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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

US has basically given israel a green light to openly murder and kill children without any hesitation and accountability

Basically they have allowed Israel to carry out genocide under US protection

How can any Arab leaders side with US or even talk with any American diplomat again ?

How can they even have any American on their soil ?

Who can even ever look at an American politician who supported this again ?
Did Iran condemn the Hamas attacks that led to this? I mean had the attacks not happened, we wouldn't see this massive bombings going on as well as ground invasion in Gaza.
Now you guys have seen the true face of Islamic and GCC Arab nations. Don't expect anything from Islamic countries. All Islamic countries are cowards and slaves. The leaders of all of these nations are pathetic losers. So are the people.
Did Iran condemn the Hamas attacks that led to this? I mean had the attacks not happened, we wouldn't see this massive bombings going on as well as ground invasion in Gaza.
Iran provides financial support and weapons to Hamas. It is possible that Iran encouraged Hamas to carry out this attack in order to block peace negotiations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Hamas believes that Iran will intervene to protect Hamas and the Gaza Strip if Israel retaliates. But they were deceived. Iran just used Hamas, then abandoned it
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And again factual incorrect and biased.
Phosphors isn’t banned, it’s regulated.
Israel uses them in Gaza, Assad uses it in Syria, Russia uses it in Ukraine.

And yes, using them in populated areas is against international law. So Israel shouldn’t do it. But well, when Assad and Russia uses them in cities, no one is crying. Only when Israel does it

15.000? They doubled since the last message from Gaza yesterday?

Only Jihad will shut you up.
You keep bringing up hamas, I told you I am man enough to admit any innocent life lost is deplorable so why do you call it collateral damage. Open your eyes friend 8000 lives lost is not collateral damage it is a massacre. Also in my previous post to you I answered the objectives what they were and how they were met. What are Israel’s objective? Also what if I say what Hamas did was collateral damage ? Lol it’s not like Palestinian blood is blue and only Israeli blood is red.
Stop being naive:'What is Israel's objective". It is clear what Israel's objective is and it is as clear as Hitler's objective was. Nazi Israel's objective is the extermination of Palestinians and the genocide of all those brown people who stand in the way so that they can establish a greater Israel.
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Well, I don’t like to see innocent Israelis die. I don’t like to see innocent Palestinians die.
On both sides the leaders are responsible for a lot of suffering. But the civilians ON BOTH SIDES are suffering.

They should put Netanyahu, Sinwar, Hanijeh and others in a cage and fight themselves. While they hide in their villas, their soldiers and fighters die.

And that, is the true tragedy of every war.

I have one advice. Watch the speech Charlie Chaplin made while impersonating Hitler, in the movie The Great Dictator.

This speech is still valid, 90 years later:

There is no innocent settlers beside children, west is slave of zionist and you as good goyim show that.
Just tell openly that you support genocide of palestinians and move on.
And a lot of
maybe Palestines should do more about protecting their own. Like Israel does. Air raid sirens, bunkers, Air defences, Israel has everything for their people.

Hamas has huge tunnel systems. But not for the people.
Hamas knows how to attack. But not how to defend. If they cared for their people like Israel does, these fatality numbers would look totally different.

An inconvenien truth
Iran provides financial support and weapons to Hamas. It is possible that Iran encouraged Hamas to carry out this attack in order to block peace negotiations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Hamas believes that Iran will intervene to protect Hamas and the Gaza Strip if Israel retaliates. But they were deceived. Iran just used Hamas, then abandoned it
And right now they trying to pressure the U.S. by threatening war and limited attacks to force the Israel to stop. So far its just threats. Iran would have to go to war directly and it defeats the purpose of using proxies because they will get hurt themselves.
And a lot of

maybe Palestines should do more about protecting their own. Like Israel does. Air raid sirens, bunkers, Air defences, Israel has everything for their people.

Hamas has huge tunnel systems. But not for the people.
Hamas knows how to attack. But not how to defend. If they cared for their people like Israel does, these fatality numbers would look totally different.

An inconvenien truth
Only Jihad will shut you up!

And a lot of

maybe Palestines should do more about protecting their own. Like Israel does. Air raid sirens, bunkers, Air defences, Israel has everything for their people.

Hamas has huge tunnel systems. But not for the people.
Hamas knows how to attack. But not how to defend. If they cared for their people like Israel does, these fatality numbers would look totally different.

An inconvenien truth
If they want to wipe out Palestinians, then why don’t they bomb the Westbank? And why is the Palestine population growing every year?

I often read popular terms as “genocide”, “wiping out”. But numbers speak for themselves.

(and before you start calling me bad words again, try to think for yourself instead of copying what you hear)
Idiot even nazis did not commit genocide in month beside their industrial scaling, jews supremacist sre more twisted and sadistic then nazis that is why.
And a lot of

maybe Palestines should do more about protecting their own. Like Israel does. Air raid sirens, bunkers, Air defences, Israel has everything for their people.

Hamas has huge tunnel systems. But not for the people.
Hamas knows how to attack. But not how to defend. If they cared for their people like Israel does, these fatality numbers would look totally different.

An inconvenien truth
And a lot of

maybe Palestines should do more about protecting their own. Like Israel does. Air raid sirens, bunkers, Air defences, Israel has everything for their people.

Hamas has huge tunnel systems. But not for the people.
Hamas knows how to attack. But not how to defend. If they cared for their people like Israel does, these fatality numbers would look totally different.

An inconvenien truth
Idiot, israel does not care for their people, west cares they do only dirty work on the field.
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