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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Hezbollah media channel Al-Mayadeen has not even mentioned the 6 commanders killed in Lebanon. No response even with a few rockets yet. No mention of any will to respond. I genuinely believe this group is scared of war. That's what 20 years of peace did for them. They were banking on never being exposed to a situation of escalation and thinking their arsenal would be enough to deter Israel. I don't think they ever took into account what is needed to actually have to use it one day.

God said it's written upon you to fight and you may hate but it's good for you and you may love something but it's not good for you.

IDF to tighten screws on deserters in shadow of Gaza war​

Army reports some 2,000 deserters, predominantly conscripts, whose absence—while others volunteer for service in wartime—undermines values of responsibility and equality​


Yoav Zitun | published: 09:57


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The Israel Defense Forces announced Wednesday that it will apply more severe punishments against soldiers who are absent without leave (AWOL) during the war in Gaza.
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There currently are some 2,000 IDF deserters and, beginning on December 1, enforcement and punishment will be intensified for soldiers who do not report to their units, two months after the outbreak of the war with Hamas in Gaza.

הפעילות הקרקעית של כוחות צה״ל ברצועת עזה

IDF forces in the Gaza Strip (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
The punishment is expected to be one to three days of actual military prison for each day of absence, compared to shorter detention periods in the past. Currently, most of the deserter soldiers are in mandatory service, with some having gone AWOL before October 7. Hundreds of the AWOL soldiers are in the reserve forces.
The decision to toughen treatment for AWOL soldiers comes after the IDF recently decided to ease conditions for those who return to their units and participate in the war effort over the past month. Many of the AWOL soldiers took advantage of this opportunity, rejoining their units, including some combat operatives. Indictments against them are expected to be filed after the war, with due consideration given to their actual penalties.
Many reserve soldiers, who were not originally part of the IDF's regular forces, volunteered out of personal initiative to step up, take risks and participate in the war effort. However, some other soldiers are still at home in violation of the law amid the ongoing war. The military stressed that absence from service during wartime is particularly severe, reflected in the serious consequences, because it disrupts the values of responsibility and equality, which are especially crucial during times of war.

. “And when the second warning would come to pass, your enemies would ˹be left to˺ totally disgrace you and enter that place of worship as they entered it the first time, and utterly destroy whatever would fall into their hands.
The reality of the middle easts only "democracy",not even apartheid south africa at its worst was this nuts.

This is what the west has supported for 75 years.
Gaza is fighting for survival and it's existence. Neighboring states are not doing enough. There needs to be more done.

You guys know anyway, that McDonald's junk food, Starbucks and Coca cola crap are the biggest supporters of Zionist child killers, here is a list to boycott the murdering pigs.

Nothing is written about the Egyptian army killing Palestinians. Don't spread a false rumors
Read the newspaper report and FACTS. Egyptian puppet regime is colluding with their Zionist masters and even denying medicines. Egypt should be ashamed that it can't even control its own borders without US and Zionist masters approval. WHY CAN'T THE ZIONIST SHILL SISI OPEN THE RAFAH CROSSING? The treachery and backstabbing of the Arab cowardly regimes is sickening. The British homosexual Major T.E Lawrence summed it up quite well when the British imperialists used the Arab Wahhabi tribes of Hejaz to destroy the Ottoman Empire. "The Arabs are petty barbaric people, tribe against tribe, brother against brother, father against son and everyone against each other". (Seven Pillars of Wisdom T.E. Lawrence) and also quoted in the movie Lawrence of Arabia.
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Uyghurs apparently hate Hamas.

View attachment 1031650
Uighur are supported by the Zionists, India and CIA against China, so what did you expect?
There's not an ounce of difficulty or anything dramatic there. It's called being Egyptian. :shout: That's how we are and it comes naturally.

Just what's happening in parliament in case anyone was interested it wasn't meant to appease or disappoint anyone in particular.
This is the standard response from states like Egypt, Saudia, and the 'moderate' Arab states as Israelis call them.
To be less explicit and stay quite
They can't, one who pays the piper calls the tunes. I spoke to a Uighur recently and they just parrot US and Zionist propaganda against China. He was least interested in Palestine or any pan-Islamic issue. Did not even know about Zionist support for India and the genocide of Kashmiri people and blinding of school girls. I told him that I have visited Kashgar, Urumchi and even Tashkurgan recently and did not find any overt signs of "repression", but did see a lot of development and new infrastructure projects including the world's highest airport at Tashkurgan. He just had one dimensional propaganda against China.
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