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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I admire President Erdo strength by giving public master class to Zionist deciever Clowns terrorists on World Forums.

But isn't he shaking hands with the "Zionist deceiver clown terrorists", as you call them, currently?


Massage to the Arab world and particulary Hamas and GAZA.

Just a castaway, an island lost at sea,
Another lonely day with no one here but me, oh
More loneliness than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair,

I'll send an S.O.S to the world

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Only Secularism can bring peace to the region.

Hopefully, the Secular Forces get stronger on both sides and get rid of both of them from the curse of religious fanaticism.
Should tigers start eating cabbage too? People in that area have been fighting sectarian wars for over 3,000 years. Old Testament is full of genocidal wars. Read about Tel Megiddo.

EU condemns Hamas for using 'hospitals as human shields', urges Israeli restraint​


EU condemns Hamas for using 'hospitals as human shields', urges Israeli restraint

BRUSSELS, Nov 12 (Reuters) - The European Union on Sunday condemned Hamas for using "hospitals and civilians as human shields" in Gaza, while also urging Israel to show "maximum restraint" to protect civilians.

Hospitals in the north of the Palestinian enclave are blockaded by Israeli forces and barely able to care for those inside, according to medical staff. Gaza's largest and second largest hospitals, Al Shifa and Al-Quds, said they were suspending operations.


I have already made my opinion clear many times, but never got any reply.
You don't need one.

These are double standards by Muslims. They are unable to see what their own Muslim ancestors did with non-Muslims.

Turkey killed millions in the Armenian Genocide in 1915 and made the whole area of Western Armenia a part of Turkey. Again Muslims are unable to see their double standards where they blame only Jews for being invaders but utter no words against the same things that their Muslim brothers did on a much bigger level.

Azerbaijan also invaded the Armenian land of Nagorno-Karabakh with the help of colonial Iran and then colonial Russia.
Armenian people were living in Nagorno Karabakh for thousands of years till the Azery Government started to settle Azeries there to change the demographics.
Again, did Armenians appoint you, an atheist, as their voice?
For the second time, they'd been devoured by the Byzantine Orthodox Church. Armenians and other smaller denominations survived under Muslim rule and patronage. They, then, played the politics of their power. Between super powers of the time, pitting one against the other...

But Bolsheviks kept their conflict simmering until Soviet disintegration.

Are Muslims able to see their double standards when they blame Israelis for invading Palestine but don't blame Azeris for the same thing?
Non sequitur!

We have no love affair with the wrongdoings of Israel and Zionists. We would have opposed a Zionist state in 1948. But today Israel is a reality, just like it is a reality that the historic Western Armenia is a part of Turkey, or just like Pakistan is a reality and no more a part of India, even if the British conspired against the majority of the population of India of that time and created Pakistan against their wish.
Pakistan is an administrative split of British ruled India.
Another, non sequitur!

Hamas are religious fanatics. They will never accept Israel. Even if any of their leaders try to accept Israel, he will be killed by Hamas.
no greater fanatics exist that match you for your atheism or zionist for zionism. They left Europe and North America to colonize an inhabited place for their beliefs. As you did for yours... in you case, you exist due to sufferance of others... them on their financial and military muscle and backing of a superpower.

Only Secularism can bring peace to the region.

Hopefully, the Secular Forces get stronger on both sides and get rid of both of them from the curse of religious fanaticism.

Secularism didn't create modern paradigm, faith did... lately only usurped by personal greed and it's resultant ruling structures.
Pharaohs got viral.
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