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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

They won't condemn those people.

It's just a fact. They've slithered their way into positions where they whisper in the ears of powerful governments while also having their other hand on the money bag and media control. It's a combination of a gun to the head, manipulation of guilt, and being a "strategic partner". I'm fairly confident that an anti-Zionist president, for example, in the US or somewhere in the significant EU countries, would be assassinated.

every ex-prime minister and president has come out and supported Palestine

and yet when they are in power they are running after Israel

tell you who really controls the world
Dirty Zionist clowns. What kind of shit song is that?
Gaza fighters must capture big *** ZIonist settler's and tap till she Gush Katifs
Or blast this diaper army's bitch with Ayyash 250 long range missiles Streight to hellfire.
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Hezbollah infiltration is being reported in Northern Israel

could the weeks of taking out the command posts be a prelude to this infiltration ?

Allah be with the fighters of islam
Ahhh finally... Can you post the link please?

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