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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Rafah Crossing: The time proposed by Egypt and Israel for the crossing to open was between 12:00 hrs and 17:00 hrs. The crossing is CLOSED!

Are you sure they are from India?
Believe me after spending so much time following these trolls online, they have "tells". They are NOT American, there were a good few Americans (some ex forces) here that joined during GWOT they left long ago.
you are right but I am not talking about all gas station but majority Indians in US owns gas station and 7/11 type of stores.
Maybe, but they do make a lot of money, the good ones that is. One gas station was making $50K in a day but he had 20 pumps
American Presidents showed weakness in Vietnam. Vietcong launched Tet Offensive in 1968 but American troops defeated them in resulting battles and ousted Vietcong from the strategically important A Shau Valley in 1969 (Operation Apache Snow), but President Johnson ordered American troops to withdraw from A Shau valley. President Johnson's surprisingly irresponsible decision made it possible for the Vietcong to recover and launch Easter Offensive in 1972. This time, USAF came up with a plan to cripple Vietcong in a way like never before (Operation Linebacker II), and Vietcong came to the negotiation table. But President Nixon did not take advantage of this shift to negotiate independence of South Vietnam but chose to withdraw American troops instead. Vietcong recovered from the latest blow and annexed South Vietnam in 1975.

Maybe this wasn't the right time to fight this war due to its lack of appeal and racial tensions in US mainland? Or the war was lost due to corruption at the top? I find the latter reasoning more convincing. President Nixon resigned due to Watergate scandal in 1974. This is how this man went down in history.

USAF demonstrated impressive technology and strategy in Operation Linebacker II. I wonder if Pakistan could convince President Nixon to help defeat Indian forces in Bangladesh?

History of the region might have been different if President Nixon had shown some spine.

US stood its ground and preserved South Korea against all odds in 1953. South Korea has become one of the most advanced countries in the world and remains close to the US.

Sometimes the Public does not understand how the country can benefit from a strategic move. It shows later.

But an interesting development is that Vietcong and US are warming up to each other. Vietcong on the whole. Time will tell.

Should we open a new thread based on this piece? Just discussion and no news? I wonder what would happen now. It shouldn't necessarily be war gaming but mainly a debate.

So my question is, India isn't on West lap child for now, but what would happen if zionist lobby convince west and India attacks Pakistan? for political reasons or strategic compulsion? Yes, our nuclear umbrella will save us from devouring/naqba like this but there can be a uno reverse of 1000 cuts?

I know fighting sireal is like fighting the directly the US, but still Muslims cannot help a Muslims like 65 when Shah iran send weapons and nursing staff or PAF sent airmen and pilots to arab world?

All in all, it has shown that isreal may be weak, but we are weaker. What do we need? more weapons? political harmony? education? or lobbies? understanding so that we can better lobby etc?

Apparently basic maths is hard if you are a Zionist.
Should we open a new thread based on this piece? Just discussion and no news? I wonder what would happen now. It shouldn't necessarily be war gaming but mainly a debate.

So my question is, India isn't on West lap child for now, but what would happen if zionist lobby convince west and India attacks Pakistan? for political reasons or strategic compulsion? Yes, our nuclear umbrella will save us from devouring/naqba like this but there can be a uno reverse of 1000 cuts?

I know fighting sireal is like fighting the directly the US, but still Muslims cannot help a Muslims like 65 when Shah iran send weapons and nursing staff or PAF sent airmen and pilots to arab world?

All in all, it has shown that isreal may be weak, but we are weaker. What do we need? more weapons? political harmony? education? or lobbies? understanding so that we can better lobby etc?
India is stupid but not that stupid to attack Pakistan. Beyond the Bollywood rhetoric and Zion pushing is the reality of the consequences of war, which the Indian army is fully aware of and won't risk.
A United Arab Emirates Airforce C130 can be seen leaving Al-Arish airbase on the Egypt/Gaza border. Al-Arish has been the staging post for receiving aid from Türkiye recent meant for Palestine.
View attachment 962046

It is funny to see how these useless Gulf nations are running around and trying to deliver aid to the Palestinians. Their conscience is making them feel guilty. They have even failed at that. What really should have been a very harsh condemnation and boycott of Israel has turned into a comical fiasco.
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Both are from you know where. Neither are native Israeli or American.
Both have to be admired. Admired for being ashamed to shine their flags of origin. Respectfully I can see why.

On topic - spoke to my MP last night - went to school with her. She said the UK government is now putting pressure on the Israeli about the genocide they are committing and the consequences will and become severe and critical for all Jews across the world with the hate being built up.
Netanyahoos action are putting the safety of genuine Jews that know what they are attempting is what they suffered in WW2
Yes 100% this is my assessment, I have been reading a lot of Israeli media, I think some members here could benefit from doing that, gives you a better understanding on the psyche of the other side (if you will).

No hostage no aid

Breaking!!! Idf losing control of the Border with Lebanon. Hezbollah has taken a military base

How can I send them some diapers I am sure they are pissing themselves.

Another run by IDF such a bunch of cowards!

