 months when the Palestinian go to UN Hamas agree to 2 states one for Palestine with border of 1967 and one for Israel , and the UN vote for these 138 for tow states and 9 refuse these .
They still refuse.

that's not right the alert system just give 8 seconds to go to shelters and your Iron Dome its fail not me who's say these but your media and your IDF who's say these .
Alert gives 15 seconds in Sderot and nearly 30 seconds in Beersheba, Ashdod. All houses in Sderot are protected. Irodn Dome worked fine, Ive seen myself. Thats why 6 killed from 1500 rockets.

firstly Arafat accept Oslo agreement and these denied all these you talked it , secondly the first Intifada start when you killed 28 Palestinian going to there work , and the second Intifada start when Sharon enter the Alqsa mosque by his shoes and start when extremest Jew kill 29 Palestinian was pray in the mosque Ibrahimi Mosque massacre
1) There were not any 28 killed going to work. First intifada started because of traffic accident that killed 4.
2) Sharon did not enter any mosque, he only walked on mountain. And your guys admitted it was not a cause, intifada was planned:

Suha Arafat: The 2000 Intifada Was Premeditated, Planned by Arafat - YouTube

PA Minister of Communications: Intifada already planned when Arafat returned from Camp David - YouTube

3) Ibrahimi mosque killing happened in 1994, not related to 2000 intifada at all.

firstly before 1967 we are not was third class in Egypt , that was agreement on paper not apply and will not ever to be apply .
Were you full right citizens in Egypt? - No.

secondly before 1948 we are was under occupation from 1947 to 1948 and the Israel and Britain the same the tow came to occupies our land , and the British occupation it was introduction to yours to complete the occupation ( Balfour promise )
And before Brits there were Ottomans, Mamlukes and so on.

we have 60 years with yours in table of negotiations without any result .
First negotiations started only in 1988. In 1994 you already got almost all Gaza.

and i want to ask you question : the agreement indeed it will be tow states and the same conditions in the UN why you not accept that ? we shortened the way between me and you .
There was no any agreement in UN.

and all you needs to do is recognize us as Palestine state .
First of all we need to agree on borders. For example Olmert's offer included exchange of territories which would add some 25% to Gaza.
Secondly you have claims towards Israel that you dont want to abolish like right to return. All claims should be closes before we recognize u as a state.
A calculated 1,123 truckloads of goods entered Gaza last week, according to the latest report by the UN Office for the Coordination for Humanitarian Affairs.

That's 160 huge trucks a day.

290 truckloads allowed through Gaza crossing | Maan News Agency

Firstly for UN all the goods that enter Gaza from UN its Flour, sugar, oil, books and clothes for UNRWA-run schools , and i said to you we are not starved , Gaza land its good for farming and i said to you the products that came from Israel not constitute 10% from our needing and the most of our products its came from the tunnels .
in the your news source , before you put it you should to read it , first the source of news its 6/2011 after 7 months from Marmara ship massacre which make on your government pressure from all the world to enter products to Gaza and the siege began in 2006 , and in the your news source written
Israel will allow the delivery of limited goods and humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip

20 new cars
Lord , the siege from 2006 and you will enter 20 new cars for 2 million population in 2011 without gas or petrol ...

you said that
That's 160 huge trucks a day
i read all the article i didn't find anything say what are you say .

finally i understand your logic , you will continue the siege and when we told the world to help us you will show them these news , and you should to understand our problem not the food and i said many times we have a food we farming our land all the Gaza strip 360km2 its good for farming , and you know what we are do in these products when we cant export it look to these news :
these news taken tomorrow 2013 Gaza farmers burn tons of basil, mint after Israel border shut
e n g l i s h . a l a r a b i y a . n e t /en/perspective/features/2013/04/21/Gaza-farmers-burn-tons-of-basil-mint-after-Israel-border-shut.html

our problem its the siege in the sea in the air in electricity in water in gas in petrol in security in health in travel and our rights to live like anyone in these world all we need it our freedom understand these for god , we don't need anything form yours only remove the siege and build your state and limit to us to build our state .

63% of electricity comes from Israel.
are you kidding or lying , so why the electricity just came 8 hours from 24 hour everyday ?
let me guess , aha to save the environment , no Gaza people very bad , may be we love to live without electricity like middle ages in the 20 century good logic its make logic :hitwall:

Here trucks with fruits entering Gaza:
and i said we are export to European countries and to yours fruits and vegetables
read these :

these from BBC Israel already approved exports of a small quantity of tomatoes from Gaza to the European market
b b c . c o . u k/news/world-middle-east-17269498

Israel eases ban on export of goods from Gaza Jerusalem post
j p o s t . c o m/Diplomacy-and-Politics/Israel-eases-ban-on-export-of-goods-from-Gaza

h a a r e t z . c o m/news/diplomacy-defense/gaza-farmers-burn-3-tons-of-herbs-as-export-blocked-by-border-crossing-closure-1.515248

after read all these you will know that Gaza export many of food products to the world .

Well they make tens of thousands of dollars each month. Worth risk. I dont know why do u need tunnels to bring legal goods from Egypt though.
Really i don't understand you , you say before because its cheep
Some products are cheaper in Egypt
and you know say because its make thousands of dollars , but what the good from money when he go to tunnel of death ?

