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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Urgent| Quds Network correspondent: “The northwest of the northern Gaza Strip is a war zone in every sense of the word. There are ongoing, violent armed clashes that have not stopped, and the occupation soldiers have sent signals calling for help more than 3 times since this evening.”

Walla website: A senior (Israeli) military official says, “We used an intensity of fire the likes of which we have not used since the Yom Kippur War (1973). But we do not underestimate the enemy.”

You live in an alternative world. No one is on Hamas's side except for people like you who don't do anything in life and just slack off.

The Al Jazeera propaganda blows everything up, but in reality, Arab countries care very little about the Palestinians, and that's a fact. Israel is going to annihilate HamA$$ and Hezbullshit and all you gonna do is cry some more.

You live in an alternative world. No one is on Hamas's side except for people like you who don't do anything in life but share propaganda bs by Hamas butchers.

The Al Jazeera propaganda blows everything up, but in reality, Arab countries care very little about the Palestinians, and that's a fact. Israel is going to annihilate HamA$$ and Hezbullshit and all you gonna do is cry some more.
Why you love jewish terrorism?
Are you a terrorist too?

3 days after Israel declared war on Hamas, Israeli citizens were asked to leave Turkiye immediately with an official circular. 2 weeks later, the Israeli minister announced that he would withdraw his ambassador from Turkiye. Let me give this note to those who think that this decision was made as a reaction to RTE's statements: the consulate building was closed on October 19, that is, the ambassador left Turkiye on October 19.

While the Turkish side tended to take an active role in mediation for 15 days, similar to the Ukraine-Russia war, the Israeli side pushed the Turkish side to take sides. While Turkiye's entire concentration and preparation was to deal the final blow to the PKK PYD, which is a US proxy, the agenda was somehow drowned in anti-Israel sentiment. So much so that a strange agenda emerged that would overshadow even the 100-year celebrations of our republic.
Talk to me what i said not what others are saying. Too difficult for managing your rhetoric, eh?
my post was explaining my general attitude. I either react to those calling for genocide or supporting terrorism(dozens of posters), or when someone quotes me

majority of the public in arab nations view hamas, a terrorist organization, favorably.
The gazans voted hamas into power.

So despite europe being the biggest financial aid giver to palestine (how is that going for the muslim world in ukraine by the way…which is on a scale 20 times the nakba) the arab world keeps aggressively asking for more more more.

Do you arabs know that your standing knee deep in the blood of past victims?
hence i say Israel is “arab light”

If the jews converted to islam they could have erased palestine from the map and hardly a word would come out of the mouths of those foaming now….
my post was explaining my general attitude. I either react to those calling for genocide or supporting terrorism(dozens of posters), or when someone quotes me

majority of the public in arab nations view hamas, a terrorist organization, favorably.
The gazans voted hamas into power.

So despite europe being the biggest financial aid giver to palestine (how is that going for the muslim world in ukraine by the way…which is on a scale 20 times the nakba) the arab world keeps aggressively asking for more more more.

Do you arabs know that your standing knee deep in the blood of past victims?
hence i say Israel is “arab light”

If the jews converted to islam they could have erased palestine from the map and hardly a word would come out of the mouths of those foaming now….
Keep you aid for your self if that will cause west to shut up and stop moral purity while they do everything they can to help zionist in their genocidal projects.
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