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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Houthis are too, so are Iraqi militias- get the full story right bro.

Then lets see it- i get tired of all your military theories about US military and now ISraeli military that you cant back up with real action on and history from the battlefields!

Again, lets see it! Your other savior NATO is getting its azz beat in Ukraine indirectly, now ISrael hasnt shown us why it is the "top military power in the world", all bluffs, when we screenshot comments like this and repost then a year from now, they dont age well.
I do not see Houthi and others mobilizing for [this] war - Houthi are in Yemen while Iraq is not interested.

What military theory? US-led forced eliminated Saddam regime in Iraq. US-led forces defeated Iran-backed Mahdi Army in Iraq. US-led force defeated ISIL in the Middle East. These are feats that Iran could not replicate in war. This is not boasting but observed facts.

Iran did fight ISIL but Iran could not handle this movement on its own - ISIL was too big for any regional power to handle. But people came up with all kinds of conspiracy theories to muddle the facts - strange world WE live in. Falsehood is deemed true as predicted in hadith.

Funny observations you have - Ukraine has liberated half of its lands and inflicted heavy losses on Russian forces - on the scale not witnessed since World War 2. Here is latest news:

Ukraine is at NATO border and it has humiliated Russians in war. But you don't see it.

Ask mighty Russians when they are invading Poland and others. It will be interesting to see Russian deaths on a mass scale.

You guys talk big because war has not come to you - it might one day. Then I will ask you. You need to control your arrogance. Don't talk big when you aren't that big yourself.

Now what you want to see? Strategic bombing to wipe out entire countries?

War is not fun. People die in it in large numbers.

I simply pointed out that even Americans have sufficient moral compass to not fight Palestinians. These are oppressed people. You gave strange spin to my statement.
Did we see the West give financial and military support to Palestine, and talk about Palestine's "absolute" right of self defence?
I said we could have been harsher towards israel. There is a level of western bias.

Pales to the massive double standard of muslims however.

This is the biggest terrorist attack since 9/11. Yet you ask me to “do more for Palestine” while you count dead german girls as an “impressive killcount”.
Ever wondered what that does to sympathy for the “palestinian cause”?
Of course not. Quit the lies. In any event, I was talking about your double standards. Where did you post anything to condemn Israel's slaughter of tens of thousands of civilians since its creation?
I see israel as “arab light”.
They act nearly as ruthless.

I was not born during the nakba and usually react to recent events?
Where did you post anything to condemn armenian genocide or the pontic genocide?
Or the barbary state slavery?

Ridiculous reasoning.

That was one bad example which is being exploited by Zionist propaganda channels to the fullest. What was she doing at a music festival next to an open air prison?
Music festival for peace?
Her and hundreds more were probably slaughterer.

Another “incident” in a long list of incidents….
Strange holiday. Meanwhile, Israelis are urinating on POWs and slaughtering babies from the sky, so spare us the moral lectures.

Collateral damage is different from directly targetting civilians.

A large portion of the Jews in Israel were not born in Israel, and an even larger portion have dual citizenship. So just saying they are German doesn't mean anything - today a British Jew who had joined the IDF was neutralised too.
Means plenty to other countries?
And i guess being jew/german makes it “better”?

Indeed, even Israeli military commentators have been impressed by Hamas' tactics and execution.

We are talking about an oppressed and occupied population stuck in a tiny open air prison vs a colonial power backed by the world's superpower with nuclear weapons and F-35 fighter jets.
Arabs steeped to ethnic cleansing and terrorism from day 1.

Ghandi was up against the british empire.
He should just have blown up british school buses right?!

Are you suggesting that Israel should be held to the same standards as Hamas? Interesting. Here I was thinking Westerners held themselves to higher standards than groups they call terrorists.

Ah we agree that Hamas is a terrorist organisation.

And I suggest nothing of the sort.
During israel being in full power. Palestinian population increased tenfold and life expectancy with it. Its arab minority is growing faster then israel genral population.

That does not match with many here portraying israel as the devil incarnate.
I think Hezbollah will have to make a decision soon. Israel wioll come for them ( imho ). It is a question of when IDF will come for Hezbollah, not if ?
Are there any other groups that could get involved? I saw on Twitter something about an Iraqi group
This has got to be a fake video - they have ther mobile phones and can still send tiktok videos ?!?!?!?!?!??

This is inside occupied Palestine. They were left along while Palestinian soldiers conducted ops against Israeli military bases in the region.
This has probably been discussed

But what kind of Anti Tank weaponry does Hamas have?????

Hamas has a bunch of hostages for negotiations,, they would have probably planned and predicted an incursion

Any conflict in a built up area can be bloody

So any idea what kind and how many anti tank weapons Hamas has to make this brutal and difficult for the Jews?
Of course it is.
Well, depends. Unmorally 100%.

If they fought without clear visible signs, they are fair game, no rules, pal.
Partisans need always to be destroyed, doesn't matter how if they engage "fair and square" regular units.
Use a clear, visible sign, otherwise ...

So, NOT one Taliban "pow" under my rule if I would have a say.
I don't propagate barbarism but TOUGH rules.
I really don't care if this partisan is a 16 or 60 yrs old and when DUMB people use 6 yrs old children to shoot with an RPG-7, then they are a threat and need to be eliminated.
A reminder of Jinnah’s stance on Palestine

Btw, has Hezbollah entered the war or is it still limited artillery duels? Any possibility state actors get dragged into this fight, such as Syria, considering they will probably keep getting hit anyway?

Tell me, could have the US pulverized EVERY Afghan and call it a day, if there were NO restrictions in human behaviour or did the almighty let the Afghans win, conventionally?

So could have the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 80s especially considering the 'Woke' sensibilities and the global media were almost non existent then.
Quit trying to sell bogus arguments as acts of 'benevolence'. Carpet bombing of German cities like Dresden and in the Vietnam War, along with the nukes on Japan still haunts Americans/Allies.

So Israel can turn Gaza into a 'Parking Lot' as some are bragging above? Maybe? Probably not. It maybe a small area but there are 2+ million people living there and that will NEVER be accepted by the world community. Israelis are racist, supremacist and their 'Bible' is full of extreme violence--they would do it if they could get away with it--but they wont because they can't get away with it. This is not some Genghis Khan Era!!
IRAN closed that gap. Apart from military resources, technology, ammunition, etc, It seems Iran taught Palestinians to fight smarter, way smarter. This conflict is showing us again that military technology alone will not win a war, strategy, determination, timing play a much more important role in who wins a war than military technology. NATO technology didnt help Ukraine win its war, neither did technology help US win in Afghanistan. IDF has no serious military tech advantage over Palestinians, apparently.
NATO is not fighting Russia in Ukraine - understand the difference.

Ukraine has given a sound thrashing to Russians by themselves. More thrashing incoming.

As if you know what happened in Afghanistan? Terrorists ousted from power and fleeing to mountains and cities in neighboring countries is your idea of victory. Years later, these terrorists come to the negotiable table and beg for mercy.
The hostages taken back to Gaza include multiple nationalities including Europeans and Asian. Same is the case with the casualties and fatalities taken inside Israel.
For those saying who would join in, it's mostly contingent on Hezbollah here. If Hezb joins you will see factions in both Iraq and Syria also join in as well as the Houthis (They all share links)/.Hezbollah receives strategic instructions from Iran which backs all those groups, hence naturally they would all join in when given permission to do so.
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