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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

That page has got to be a Pakistani troll lol

Just imagine all the Indians “Excuse me Saar! India belongs to the light Saar! We are giving Israel Phul support Saar!” Lmao

That’s exactly what they are writing in the comments…lol

Reading that tweet probably added 5 years to my life.
honestly there is only one nation that can challenge the Israeli + US

and that is Egypt and they did it for many years against UK+ France + Israeli and US from 1950s until 1979 peace agreement

US is clever they knew unless they dont have peace with Egypt Israel cannot exist so they made peace and handed back whole of the Sinai

Egypt has big resources and can arm and re-arm itself with Russian and Chinese weapons with Saudi + GCC money quickly

it is a large nation with plenty of space and men and materials

also I rate the Egyptian army the best out of all the Arab nations tough and durable

US pretended like they supported democracy when Morsi came to power by the will of the people

but behind the scenes the regime change was already in place

if Morsi was in power the situation would have been much different and I believe they would have pulled in other Arab nations
Egypt doesn’t but Russian weapons anymore. They cancelled an Su-35 order, and they bought French Rafales instead. And they buy loads of weapons from the European and US arms corporations.
Egypt has also blocked Gaza since Hamas came to power. So it’s easy to see which side they choose.

The world is a better place without terrorist Jews like you, kike.

Long live the Qassam Brigades. Sinwar is a thorn in your necks.
I’m not a Jew. Not a Muslim. And by calling me kike, you clearly show your lack of any intelligence. You naughty boy
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