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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Jordan and Egypt already know they are next on the list. This is why Jordan is crying about Israel kicking out Palestinians from West Bank and Egypt is making empty threats about Israel overtaking and kicking out Palestinians from Gaza. For these 2 states, Gaza and West Bank is like a buffer zone.

Jordan is a weak state but I am surprised about Egypt, they have a decent airforce but with no war winning weapons, no decent AA missiles, no ballistic missiles. After Gaza we will witness terrorism in Sinai and after West Bank we will witness the war spreading to Jordan.

Money talks my brother. The GCC arabs are happy they're free from the Ottomans and in bed with their new masters Israelis. They dont care about Palestine or Al Quds, they are the ones who sold it in return for their kingdoms. Dont forget Usa sent 500,000 troops to defend Saudia against Saddam. Usa vessel states are there to protect Usa interests and these same states are the biggest promoters of Islam, they publish the most Qurans and Hadiths, have the most tv channels promoting Islam. We can also imagine how much manipulations of Islam is at play, mistranslations of Quran and Hadith.

The GCC Arabs are the crux of the problem. These GCC Arabs are also responsible for disunity among all Islamic countries. Pure evil.
what makes Qiam and Fateh "offensive" but other missiles "defensive" ?
the price of making them , the amount we built of them

A question, i repeatedly heard 4000 dead children
A question, how many bodies have you seen in gaza?

Hey…”just asking questions”.
well at least each day 20-30 on TV and I'm not even following this war
We can also imagine how much manipulations of Islam is at play, mistranslations of Quran and Hadith.
Manipulation of Hadith began soon after the passing away of the Prophet. This includes many Sahih Hadith which are problematic. Big majority are single source transmission.
But where are the bodies?
I have only seen like a handfull?
Where is all the proof and all the bodies.
“Just asking questions”.

For those that are a bit slow. I am using @Hack-Hook utter immoral discussion tactic. Which he was so happy to use on the many murdered festival goers.
regretfully you only watch media that follow certain guideline approved by certain war-criminal and child murderer government in eastern Mediterranean Sea
Since 21st October 2023 only 569 trucks have entered Gaza, the pre war average to sustain operations was 400 trucks a DAY...
In memory of Gaza martyrs, Alkhidmat initiated a Mega plantation drive at Nab Head Office, Thokar Niaz Baig, Lahore. These trees, planted in honor of the Palestinian martyrs, will not only provide shade but also narrate the timeless tales of sacrifice. The purpose of this plantation campaign is to keep alive the enduring sacrifices of our Palestinian brothers and sisters.



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He probably got tired of running to the shelter or staying there for a long time, so he took his life. Suicide and heart attack are #1 killers of the illegal settlers in Occupied Palestine.
Or, more likely, he was a psychiatrist who needed psychiatrist as he went into traumatic depression realizing Netanyahu is like Hitler.
Or, more likely, he was a psychiatrist who needed psychiatrist as he went into traumatic depression realizing Netanyahu is like Hitler.
Stop comparing people to Hitler. Anglo-Saxons, who is the Israel role model in this conflict genocided two large continents.

You can figure out the NGO/Non-Profit/Foundation leader by the busting fat tummy that is just about to explode.
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