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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

US secretary of state to travel to Israel tomorrow​

A jew himself..

All this posturing of US will go in vain and will not deter anyone. Israelis are literally facing constant attacks from here and there.

Israelis' blood has been tasted to the fullest - that too in front of whole world.

Israelis will be kept hot on their own soil - for a very long time.

They are locked up and done for.

Latest development @Meengla @Falcon29 @Total Destruction

People struggle to leave Israel as flights book up



Israeli vehicle identification guide allegedly used by Hamas.


@LeGenD @jhungary

On the second photo attached please pay attention to the armour defeating IEDs mentioned two clearly show “explosive formed projectile/platter charge” a Hazbollah speciality.

Refer below:

Israel Planted Wall Street Journal Claiming Iran Directed Gaza AttackWSJ falsely claimed Iran met secretly with Hezbollah and Hamas leaders in Lebanon, and directed the southern Israel invasion​

There was no question in my mind that they would attempt to extend this into a good reason to attack Iran. They've been dying to do it but probably couldn't find a justifiable reason to sell to the world but they might think they do now. Too bad Iran doesn't have those Su-35s already. But at least they have their ballistic missiles. This could easily spiral out of control.
Once nukes start flying you're talking World War Three with Russia, China involved in which America itself will be a target. We're talking billions dead.

I'm 90% sure that Iran has nuclear weapons and won't just roll over and die. Why do you think that US/NATO keep saying that they haven't found any Iranian link to Hamas or anyone else? They know where to stop.

I am sure Iran must definitely have chemical and biological weapons, otherwise Usa would have destroyed them years back. Nuclear weapons is a question mark, if Iranians are intelligent people they must develop them to defend themselves, taking example from Japan, Iraq, Libya.
Go out in more protests. Go in droves. Don't be afraid of them.
In my opinion it would be very good to petition at least Kuwaiti and Qatari governments to expel all Hindu workers. Hindus are getting problematic one of the leading shills but if they kick them out , no one in West gives damn about them.
Of course I have some other ideas too but
Why you are afraid?

We will not use our nukes on civilians. We are not dirty animals (not look like a certain country )
Are you for real that stupid? You don't have nuke; at best you can make a dirty bomb.

First of all, you will need to enrich a uranium to over 90% to be small enough and compact enough to put it in a warhead, that's what people called miniaturization, if a cake is too big, you can't put it inside a nuke. You don't have that.


second of all, UN resolution limits Iran to making 3.96% Uranium, that's the smallest (or biggest cake) amount to power a nuclear plant, Russian cake they gave you are up to 60%, but that is still too big to put it in a nuke.

and finally, in the article you posted, it does not say you have a 83.7% cake, it said you have uranium particle that is 83.7% concentrate uranium on it, that's a by-product of a fission and as YOURS scientist explain that is a by-product, or an unintentional effect on during transition period

"Iran informed the agency that 'unintended fluctuations' in enrichment levels may have occurred during the transition period," the IAEA report said. "Discussions between the agency and Iran to clarify the matter are ongoing."


And it would be stupid to think if UN found Iran have the capability to enrich Uranium to 83.7% cake they would talk of lifting Iran nuclear sanction........

And that is just one part of the problem for making nuke, to have a functioning nuke, you will need to master a proper trigger mechanism, because normal explosion trigger will pre-maturely detonate the nuke, unless you want your ICBM to explode in Iran before it lifted off, you need a pressure shield type trigger, and then you will also need to master space flight, because you are sending that nuke into stratosphere, it's different fluid mechanic over 250,000 ft than flying a commercial aircraft or missile at 70,000 ft.

So no, you DO NOT have a nuke, don't threaten me with stuff you DO NOT have.
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In my opinion it would be very good to petition at least Kuwaiti and Qatari governments to expel all Hindu workers. Hindus are getting problematic one of the leading shills but if they kick them out , no one in West gives damn about them.
Of course I have some other ideas too but
Again with this Ummah power nonsense. kuwaits and Qataris are businessmen, they only look at the bottom line.’
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