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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Maybe that is what Israel means by "changing the map of the middle east" so that people remember this for generations etc - relocate all Gazan citizens ...

They've wanted to steal Sinai since the late 40's and tried several times but failed. They thought they had it in 1956 by using the Brits & French but failed in epic fashion. All it took is a brief order from Eisenhower. Then they tried again in 67 only to suffer a beating in 73 and forced to give it back to its rightful owners in a diplomatic way, which is impossible to deny. And they'll fail again. They stole the Golan Heights but couldn't and never will steal Sinai nor force a Palestinian displacement onto it. Delusional ambition.
I heard that there have been around 1,500 casualties in Palestine, and this toll is likely to increase as Israeli attacks continues.
Venezuela says it will send aid to Gaza

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro emphasized:

🔹Venezuela opposes the genocide of the Palestinian people by Israel. We will send humanitarian aid to Gaza.

the only coward country amongst all muslim world title goes to Pakistan.

This man alone has pissed over many Islamic leaders and militaries.
No you aren't floor mopping private. Just easy a bit of having high opinion about yourself. Mr Mulj and I are a bit special here. Now you may ask why?
You see Mr Mulj and I come from the only European country which never had Christianity as the official religion, we had fought the Crussdes to remain Cathars.
Voluntarily we called for help and became Muslims in front of His Majesty Mehmed ii Khan. For that reason Bosnian people had the privilege to get their children in to Jannisary Core as Muslims ( all others were Christian children)
Mr Muljs and my family or any other Bosnian had never been the serfs , the only one in Europe.
Before D day , in France, I think 1942 in appraising 13th SS , Bosnians for days held the only free city in the Western Europe, unique
What I am trying to tell you here is this
All Dundu , German, American, Chinese etc talk here and anywhere else , your pretentiousness or whatever is looked upon by me as the dance of the serfs girls ( Fonikas ).
No matter what you claim to be is nit good enough.
I am not a simpleton, that US soldier can give a food package and stroke. I know my blood, I know my soil . Noble Palestinians know this too. 100k dead 1 million dead , what will happen or not , it doesn't matter. What matters that Palestinians will survive and be there just as us 2 million Bosnians are on our land.
Germans, Russians , Serbs, Hungarians ,Italians , Byzantines, Croats ,French etc couldn't for centuries change that fact. So Biden, Modi , Natanahyu or whoever won't be able to destroy The Noble Hero's of The Glorious Palestine
I have absolutely no idea what you are saying here.

I honestly don't really care who you are or what you do, I was raised in a Military family, I don't boast about my military service and look down on people like you, I comment from what I know, if you think what I know is bullshit, that's fine. That's your opinion and I respect that, but doing that and telling me to shut up because I know nothing and then progress to minimialize my own personal experience as a serviceman, and talk trash that didn't even back up by any meaningful point, that's a disservice to people like me or @RescueRanger or @gambit that actually set foot on a battlefield.

War is not a game you play on PS5, war is real, nasty, horrible, nobody I know went to war and enjoy every minute of it. And nobody talk about war like this is a sport game.

I mean, what do you want? You want to say you are a bad *** fighter because you fought this and that? Because you kill X amount of people for Muslim? Or that you know how to handle shit? Or that you are a hotshot or Rambo? All that mean nothing if you are a real soldier because you know when you are in the field, you don't get to be all that, you do what other people do, because they need you, you depend on them, and they depend on you, and you know there are nothing good ahead because your job is to kill people.

No one I know who come back from war talks about such killing with such cheer or glim in them. Nobody does that, either you sir are a psychopath or you did not do what you said you did, you are talking about thousands of people that had already died, and that's from both side, and many more thousand people that are going to die and that burden of command is immense, and nobody, I will say that loud and clear again, NOBODY would think this is a good thing, not the Palestinian, not the Israeli, and if you think this is something glorious, then I will suggest you go and see a head shrink.

Yes, you are indeed a special breed. And stop quoting me again. EVER. I do not talk to psychopaths.
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The unprecedented Palestinian counter-offensive against Israel has shattered its facade of invincibility. Now, Israel is facing a crisis it may not overcome. BT’s Kei Pritsker went to a rally in NYC that defended Palestine’s right to resist occupation.

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