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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023



"With God's punishment, we will attack them.."

What a punishment..!

"We will unleash our greatest punishment without reckoning.."

From: Izz-ad-din Al-Qassam Brigades
I agree with you. 73 was overrated. The initial phase worked but the Egyptians were not prepared for the counter offensive militarily, probably just politically. When the US started resupplying Israel it was completely over. The Egyptians couldn’t complete the war in the narrow time window they had. They didn’t move decisively.

What I was referring to was some decisive equipment for that initial phase; ATGMs and SAMs and the training to use it, but overall it was a disaster saved by international politics.
Yes you're totally right about the initial phase, it was an excellent operation at the start, especially when you look at how entrenched the Israeli defences were at the canal. It does make me wonder though why did their attack peter out, I have a feeling even they were surprised it went so well and didn't know how far to push.

Its an utter shame Egypt is where it is today. Had it not been a puppet it would have been ten times better than the Saudis. My best friend is Egyptian, and every Egyptian I have met has been great. Just a shame Sisi is a total cuck.
RTE: Our aid mobilization with the brotherly Egyptians continues together. We have already delivered more than 200 tons of aid 10 aircraft to Al-Arish airport and we have also delivered the generators that Gaza needs the most. We will never refrain from putting our hands under the stone and we will never hesitate to do our duty if it falls to us.

We cannot live the shame of remaining silent while children are dying, we can never remain silent.

I ask the EU, how many more children have to die before you want a ceasefire?

Just like 500 years ago when we welcomed Jews fleeing from the Inquisition, today we welcome all those who suffer for speaking the truth and the right in Europe.
Israel helped create and support right wing Islamic groups to weaken and discredit Fatah and the PLO. Hamas serves as a great boogeyman for Israel and it is useful.

What Neo Nazi? Neo Nazis of today are like you
The guy who approves in his OWN WORDS MASSACRES OF MUSLIMS
Didn't you? You little lying b tch? Didn't you?
You made a little story the last night. OK
Here you come to give your stories?
I have money and I work in my particular way , but how the beggar like you can spend the whole day on the computer or phone while living in almost impoverished Greece?
Because you are a gey escort and payed troll . OK?
So don't be shy. Just say " I Fonikas , I am gey"
Everyone here knows that
If Palestinians are animals for Israel. Then ISRAELi is nothing but a Kyke to us....
Kyke is worse than animal..
Animal can be loyal
Kykes are snakes...
Animal appreciate
Kyke bites the hand that fed it.
What you do when you see a Kyke or snake..
Extract the poison and ...........
What is to argue about here?
The whole religion, the whole ideology is filled with 100s of the statements of Kykes terminology and ideas about the None Jews aka Goyim. Untold number of times it was proven even in The Courts of Law . Documented, plenty of videos around in which, they openly talk about it.
What is in dispute here?
That now is 1 o'clock in London and it is daytime?
Shall we talk about it now?
Hamas is a creation of Israel both literally and figuratively.

The Palestinian movement was originally a secular one with active involvement from both Muslims and Christians. Israel helped create and support right wing Islamic groups to weaken and discredit Fatah and the PLO. Hamas serves as a great boogeyman for Israel and it is useful. Actually many of the so called Islamic terror groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS were created by the CIA and Mossad similarly. They were used to topple more secular governments that were anti imperialist in the region.

Secondly, Israel keeps Hamas alive by constantly murdering civilians. Look, if someone murders your wife and your children and you have nothing left, do you care if you lose your life killing the enemy?

Hamas was not created by Israel. That is lie that has been repeated in many circles in order to discredit this magnificent armed resistance movement. It came out of the Palestinians in the Occupied territories who were disillusioned with the direction of external-based PLO leadership with respect to struggle of the Palestinian people. Israel only exploited the diverging views within the Palestinian liberation movement - which PLO, PIJ, Hamas, and many others belong to.

For instance, the PLO led by Mohamud Abbas has been rendered toothless where no one in the so-called "International Community" (IC) pays attention to its calls when Israel was continuing its settlements in the West Bank, demolishing Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, carrying out massacres, and instituting apartheid policies.

Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and others want to continue the armed struggle since there was no hope from the IC to stop Israel from its efforts to erase Palestine and Palestinian people from the world map.
Even Khan Yunus was bombed. The southern tip of Gaza. There is a total extermination attempt and all those who defend it are souls without any human values. Yesterday, the psychotic Netenyahu no longer hides his intentions to the point of talking about the prophecy of Yaseya, there is not a shred of human dignity in those who are the dogs of this cabalist mania who think that they are the superior race and that their land is endowed by God.

I must also say that despite the cooperation of the dominant circles, establishments in the world order, there is a very significant awakening among the peoples of the world compared to the past.
Hamas was not created by Israel. That is lie that has been repeated in many circles in order to discredit this magnificent armed resistance movement. It came out of the Palestinians in the Occupied territories who were disillusioned with the direction of external-based PLO leadership with respect to struggle of the Palestinian people. Israel only exploited the diverging views within the Palestinian liberation movement - which both PLO, PIJ, Hamas, and many others belong to.

For instance, the PLO led by Mohamud Abbas has been rendered toothless where no one in the so-called "International Community" (IC) pays attention to its calls when Israel was continuing its settlements in the West Bank, demolishing Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem, carrying out massacres, and instituting apartheid policies.

Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and others want to continue the armed struggle since there was no hope from the IC to stop Israel from its efforts to erase Palestine and Palestinian people from the world map.
Create is probably not the right word but israel definitely fostered it’s growth in order to split the Palestinians and weaken the PLO

Why is Israel bombing south Gaza after telling people to go there?


Israel has told civilians in the northern Gaza Strip, including residents of Gaza City, to move to the south of the enclave, saying it will be safer there as the military attacks Hamas following its October 7 cross-border assault.

However, Israeli warplanes have continued to attack sites in southern Gaza, spreading fear among the evacuees that they are just as vulnerable there as they were in their homes in the north. Here is an overview of the situation.

Why is Israel still hitting the south?

Since telling Gazans to head south, the Israeli military (IDF) has continued to pound targets across the area, killing a large number of civilians.

Authorities in Gaza say 6,546 Palestinians have died since Israeli strikes started.

Residents said the bombardment of the south intensified on October 25.

One strike brought down several apartment buildings in Khan Younis, some 10 km (6 miles) from the Egyptian border.

The IDF has said that even if Hamas’s main power centre is in Gaza City, it is nonetheless entrenched among the civilian population across the enclave.

“Wherever a Hamas target arises, the IDF will strike at it in order to thwart the terrorist capabilities of the group, while taking feasible precautions to mitigate the harm to uninvolved civilians,” the military said on Wednesday, reiterating previous statements.

The military has said the homes where militants live are “legitimate targets” even if civilians live alongside them.

“The so-called private home is not a private home,” a senior Israeli air force officer told reporters in a recent briefing.

Why did Israel order the evacuation south?

The Israeli military said on October 12 that nearly half of Gaza’s 2.3 million population should move to the southern half of Gaza within 24 hours.

The military said the order was aimed at moving civilians away from “Hamas terror targets”, which it believes are concentrated in the north. Military spokesman Jonathan Conricus subsequently said: “We are preparing the area for significant military activity in Gaza City. That is the next stage.

“That’s why we are asking civilians to go south of the Gaza River.”

Israel has massed troops on the border with Gaza and is widely expected to launch a land invasion.

On October 18, the military urged residents of Gaza to evacuate to what it called a humanitarian zone in Al Mawasi, on the coast of southern Gaza.

Israel renewed its warnings on October 22, saying that anyone staying in the north could be identified as sympathisers of a “terrorist organisation” if they did not leave.

How many people have moved?

Hamas has urged Palestinians to ignore the Israeli warnings.

Israel said on Wednesday it had attacked Hamas roadblocks that it believed were stopping people evacuate.

Despite Hamas’s attempts to stop an exodus, residents and international aid organisations say there has been a mass displacement of people away from the north and other areas of the enclave seen as a especially vulnerable to attack.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimated on Oct. 24 that more than 1.4 million people are internally displaced (IDPs) within Gaza.

Gaza’s border crossings with both Egypt and Israel are closed, effectively trapping residents inside the enclave.

What has the international community said?

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said giving hundreds of thousands of people just hours to leave their homes was “dangerous and deeply troubling”.

Many Western governments have called for a pause in the fighting to open humanitarian corridors for the trapped civilians.

Arab nations have called for Israel to stop the war.
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