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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

I was hoping Biden would say Israel needs to release Palestinian prisoners but his dementia meds must be supplied by Israel.
That would be politically untenable. It would feed the 'terrorism wins' meme. But if his call gets ignored, it means, Israel is on autopilot and there is no control. My gut feeling is he tried telling this some time back in private and it didn't have any effect and he is trying it publicly now. That shows problems already.
Israel will not stop levelling Gaza with or without prisoners. It makes no difference if they are released. I was hoping Biden would say Israel needs to release Palestinian prisoners but his dementia meds must be supplied by Israel.
There are no prisoners. It's a hoax, a fabrication to justify the attacks by the apartheid forces. If you're family is kidnapped and taken into a house, is it logical to bomb the house? Nobody will believe this logic except slumdogs.

You’ve answered your own question.
Israel controls entry into West Bank and Gaza for all foreigners… so there you are.
If some Head of State wants to visit for diplomacy, I don't think Israel will object. But I don't know. Has it ever happened?
The first casualty of war is the truth. So much for objectivity in journalism. Btw, Mr. Cuomo (Fredo), you can be an American and be objective. He makes it sound like being American means being biased is a given.

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He said some politically unwise things (for Israelis). But if a relatively 'neutral' like from UAE or Saudi Arabia want to talk, would they be rebuffed too?
Do you read what you type on the screen. Please read what you typed. The UN is an impartial universal body above any one nation, Gaza is part of the Palestinian occupied territory and also part of the state of Palestine which has UN representatives.

The under Secretary of the UN has made no “politically unwise” statements in private or public. Please don’t post meaningless propaganda to rebuke a very valid point I put to your original question.

My point still stands, Israel refuses visas to heads of state to visit Gaza.
What’s the fascination with you? You being a dirty little Indian on PDF obsessed with Pakistan so much that your on here with numerous IDs sometimes
Smelling and brown nosing arses all day? Please tell us what’s with the obsession?
Innocent children are being slaughtered - genocide is being committed and war crimes yet you have nothing to say on this matter? Your a pathetic little pajeet.

Puthee yavana

Do you have nothing substantial to say about the topic?
Israel are bombing hospitals schools and refugee camps and this is what you come
Up with?
You are the lowest form of human and you’re an Indian - well done
Ok Mr Exalted being.

A ceasefire is the right thing for the region and humanity. Israel is trying to use this tactical operation as a reason to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian population through violent means. It's doing the same in the West Bank where there is no Hamas. It's built hundreds of thousands of settlements and is doing a civilian transfer for Jewish-only people coming from around the world on Palestinian land. There needs to be a ceasefire, then a regime change in Israel, and a actual implementation of a two-state solution. Not stalling and buying Israel time by claiming you want to work towards one like the US and Israel is.
There is no guarantee of peace even after two state solution. Look at India and Pakistan.
However, problem lies with both side, there are groups in Palestine who believe Israel does not right to exist and visa-versa.
You are tying yourself up in knotts by flawed logic and arguments.

Majority of muslim countries dont support hamas if they did they would be arming them and supporting them militarily as I said your logic is flawed.

The real question is why muslim countries are not declaring Israel as a state sponsor of terror.

I was not talking about Governments of Islamic countries, but I was talking about MUSLIMS themselves, who support Hamas.
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