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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

If Turkish-Egyptian relations had not deteriorated during the political turmoil, Turkiye would have literally stacked all its systems to Egypt. Many agreements had been made, and the systems would first enter service with the Turkish and Egyptian armed forces, and then be exported to other countries. Anyway, the past is the past. Personally, I am someone who understands Egypt's potential and fully supports its development in these areas. The important thing is for Egypt to quickly reach various specific capacities, it doesn't matter where it comes from, but if Turkiye can support the indigenization in Egypt in this regard, I would of course be very happy. And I'm writing this everywhere.
They are proven capable for licenced production of western toys given to them and in that sense there is no obstacle for their fast and massive production but it has to be signed and defined in details, i am sure that you are ready to give them that kind of agreement frame as you have some gagues in capacities already, hisar, siper, tg2000, firtina, mlrs, gokbey, t129 etc, it would shift balance of power in their favor for good vs israel and with kaan that would be sealed as superiority, their economy is good and could support it.
Egypt should buy the Chinese J10C planes or Russian su35s. Whats the point of spending billions on fighter jets which are restricted and useless to defend Egypt.
we made a deal for su-35 later it was halted or canceled due to american sanctions on whoever buys russian weapons.
If northern Gaza is completely emptied Israel intends to occupy it itself?

As crazy as it sounds, Iran and Russia are the winners here, why? Well, Iran stopped Israel normalization ties with Saudi Arabia (which would have been big), and the west now has to cut Ukraine funding which benefits Russia. Poor Israel played by Iran textbook style, where is the mozzad?


I think everyone is really missing the forest for the trees here.

This is a huge geopolitical move, which includes Iran, KSA, UAE, normalization of ties with Israel, and even Russia/Ukraine.

It's not as simple as Hamas attacks Israel.

I think everyone is really missing the forest for the trees here.

This is a huge geopolitical move, which includes Iran, KSA, UAE, normalization of ties with Israel, and even Russia/Ukraine.

It's not as simple as Hamas attacks Israel.

It also includes of 25 billions of our Hafiz Sahab
Hamas have done huge damage
we made a deal for su-35 later it was halted or canceled due to american sanctions on whoever buys russian weapons.

The blame goes on the rulers though. Pakistan is in same position as Egypt but they bought fully loaded J10C fighter jets from China, the USA didn't do much because they know Pakistan will do anything to protect its borders from aggression. Egyptian generals should be saying to the USA, were your friends but we will make our defence strong, no matter what, if you don't sell us latest technology then we will buy from elsewhere. The Egyptian defence should not be compromised, even if Egypt needs to make hypersonic long range missiles, nukes even. The issue is these generals always believe they are safe until its too late.
I don't think it is worth talking about Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, etc. as they will not do anything to assist the Palestinians militarily. Plus, they have not proven themselves in battle and lack the knowledge to fight a war. The only power in the Muslim world that knows what is going on and knows how to fight back is Iran. They have mastered advanced weapon systems that prevent the US from striking Iran. the US knows the response would be devastating and therefore did not attack. Otherwise, we would have seen strikes on Iran a decade ago.

The other is Pakistan, but with all do respect, Pakistan is too poor and too far away / busy with India to fully engage in the conflict.

Turkey is a powerful military but they lack long range surface to surface missiles and this limits them to a 500 KM effective range. (current missiles can reach targets up to 500 KM). I am not including the (under development weapons).

Also, Turkey does not have the capacity to deploy large forces in scale near Israel, it would risk being shot down. Iran already has the infrastructure in place. This is why Iran is the player in the Palestinian issue, and this is why Israel and the US have sanctioned Iran for the past 40 years.
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