Whilst this is heart-breaking, just remember the following points:
1. As of December 2022, X/Twitter's audience accounted for over 368 million monthly active users worldwide, a 2020 estimate puts the figure at 15% of all 368000000 accounts on X are bots so that's 552,000 bot accounts.
2.The online disinhibition effect is the tendency of people to “flame” others online. It's because you're alone, getting no feedback face-to-face (Because you don't get a drop kick to the face like you would in real life).
3. Even if you consider that 25,000 actual people voted on this that is still only 0.00035714285714286% of the worlds population.
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armed Israeli settlers threaten violence

Euro-Med Monitor's Muhammad Shehada says this photo was posted by Israeli settlers who vowed there would be "no red lines, laws, or mercy" shown to West Bank Palestinians.
(Photo: Muhammad Shehada/X)

With All Eyes on Gaza, Israeli Soldiers and Settlers Kill Dozens of West Bank Palestinians​

"Many Israeli settlers have openly called for Palestinians to be wiped off the map," said one advocacy group. "Now, Israel is giving them the guns to achieve that vision."​

Oct 13, 2023

While the world watches Israel's military pulverize Gaza amid anticipation of an imminent ground invasion of the besieged strip, Israeli soldiers and settlers—who are receiving thousands of assault rifles from the government—have killed dozens of Palestinians in the illegally occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem over the past week, officials there said on Friday.
At around 5:00 pm local time, the Palestinian Health Ministry said that 11 people were killed by Israeli occupation forces and settler-colonists in the West Bank and East Jerusalem so far on Friday, raising the death toll there to 46 and the number of wounded to over 700 since Hamas and other Gaza-based militants launched a massive cross-border attack on southern Israel last weekend, killing more than 1,300 Israeli soldiers and civilians.
"Amidst the war and horrors in the south, away from the public eye, Israeli soldiers and settlers are engaging in deadly violence against Palestinians in the West Bank."
In response, Israeli forces bombarded Gaza by air, land, and sea, killing at least 1,799 Palestinians—including at least 583 children—wounding at least 7,388 more, displacing hundreds of thousands, and cutting off water and power to the besieged strip's 2.3 million residents.
"Amidst the war and horrors in the south, away from the public eye, Israeli soldiers and settlers are engaging in deadly violence against Palestinians in the West Bank," the Israeli human rights group Yesh Din noted earlier this week. "The attacks are taking place within the villages themselves, on the roads, and in agricultural lands."
"Israeli settlers are shooting, injuring, setting fires, and damaging property and trees," the group added. "There is evidence that soldiers are allowing the violence to continue, sometimes joining in."

Some critics accused the Israeli government—and especially far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir—of enabling settler attacks by handing out thousands of military assault rifles to settlement residents.
"As it drops bomb after bomb on Palestinians in Gaza, Israel is giving 1000s of machine guns to extremist Israelis, including settlers in the Palestinian West Bank. There have already been reports of Israeli settlers using the weapons to attack every Palestinian they see," the California-based Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) said on social media Thursday.

"The extremist settlers Israel is arming have spent years attacking Palestinian cities in lynch mobs, with full backing from the Israeli government," IMEU continued. "This year alone, they have killed Palestinian civilians and set fire to cars and homes with families inside."
"Many Israeli settlers have openly called for Palestinians to be wiped off the map. Now, Israel is giving them the guns to achieve that vision," the group added. "Israel is setting the stage for a genocide of Palestinians."
On Friday, Israeli settlers and soldiers attacked Palestinians protesting the assault on Gaza in the West Bank town of Tulkarem, killing three people, according toAgence France-Presse. Another Palestinian, a 13-year-old boy, was reportedly shot dead in Beit Furik, near Nablus.

Meanwhile, the Times of Israel reported that Israeli police on Friday shot and killed four Palestinians who allegedly detonated explosive devices in what the paper called an apparent attempt to breach the Israeli separation wall near Tulkarem.
Also on Friday, the Israeli human rights group B'Tselem published a video showing an Israeli settler ambushing and shooting an unarmed Palestinian man in the abdomen with an assault rifle at point-blank range near the West Bank village of At-Tuwani, south of Hebron. An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier seen standing nearby does not intervene. Instead, he escorts the shooter and another person away from the scene.

The Times of Israel reported the victim was severely injured, and that Israeli police know the identity of the shooter—a resident of a nearby illegal settlement—and will question him. However, as the newspaper noted, "assailants are rarely arrested, let alone prosecuted for their actions."
On Wednesday, a group of masked gunmen from the illegal Esh Kodesh settler outpost attacked the West Bank village of Qusra, south of Nablus. The attackers stormed the village in all-terrain vehicles, shooting indiscriminately and killing four Palestinians while wounding 11 others, including a 6-year-old girl. The settlers torched homes and other structures before fleeing.

The following day, Israeli settlers and troops opened fire on mourners and an ambulance carrying the victims of Wednesday's attack in Qusra, fatally wounding Ibrahim Wadi, 63, and his son, Ahmad Wadi, 26.
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Thursday reported 49 settler attacks on West Bank and East Jerusalem Palestinians since October 7, including some in which IDF troops took part.
OCHA also said that 214 people from 35 Palestinian families from the Wadi as Seeq and Al Mu'arajat Bedouin communities fled their homes amid "systematic harassment and attacks by Israeli settlers," raising concerns of possible ethnic cleansing.
Additionally, the World Health Organization has documented 28 attacks on West Bank healthcare infrastructure or workers since October 7, including 20 assaults on medical professionals.
On Thursday, the Palestine-based International Middle East Media Centerreported Israeli occupation forces "stormed and ransacked dozens of homes across the West Bank" while abducting 42 Palestinians, many of them former political prisoners and at least one journalist.
Attacks by Israeli settlers and soldiers on West Bank Palestinians are nothing new. Prior to last weekend's attacks on Israel, at least 120 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank this year alone. There have been multiple deadly settler rampages this year that have been described by Israeli officials, rights groups, and others as "pogroms."
Good morning Gaza 💪
The second stage will start soon.
650k palastinians already left the north (hamas try to kill civilians that moving to the south because they are hamas Human shield but it seems that it's not working very well for them because the residents of gaza understand Israel ground offensive will start soon)
After IDF will complete the movement he will clean the north of gaza and then (the people in the south will return to the north and the same operation will be in the south
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