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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Indians will never recover from this

Ahh, so now you have a verified source as opposed to propaganda but no heartfelt reaction, exactly how the media conditions people to go mute when Palestineans suffer.

But what do I know, I'm not a rape victim expert nor the "best" poster. The circus of the staff here...
You are entitled to your opinion. Stay blessed.

Just when I thought I couldn't stand that old fool anymore, he outdoes himself and comes up with more reason to despise him. He's so programmed to be completely subservient to zionism that coupled with his increasing dementia, it's getting more and more sickening. Really really despicable individual where he can't even bring himself to condemn the killing of children on both sides.

Israelis, driving back and forth over the body of a Palestinian with a minibus, recorded those moments with laughter and broadcasted them.


I couldn't even watch more than the first few seconds of that. And Hamas are barbarians? And CNN can bring on some fool who called Hamas despicable barbarians because they filmed that older woman holding an AK and giving the peace sign? Wow wow wow. This is so ugly.
I couldn't even watch more than the first few seconds of that. And Hamas are barbarians? And CNN can bring on some fool who called Hamas despicable barbarians because they filmed that older woman holding an AK and giving the peace sign? Wow wow wow. This is so ugly.
More of this to come sadly.

Israel Planted Wall Street Journal Claiming Iran Directed Gaza AttackWSJ falsely claimed Iran met secretly with Hezbollah and Hamas leaders in Lebanon, and directed the southern Israel invasion​

An Israeli security source directly contradicts the article. He says that the WSJ identification of its sources was false. Either Israel duped the reporters into believing they were who they claimed to be. Or the Israeli source offered the leak on condition the sources be [falsely] identified as they were in the article.

The source says that it was a “planted leak” by Israel to deflect blame for the security debacle, which has cost over 1,000 Israeli lives and left 120 held hostage in Gaza. 11 Americans were among them with several held hostage. He adds that if there were such meetings, Israeli and US signals intelligence would have picked up word of them. They, in turn, would have warned Israel of the pending invasion. But in fact, the IDF was caught completely unaware.
i just researched and found many idf israelis explaining that this could be pre planned invasion becuase they got high tech survailence system that if a small bird crosses it will alert them but somehow Palestinians got in with out detection. plus they walked down a 2 mile long check point that have manned gun post but were empty. this seems like israeli government allowed it for its own benefit.
OK, if so but Kykes didn't fight too well from second echelon? I don't know really. On some clips, you see them timidly reacting . Seems to me that at least partially, they have become too reliant on technology, too confident and trained in limited manner. Also , there are on going infiltration so it might be that Fareeses played a bit of the game. Also weakness are obvious.
Higher ranking officers killed or captured??
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