When I was at secondary school in the UK in the early 90s, there was a running joke that if all the Arabs turned towards Israel and urinated they could defeat them by drowning them.
You Arabs are absolutely pathetic, you have been humiliated and bitch slapped for over 70 years by just a few million Jews. Egypt alone has a population of over 100million. You have been humiliated in 3 wars, and continue to be humiliated. The suffering of the Palestinians is all your fault. The worst of you Arabs are those in the gulf. Those fat, useless, pathetic excuses for humans are the lowest of the low...even lower than the lowest dalit. They have immense wealth, resources, and power, and yet all they can do is eat, buy shiny cars and toys, and get slaves to wipe their backsides. I see them in London, waddling their fat arses, their women with fake lips and tits, spending their money on hookers and cars. Carry on and humiliate yourselves.