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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hasbara instead of the hairy uncle deccon suck Zion promote Instead, you must join the mechanized forces with all their Western funds undefeateble Merkavas with trophies and era armor to get only the blasted the Yassins rpg with tandem explosives on the soft rear cheeks with heat Frag penetration defeat and the Sharpnel that bleaches your red bottom a*s and splits them bimbis full of explosive shits..

You will be then exposed to the storm in your mind before the gas molecules burn up or the son of ligght has become a re invicirate to in hellfire.

Their will be justice served for Jewish evil ignorance and malignanxy filled with platitude and despotic Shist NAZISM criminality in mischief making wont continue unhinge any more.
Those Yassin missiles can't penetrate a Merkava lol. Good luck going through Trophy and Merkava's reactive+passive armor.
They were all sitting in a large circle probably eating humus when they got a little surprise drone bomblet dropped upside their heads love it! Child-murdering criminals.

And the demon steel elephant @0.25 got cooked and fried like a beautiful Hallal fillet mignon on my barbeque grill, excellent.

Who is this AIPAC scum sucking hog bribery demon? Arrest his *** and charge him for bribery & political coercion! Throw the whole book on his sorry life and then they should go out and find the cackling cow that was saying something about shooting Rashida Tlaib on the radio?! These people are off the handle and the scary part is they're getting away with all these crimes.

BTW, very nasty explosion at the US/Canada border CNN was saying the car sped up right before it hit the toll booths. Unfortunately we're going to see a lot more of this crap as a result of these demon criminals.

Nah, from who? He's well-know in the parliament and very outspoken and has been one of the main voices who started this kind of trend where people have been able to speak their minds and not worry about being punished.

Imagine if Turkish & Egyptian navies got together and parked all helicopter carriers and all 26+ frigates and cruisers and corvettes right off Rafah and just forced in aid and medical and troops & armor?
Qatar announced deal to be at 10AM. Israel just backed out of ceasefire again. Is he trying to provoke war in Lebanon?

Me think that even with a ceasefire the topic of a two state solution will not go off the international table for a very long time if not ever. And that is why Israel tries the military solution to press all Palestins out of Palestine to avoid any "arguments" for that.
Show us the results. All Hamas is snowing is the hitting part, sometimes not even a hit is shown. In reality their missiles get intercepted by Trophy or stopped by the armor.

There are unfortunately around 60 Israeli causalities in Gaza. Hamas has over 6,000 dead already. The rest are their families.

Yemen did nothing. Their missiles got intercepted and the ship they took wasn't even Israeli, it was the property of a British company that an Israeli businessman has a share in, rented to a Japanese firm, housing 0 Israeli crew.

They even manually place Yasin In between turret and body. They shoot soldiers at 3 feet distance.

Have you seen the videos???

despite the cover up flag and registry, Yemenis had intelligence.
Several Yemeni hits in Eilat are documented.

This was not a war with Iran. It was just Hamas, 1 percent of Pealestine.

Killing 99 percent who are not Hamas cannot fix that.
Me think that even with a ceasefire the topic of a two state solution will not go off the international table for a very long time if not ever. And that is why Israel tries the military solution to press all Palestins out of Palestine to avoid any "arguments" for that.
Egypt and Qatar are being played. I don't think US and Israeli intention is a ceasefire. They don't feel deterred nor feel any backlash to what they've done in Gaza and it won't surprise me it's a false pledge to invade southern Gaza and catch Palestinians and Egypt off guard.

Israel can't be trusted for anything. And neither can the US administration at the moment.
Those Yassin missiles can't penetrate a Merkava lol. Good luck going through Trophy and Merkava's reactive+passive armor.

When necessary Iran will send anti armor loiter drones that fits in one hand.

Those Yassin missiles can't penetrate a Merkava lol. Good luck going through Trophy and Merkava's reactive+passive armor.
The armored personnel carriers was an tolal penetation and you claim that the the ATGM plus 10 rpg fired out to detonate the namer for the zionist death claims that the RPG was caused by the dozens but not enough to allow the missile to detonate. It is diametrically opposed that to the sense with cunning manupilations of make believes, absolutely irrational makes no sense atleast 30 Merkarpa x6.driver and crew.(totes 180).
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If Hezbollah doesn't respond to this in a big way then I believe we'll see Israel do a pre-emptive illegal war on Lebanon in coming days. That's why I said Nasrallah's speech was harmful to the deterrence of the resistance.
Lebanese media: The commander of the Radwan Division, the most prominent military formation in Hezbollah, was killed along with a number of members

They even manually place Yasin In between turret and body. They shoot soldiers at 3 feet distance.

Have you seen the videos???

despite the cover up flag and registry, Yemenis had intelligence.
Several Yemeni hits in Eilat are documented.

This was not a war with Iran. It was just Hamas, 1 percent of Pealestine.

Killing 99 percent who are not Hamas cannot fix that.
There are Israeli causalities. There are 100 times more Hamas casualties.

Those Yassin warheads are not enough to penetrate a Merkava.


The place they are trying to penetrate has quite a bit of thickness and is actually a SLERA module designed against Tandem warheads. Besides, even if it penetrates, the amount of armor in that location makes shrapnel minimal. It would not cause the destruction of a tank but at most shrapnel injury or unlikely death. By now only 2 tank crews got killed, and one of them was a commander that was killed as a result of an accident because of a bomb hole the tank drove into.

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