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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Egyptians are too impotent. Things would have been different if there was an Ottoman monarchy.

I don't know how that is even relevant enough to tell to the Egyptians.. They are at war with Gaza hence they have to target everything they assume to be military aid inside Gaza but why inform to Egypt about what is moving inside Gaza.. It is irrelevant communication
I’m not Hindu. Palestine has no future. In the same way Muslim countries have no future. That is why you all come to Europe and shit. Why else? Being in number doesn’t mean shit nowadays. Israel alone can wipe out all of the muzzies in an afternoon and have brunch afterwards and it won’t even be funny.

😂😂😂 demographics is everything

And the Hindu ques are easy to pick up on
It wouldn't matter another organisation would just emerge because the occupation would continue
If it was a less radical one,they might have had a chance to live a bit more peacefully and avoid so many losses.
The deadly skirmishes on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon have raised the prospect of a broader conflict in the Middle East, as the Hezbollah armed group has fired artillery and rockets in solidarity with Palestinians.

As Israel pummels the Gaza Strip with air strikes in the wake of deadly attacks by the Hamas armed group, fear of another front in the north is growing with an exchange of fire between Israeli and Hezbollah fighters. On Monday, the Iran-backed group fired a barrage of rockets after three of its members were killed in Israeli bombardments.

It is just that Muslims are prone to violence that non Muslims don’t want to engage in. If Israel was as cruel as them , man , stuff wouldn’t be funny.

If we were prone to violence there wouldn't be an Israel to start with. Muslims have been too docile and gullible for too long. It's time we took back our lands.

These stats prove that Muslims are not prone to violence....
It was a surprise attack on a holiday.

1 on 1 Israel would turn Gaza into a rotisserie chicken and it wouldn’t be funny…

It is just that Muslims are prone to violence that non Muslims don’t want to engage in. If Israel was as cruel as them , man , stuff wouldn’t be funny.

All I'm seeing following 1 to 1 combat is plenty of kosher meat. Hamas has more success focusing targeting soldiers only, Jews seem to excel in murdering children, despite their advanced weaponry.
Screenshot_20231010_134147_Samsung Internet.jpg

See above image of hamas freedom fighter checking the pulse of this European squatter with his foot.

Can you back up the claim of Muslims engaging in violence? Do you have any figures?

I'll sart:

6 million Jews- white Europeans
20+ million Indians - under British rule
56 million central, North and south American indigenous tribes. European settlers
Several 100 thousand aboriginal tribes, dehumanised and humiliated.
Leopald of Belgium alone responsible for 10 million congolese. Death tally for whole of Africa as a result of white European Christians far greater.
200,000 Japanese nuked in the greatest act of state terror known to man....by white European scientists.

I'll stop at around 100 million dehumanised and subjugated, we haven't yet considered deaths in Europe.

Please return the serve. We will wait.
We have this fully solid stealth d!k, if Egyptians wanted to do Israelis dry.


I heard rats have threatened Egypt of cosequences of providing Gazans with himanitarian aid. If you remove its third stage, it can carry a warhead of almost 3 tons of explosives or Uranium fed warheads at Israel from Egypt.
I referred to this - continued attacks in Syria. These attacks are largely focused on Iranian assets and supplies to Assad regime. Syrian military assets are struck when they stand in the way. This is not a small matter. Israel is openly demonstrating its political will to affect developments in Syria besides controlling Golan Heights.

These strikes do not affect Iran or Hezbollah in Lebanon of-course but making it impractical for Iran to transform Syria to counter Israel.

Netanyahu crimes are open secret but now he has the carte blanche to advance his goals. Hamas has made this easier for him. Unfortunately.
It is process, what they achieved in lebanon to repeat that in syria at least decade is needed, maybe faster is possible if they start layering syria with AD batteries on mass scale but that is expensive and sensitive task, if i am iranian planner i would produce those assets in saturating numbers first and then transfered them to syria under sales pretext but they need adequate moment and free time from airstrikes in order that could be successfull, it is possible to be dond but lot of resources needed for that, not sure how many capable AD systems iran can commit for such role at first place

İsrail’e bağlı bir Telegram kanalı, Gazze’de katlettikleri bebeklerin fotoğrafını paylaşıyor. Binlerce İsrailli de gelen fotoğrafa alkış ve gülücük emojisi bırakıyor.

İşte bunlar böyle lanetli bir kavimler.

Israeli Telegram channel shares pictures of murdered Palestinian babies and thousands of israeli users cheer and laugh about it.


Are you also one of those who cheer for the killed babies you bhen-chod?
Probably he is one of those.

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