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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

from Al Manar today from last 6 hours alone

IOF spox acknowledges four Israeli soldiers were seriously injured, fifth moderately wounded in Hezbollah drone and missile attacks on Friday

Israeli media reports moving three injuries into Rambam hospital in Haifa after Hezbollah drone attack

Hezbollah wages a three-drone attack on Israeli occupation forces near Lebanon border, inflicting heavy losses

islamic Resistance announces in a statement targeting a group of Israeli infantry troops in Shtula with guided missiles and inflicting confirmed losses

Islamic Resistance fighters strike two military gatherings for the Israeli enemy in Dhaira and Burket Risha – Hadab Al-Bustan, inflicting confirmed casualties: statement

Israeli media says three guided missiles were fired at Margaliot near Lebanon border
AnsarAllah has threatened Israel with striking Dimona. Depends on their decision.

The ballistic missiles and its guidance that Yemenis use against Israel is similiar to that of Iranian Qiam BM. Its speed is close to 2,935 Km/s. It can well penetrate that nuclear plant even if its an undergroun facility.
It will be intercepted
I think something is cooking here
Its already boiling bro, that pot is HOT.
US Chinooks over Lebanon
and the Mujahideen are fighting very hard in Shati Camp in Gaza
Yup, giving Israel a bloody nose is what we need Israel to receive, its only fair.
Nasrallah is going to speak tomorrow
big attack from Hezbollah today
Yes sir.
could Hezbollah be escalating this to the next level
For sure- Hezbollah spent a few weeks at the start of the war attacking and disabling Israeli radar, border and military sites with Kornets, artillery shells, rockets and SPG-9 recoilless rifles, but NOW that Israel's border defenses are degraded, Hezbollah has started firing suicide drones at Israeli sites, and they're hitting them effectively, and this is after the IDF admitted today that suicide drones are the biggest threat to their forces in north Israel/Lebanese border. Hezbollah is doing a gradual but intentional escalation, i respect that.
and Yemen about to join in with bigger role ?
Probably, they've already joined in a bigger role if we think about the fact that Yemen is the only force participating in this war to use long range and high powered missiles and drones- Houthis are fighting, sorry pressuring Israel from a military-technical state level, its amazing, and a good % of the drones and missiles hit sites in Eilat. IDF and US military told us they've intercepted Yemeni missiles, but Israelis in Eilat have recorded multiple explosions in their city- reality is truth. Talking about reality is truth, if Israel cant defend effectively against Yemen's simpler ballistic missiles, i'm worried for ISrael when Yemen, Hezbollah and maybe IRan fire more advanced missiles at Israel...and remember Israel's air defense missiles inventory is getting depleted before now. Time is not on Israel's side. Israel has sort of found itself in Ukraine's situation, just the location is different- Ukraine is in Europe but Israel is in the Middle east, but they are in many ways in similar situations today.
whatever it is I hope Israelis suffer like the people of Gaza only x1000 worse
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