Well when it comes to medicine, mortality level in Gaza is much lower than in most of third world countries, when it comes to education, literacy level is much higher, when it comes to jobs, average wages are much higher too.
firstly the most of Gaza hospitals have acute lack of medicines , for education , Gaza was always good in education because in Gaza no sources expect education but yours destroy the universities and the schools : here when Israel warplanes strike universities in Gaza:
n e w s . x i n h u a n e t . c o m/english/2008-12/29/content_10572540.htm

n o v i n i t e . c o m/view_news.php?id=100097

and here some photo from CNN when yours strike the schools
e d i t i o n . c n n . c o m/2012/11/16/world/meast/gaza-israel-strike

and these from Human rights watch report about attacking schools in Gaza
h r w . o r g/news/2009/01/07/gaza-israeli-attack-school-needs-full-un-investigation

and these report from Telegraph about strike UN schools in Gaza
t e l e g r a p h .c o. u k/news/picturegalleries/worldnews/4142658/Israeli-strike-on-United-Nations-run-school-in-Gaza.html

you know that the Palestinian are good in education so you want to destroy them dreams , but you will not get it .

For the jobs : Unemployment is around a 30% climbing to 58% for those aged between 20 and 24 years. UNRWA report says 45.2 percent of Gazans in working age are unemployed, dropping more than 5,900 jobs to 190,365 in the second half of 2010.

lets see your media what say about jobs in Gaza (Haaretz)
UN study: Gaza unemployment rate remains among the worst in the world

h a a r e t z . c o m/news/diplomacy-defense/un-study-gaza-unemployment-rate-remains-among-the-worst-in-the-world-1.367580

and you say about medicine and education and your was laying :tdown: , and forget all of these :
but any better you talking about with electricity no , water good for drink no , gas no , petrol no , new buildings no , travel no , fishing no , good internet no , jobs no , sport facilities no , medicine no , schools no , and many things that every one needed it in 20 century .

Well, I can just buy a ticket and fly to Japan any time. Then fly from Japan to Germany, then take a bus in Germany and drive to France and so on. Dont need any visas. Why so hard for u to travel to neighbor Egypt.

i will till you why in simple words because you control on these countries and control in the world media and do what you want .

They still refuse.
you still put the Lies , Hamas accept and i will take you to the true from your media that say Hamas accept :

Haniyeh: Hamas willing to accept Palestinian state with 1967 borders (Haaretz)
h a a r e t z . c o m/news/haniyeh-hamas-willing-to-accept-palestinian-state-with-1967-borders-1.256915

Mashaal: I accept a Palestinian state on '67 borders (Jerusalem post)
j p o s t . c o m/Middle-East/Mashaal-I-accept-a-Palestinian-state-on-67-borders

Alert gives 15 seconds in Sderot and nearly 30 seconds in Beersheba, Ashdod. All houses in Sderot are protected. Irodn Dome worked fine, Ive seen myself. Thats why 6 killed from 1500 rockets.

your Iron Dome System Failed Miserably
r i c h a r d s i l v e r s t e i n . c o m/2013/03/08/iron-dome-system-failed-miserably/

v e t e r a n s t o d a y . c o m/2013/03/14/iron-dome-system-failed-miserably/

1) There were not any 28 killed going to work. First intifada started because of traffic accident that killed 4.
2) Sharon did not enter any mosque, he only walked on mountain. And your guys admitted it was not a cause, intifada was planned:

1- you say was traffic accident you still lying .
2- Sharon enter the Alaqsa and all the world know that and see that .
3- in these video you want to say that Arafat say to Sharon enter Alaqsa mosque please to cause intifada ? good logic
4- Ibrahimi mosque mascara just to remember yours crimes against Palestinian , when you kill him in cold blood .

Were you full right citizens in Egypt? - No.
no we are was a Palestinian citizens .

And before Brits there were Ottomans, Mamlukes and so on.
when it was Ottomans empire we have our country and our land no one steal it from us , another thing when you back to history it was control by empires Roman empire Greek empire Bizante empire and you was live under them control .

First negotiations started only in 1988. In 1994 you already got almost all Gaza.
1 year enough to negotiations .

There was no any agreement in UN.
you are broke all treaties by siege and wars , the last UN vote its fair to all sides (138 state for peace , and 9 for war )

First of all we need to agree on borders. For example Olmert's offer included exchange of territories which would add some 25% to Gaza.
Secondly you have claims towards Israel that you dont want to abolish like right to return. All claims should be closes before we recognize u as a state.

you know good , that Abbas and all the Palestinian including Hamas go to UN and say we want 2 states one for Palestinian on border 1967 and other for Israel and live in peace , and you who's refuse these , and we recognize you as Israel state before going to UN and you not recognize us .
Everybody apart from slimy zionists knows that the CIA world factbook is very inaccurate or outdated at best. Still all you can do to try and cover your bloody hands is to bring up false comparisons.

These are some of the less gruesome images of Israeli atrocities towards Palestinians:



Maybe you should present data to prove CIA wrong, or how about WHO(World Health Organization)?

Fact! Persian live less than Gazan :lol:
Maybe you should present data to prove CIA wrong, or how about WHO(World Health Organization)?

Fact! Persian live less than Gazan :lol:

Too bad this boy didn't live into his 70s.



Faris Odeh, shot through the neck by an Israeli soldier (read: coward). As he was symbolically throwing stones at invading Israeli tanks into his homeland.
What was the human development Index and quality of life of palstenians before six day war and at present,can somebody provide a data ?

is it improved under israel ?

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