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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Ignorant random ...whatever you are:

Greeks never participated in any atrocities in Bosnia. If you're a smartass and have evidence,take it to the ICTY.
Greek members of the GVG who were in GD,later left the party.

As for your last comment? Report.
your country is a terrorist country, we egyptian should have known better .. greece same as israel, they both occupied none their lands.
palestine and cyprus.
Israel is going to bomb Gaza from a distance for weeks to come. Those guys waiting in ambush as you predict, are going to be destroyed by gunships and armor, and Israel is going to contain Gaza like its infected by the plague. Forget about those hostages they have taken. They are dead.
Like it or not, this is nothing but a desperate attempt by Hamas coursing even more hardship for the palestinians now having to face the wrath of Israel, with full support from the West for at least a couple of months. Not even the most left leaning parties in the West are going to speak up against Israel retaliating against what can only be judged as a giant terror attack on Israel.

They have tunnel networks. They aren't running out of time or anything

1 occupier terrorist killed when a Merkava tank fell off a trailer :D
**** evil china and evil Russia. We dont need them.
We only need one legion of a thousand of TALIBAN to drop off in Sinai and cross the borders like Egyptian soldier ibrahim salah.
The same taliban that lost every single battle with Nato troops?

They will be trashed when they cannot hide in caves or behind civilians. And wait..wait..wait…for decades till Nato gets tired wasting money on a shithole of a nation.
hey will use them for the intention of a hostage swap, I see no issue as long as they aren't harmed.

You speak as if they are formal militaries that have other options that are effective.
If you had a bedridden grandma,how much would you have liked armed fanatics to enter your house,terrify her and the whole family,shout their stuff and hold them hostage? As a human being,do you find that ok?

For decades we've been all condemning Israeli mistreatment,attacks and killing of Palestinians,why can't we condemn something horrible when it comes from the Palestinian side?
your country is a terrorist country, we egyptian should have known better .. greece same as israel, they both occupied none their lands.
palestine and cyprus.
There were TURKISH/OTTOMAN invaders, not the Greek, Greek were historic people in that area until they got subjugated by stronger foe.
Same for Palestinians.
Only occupiers when MUSLIMS are on the recieving end, right?
So, next time the evil West just let Serbs kill all Muslims ...
For decades we've been all condemning Israeli mistreatment,attacks and killing of Palestinians
Who is "we"? All you have done with hundreds of spam posts for the past 48 hours is say how stupid Hamas is and how Israel is going to kill everyone now.
There were TURKISH/OTTOMAN invaders, not the Greek, Greek were historic people in that area until they got subjugated by stronger foe.
Same for Palestinians.
Only occupiers when MUSLIMS are on the recieving end, right?
So, next time the evil West just let Serbs kill all Muslims ...
Isn't it funny when people have selective memory when it comes to their own history. :agree:

Many friendly fire incidents in israel. the occupying forces are in total disarray.
The one thing all this has shown is that the IDF isn't as disciplined as we all thought it was.
There were TURKISH/OTTOMAN invaders, not the Greek, Greek were historic people in that area until they got subjugated by stronger foe.
Same for Palestinians.
Only occupiers when MUSLIMS are on the recieving end, right?
So, next time the evil West just let Serbs kill all Muslims ...
historic my *** .. cyprus was syrian egyptian land even before there was something called greece or turkey.
greeks are like jews, they even came to inner egypt and colonized the northern part like alexandria, beheira , tanta etc.
Yeah those Armos really
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It is late now
You again with your Wikipedia drivel. Shall I go to quote General Dro ( was also commander of Armenische SS) how he took a pleasure in massacres of Azeris or in Van ( 90000) in a few days? You see Wikipedia mentions his SS days but of course he was later reprimanded in oder words, it was just slap on the wrist.
Also in Wikipedia, they are say the percentage of Kurds and Turks in 6 vilayets. You see , Ottoman Empire counted Turks Arabs and Kurds only as Muslims. How possibly Wikipedia can have such information?
Also Wikipedia states that that in Yerevan 1790 there was %100 Armenians, yet 1830 there were %49 Azeris in Yerevan. As we know due to Russo Persian and Ottoman wars , a lot of Armenians went to Russia in the border regions and Muslims went to Persia and Turkey. Alas Wikipedia thinks opposite???!!!! You see when needs to be for Wikipedia even SS members have some excuses , even Iona Yakir has some merits.
So boy , drop this nonsense and read something.
Zanzegur in a few days 66000 Azeris
If you had a bedridden grandma,how much would you have liked armed fanatics to enter your house,terrify her and the whole family,shout their stuff and hold them hostage? As a human being,do you find that ok?

For decades we've been all condemning Israeli mistreatment,attacks and killing of Palestinians,why can't we condemn something horrible when it comes from the Palestinian side?
I don't see it it the same way because one side are complicit assets of an occupying force, the other side is using the very little method it has to extract concessions. She isn't harmed, what's sad is she probably supports much worse happening to innocent Palestinians and probably all Arabs/Muslims in general, but still I'm happy she isn't harmed.
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